A Poem of Discernment

poem of discernmentSometimes the beginning of a poem I could write just pops into my head, seemingly out of nowhere.

Usually, it’s when I don’t have a pen and a piece of paper!

My latest one, “A Poem of Discernment,” basically started writing itself when I was out on the back porch one evening.

Tares Among the Wheat

I was thinking about some of the false teachers out there. My husband and I get into some pretty long discussions about them. Unfortunately, in today’s world, there are many false teachers.

One example is the prosperity preachers and their promise of riches for tithes.

Another example is the increasing deception that there’s more than one path to God.


I know you’ve heard of wolves in sheep’s clothing. The Bible is very clear on this matter.

Acceptance of “many paths to God” diminishes the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Man-made philosophies designed to make people feel good about their sins is apostasy.

The Good News

God has promised us so much more than the world as it is.

His glorious resurrection grants eternal life to all Christians. We have victory through the Cross!

A Poem of Discernment
Lord, give us discernment in the coming days,
false teachers on the rise who try to amaze,
with signs and wonders that don’t hold true,
the only real miracles come from You.

You taught us to test
every claim against Scripture.
It’s as simple as that,
why don’t some get the picture?

Your Word, absolute truth,
but some continue to deny,
they laugh and they scoff
bought into Satan’s lie.

Christians, stay strong
for temptations will come,
but rest in the knowing
that to Him you belong

Reading the Word
Thoughtful immersion,
Remember the enthusiasm
at your conversion?

Shine His light to the world
and tell of His love,
the Father will bless you
from Heaven above.

As for the Lost,
they do need our prayer.
It’s our true calling
to make them aware
to seek His forgiveness
because He truly does care.

Copyright July 20, 2016 Gracie Jane
