Remembering September 11th
I remember waking up that September 11th morning in 2001. I turned on the news like I always did while getting ready for work. The news anchors were talking about a “small” plane that had crashed into the World Trade Center, but details were very, very sketchy.
I had an ominous feeling about the whole thing, but headed off to work as usual. Fortunately, I had a job at the time where I could work while the TV was on in the background. My boss was away on a trip so I had the whole office to myself.
I turned on the TV and I could tell from the news reports that the alleged small plane “accident” at the WTC was much, much more. I stopped what I was doing and spent the next hour glued to the TV.
It gets me emotional just thinking about it. My boss called me a short while later to ask if I’d heard about the attacks and that I could go home. I called my husband and his whole office was talking about it too.
I begged him to come home and he said the office would probably let them go soon.
The dread and reality of a terrorist attack on U.S. soil finally sunk in and made me sick to my stomach. I drove back home in shock, probably like everyone else in the world, and turned the TV back on.
Feeling Helpless
I was thankful I had our dogs with me until my husband got home. I just felt helpless. There was nothing to do except to watch and pray.
This can’t happen in America. Any belief I had of feeling safe in the greatest country in the world was shattered that dark day.
The images of people jumping off the towers were horrific and unforgettable. For those people to have to make that awful choice – I can’t even go there in my mind.
Dear God, what is happening? Please let this be a nightmare.
My husband got home and I remember we didn’t say much. There was just a numb feeling, a deep sadness, like at a funeral of someone you hold dear. Later that evening, we took a walk around our neighborhood like we always did when the sun was setting.
But that evening was different.
We lived about 15 minutes from the airport and there were no planes in the sky.
I cried that day, and for days afterwards.
I will never, ever forget.

A Big Thank You
On this day of remembrance, I want to thank all of the first responders who risked their own lives to save others and continue to do so.
A thank you also to the loyal and brave service dogs and their trainers who were instrumental in all of the recovery efforts.
I pray this will never happen again, but I believe we’ve been betrayed but those in high office who promised to protect us and our freedoms. Ultimately, this is a spiritual battle and we need to pray for our country.
I pray that God will heal our land. One look at the news every night and it doesn’t look good. Satan is prowling around and the influence of the evil one is everywhere…in high political offices, in public school curriculum, in some churches, the list goes on.
We are at a crucial time in our nation’s history. God has allowed some major wake-up calls and there will be more. Biblical prophecies always come true.
Are You Prepared?
I know I’ve said this before, but I believe some people still think that none of these world events going on will affect them.
It will. Pay close attention to some of the national meetings taking place later this month.
America is in deep, deep trouble.
I encourage you to read the Book of Revelation with a good commentary. Pastors John MacArthur and Dr. Robert Jeffress have excellent teachings on the events to come. You can find their teachings in video and written form simply by doing an online search.
Our only hope is in God and salvation through Jesus Christ. If your faith is lukewarm or nonexistent, please don’t put off THE most important decision in your life.
Nothing and I mean nothing is more important than making sure yours and your family’s faith is in Jesus Christ.
Stay strong and faithful and God bless you all!