A Parent’s Mission Field

A Mission Field For Busy Parents

a parent's mission field

For the moms and dads who feel guilty about not going on church mission trips – please don’t beat yourself up.

If you’re able to take your vacation time to go overseas for mission work – what a rewarding and memorable experience it will be.

But what if you can’t afford to take that time off yet? Some Christian parents are working two jobs just to make ends meet.

Although the U.S. economy is improving, it’s a longer recovery period for some hard-working parents.

Mission Field At Home

God sees your life and He knows your heart. He also knows how busy you are trying to feed your family.

If a mission trip isn’t doable right now, will God be mad?

No – your salvation is not dependent on how many mission trips you go on.

An encouraging thing to remember as a busy parent, is that you also have a mission field right in your own home.

You can have a huge impact on the culture by starting with your own kids and family.

Your youngsters are going to grow up and be the next ambassadors for Christ.

Perhaps you are a stay-at-home parent, who thinks, I could never influence the culture. But God has given you influence over your children. In the Old Testament, Hannah faithfully taught her son Samuel the fear of the Lord, and Samuel became a great prophet. Did Hannah influence her culture? You bet she did. – *Dr. Robert Jeffress, Pathway Magazine.

Married or single, if you can’t make it to the mission field in another country – it just may be that God is calling you to a mission field right in your own home, or neighborhood, or during your lunch hour at work.

We can pray for those opportunities.

We live in a world in desperate need of the Lord.

Not just today, or tomorrow, but every day.


*Quotation from Dr. Robert Jeffress, Bible teacher, pastor, and author. Taken from Pathway Magazine, “Choosing the Extraordinary Life.” Accessed September 25, 2018. Page 16 of Impact Your Culture For God.”
