Children And Christmas

What is it about children and Christmas?

Christmas is just around the corner, and I’ve already stocked up on Kleenex.

No, I don’t have a cold, thank goodness.

But, there’s something about children and Christmas, together, that brings on my tears lickety-split.

These are tears of joy, mind you – the welcome kind!

Does that ever happen to you?

Perhaps it’s a Christmas movie on the Hallmark Channel that gets you going.

Or, you’re watching your little darlings laughing and sneaking around under the tree, shaking presents to see if they can guess what’s inside.

Christmas and children

Whether it’s a movie, a song, or even a touching commercial – when there are adorable children involved, well just go ahead and open up the floodgates!!

Add a family dog and a returning soldier to the mix, well, it’s going to be a gully washer.

It may sound odd, but happy tears are a blessing.

When the tears start falling, my husband chuckles, and comes into the room with a big smile and says, “You crying, honey?”

That just makes it worse.

I answer with a weak “Nooooo!” (between tears, of course)

Tears and laughter, another reason I love Christmas!

A Little Angel With A Big Heart

What is it about kids and Christmas?

Perhaps it’s their wide-eyed wonder as they grasp the true meaning of the celebration.

The baby Jesus

Or their sweet innocence as they say “Happy birthday, Jesus!” when walking past a nativity scene.

Okay, don’t get mad at me, but I have to share the following video with you.

I’m warning you about needing Kleenex ahead of time because I care about your mascara running.

Have you heard of little Miss Claire?

When I looked up the word “adorable” in the dictionary, her picture was next to it. Not really, but it should be.

She will steal your heart, that’s for sure.

Here she is singing the treasured Christmas carol, “Silent Night.”

Isn’t Claire adorable?

I’ve seen her interviewed and this little gal has a big heart. She loves to spread joy to others.

Baby Jesus

Jesus Christ, our Savior was once baby Jesus.

Can you imagine?

Precious baby boy

Helpless, and innocent

Crying at times for His parents to hold Him

Smiling back at Joseph and Mary as they lovingly gazed upon His sweet face.

What a picture that must have been.

This child would grow up to become our Savior, and He’s coming back someday for His people.

The world will take notice.

Are you ready?

Have you gone beyond just saying you believe, to living your life for Him?

The problems we face in this life are hard, but we must take time to pray, repent, and rejoice!

We have a risen Savior!

As Christians, we know that one day, those nagging problems we face, will disappear in the twinkling of an eye.

Try blinking your eyes right now.

Christ’s return will be quicker than that!


*John MacArthur quotation, public domain and as quoted from Christian


Christmas Music To Soothe Your Soul

Music To Brighten Your Day

Christmas is just around the corner, and I couldn’t be more excited!

delight in God

One of my favorite things to do when celebrating this time of year is listening to Christmas music.  If you’re like me, you could listen to it all day, and not get tired of it.

It doesn’t matter if it’s sung by a choir, a renowned vocalist, or simply background music in a store, I’m humming along, sometimes out loud. Just ask the folks shopping next to me after my seventh trip to Hobby Lobby!

An Exciting Discovery

Just recently I came across the music of someone I hadn’t heard before.

Her name is Susan Holloway and she’s a virtuoso violinist from Memphis, Tennessee.

Susan Holloway - virtuoso violinist

*Photo credit

Have you seen her videos on YouTube?

We’re talking over a million views, and for good reason.

What an amazing God-given talent she has!

Whomever on her team came up with the creative idea of filming her performing on a picturesque mountain in Tennessee, is a genius!

You’ll see what I mean in this video.

Please enjoy.

Music To Soothe Your Soul

Are you looking for music to soothe your soul?

How about listening to some peaceful melodies during your long commute to work?

Or, maybe you’re looking for some background music for the Christmas party you’re hosting?

Susan Holloway has just released her CD, “Joy To The World.”

Her CD features timeless classics such as, “White Christmas,” and “Mary Did You Know?”

I hope you get a chance to check it out.

Have a great week!

See you at Hobby Lobby  😉


*Susan Holloway photo courtesy of, and used with permission from,, (accessed 30 November, 2017).                  


A Thanksgiving Surprise

Thanksgiving Goodies and Surprises

How was your Thanksgiving holiday?

We had a blast here at our house.

It was especially memorable this year, but more on that later!

Thanksgiving holiday

It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without my husband’s world-famous smoked turkey. (Famous in our little world, that is.)

I cooked pretty much everything else, including my Dad’s treasured pecan pie recipe.

Trust me; it is one tasty, break-your-diet, just-one-more-piece, kind of a delicious pecan pie.

A Thanksgiving Surprise

Does God have a sense of humor?

I believe that He does.

Something happened this Thanksgiving that we’ll never forget. We had a couple of friends coming over that evening and, as soon as they arrived, well, I wouldn’t believe it myself if I hadn’t been there.

We heard their knocks on the door, and I went to answer. As soon as I opened the door, our guests came in, and so did…

A bird!

A surprise visitorI’m not kidding.

A bird flew in!!!

This little guy treated our house as his own personal airport. He flew upstairs and down, and all around, with the four of us gently trying to catch him.

We even got the big ladder out.

It was quite comical, and I wondered if this kind of thing ever happens to anyone else.

Maybe it was bird revenge because we were smoking one of his relatives!

Anyway, it took about twenty minutes for our fine-feathered visitor to get tired of flying from room to room.

For one last time, he flew down the stairs. One of our friends quickly opened the front door, and our little bird finally flew out.

What an adventure!

A fun Thanksgiving, indeed.

Jesus Knocks

Fortunately for all of us, eternal salvation is not elusive like that little bird.

In the book of Revelation, Scripture tells us what Jesus said to the lukewarm church in Sardis:

20Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
If anyone hears my voice and opens the door,
I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.Revelation 3:20, (ESV).

Do we understand what “opening the door means”?

It’s not just saying words like “I accept Jesus into my heart” that saves us.

Are we “lukewarm” like that church?

Do we have evidence of a changed life?

Are we living out our faith in Him, or just going through the motions every Sunday at church?

Do we put our complete trust in Him, or in our own ability to “handle things”?

Something to keep in mind.

# # #

*Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Thanksgiving 2017

Who’s ready for Thanksgiving 2017?!

Thanksgiving 2017

Have you tackled that grocery list yet?

I don’t know about you, but our grocery list keeps getting longer and longer every year.

There’s always new recipes to try, and it’s a great opportunity to channel my inner – Chef Alex Guarnaschelli.

But, with all the excitement of people coming over and delicious food, we should never forget what’s most important about Thanksgiving 2017.

Thanking God

What does Scripture say?

The Bible contains many passages about thanking our Creator God.  Here’s a beautiful verse from David in the Psalms.

*12 I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart,
    and I will glorify your name forever. – Psalm 86:12 (ESV).

Just as David experienced major challenges and trials in his life, so do we.

Even so, David praises God, and so should we!

Thank you, Father, for sending us Your Son.

Thank you for hearing our prayers.

Even though it’s hard to be patient sometimes, thank You God for Your timing and providence, because You know what’s best for each one of us.

There is no one like You.

Humbly, we thank You for all Your blessings which are too numerous to count.

Dear Readers, Happy Thanksgiving 2017

From our family to yours, may your Thanksgiving be blessed.

We want to wish you and your loved ones a safe and happy holiday filled with joy and love.

And, for all of our military men and women who are spending their Thanksgiving’s away from their homes and loved ones, we can never say thank you enough. God bless you!



*Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

**Dr. Woodrow Kroll, Bible teacher and preacher, quotation, as quoted, from Christian


Keep Christ In Christmas

Short and Sweet

Hi everyone!

I’ll keep this post short and sweet.

No, I’m not describing myself right there, although I have lost an inch in height over the years.

If you know where it went, please let me know. 😉

I wanted to share at least one way you can keep Christ in Christmas at your house.

But wait, you might be thinking – it’s not even Thanksgiving yet!

I say Merry Christmas

The Hallmark Channel is already showing Christmas movies.

Beautifully colored lights, decorated trees, and almost any type of decoration you can imagine now adorn the shelves of Hobby Lobby.

I know, I know.

Is it all too soon? Some folks may think so.

But, I wanted to tell you about a cute little wristband that you can order now in preparation for Christmas.

And, it’s free!

Props to the American Family Association for producing these adorable green wristbands. The white lettering reads, “Keep Christ in Christmas.”

My wristband is on its way. I hope you’ll consider ordering one or more for the dear ones in your life.

Christmas is coming

So what’s wrong with saying, “Merry Christmas!” when the season officially starts?


I’m grateful to live in a country where we can say it.

It reminds me of the time I went to a local store and, as I was checking out, the cashier said “Happy Holidays.” I responded with “Merry Christmas!” and you should have seen her face. She flashed a big smile and wished me a “Merry Christmas” back! The store must have had a policy about what their staff is allowed to say first when greeting a customer.

That’s fine, but I’ll be saying Merry Christmas every chance I get.

I know by the reaction I always get in the stores that I visit, everyone in past years appreciates it. In fact, they seem almost relieved.

Keep Christ in Christmas

How about you…

Will you wish others a Merry Christmas?

God bless!


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