Why Not Phone A Friend?

Why Not Phone A Friend?

Why Not Phone A Friend?

Are you “all thumbs?”

You may be, and didn’t even realize it.

It’s time we talk about your problem.

Okay, I’m kidding, let’s talk about “our” problem.

Many people I know text a lot.

Or, at least their teenagers do.

Don’t get me wrong, texting is necessary sometimes … but all of the time?

With all this “convenience” technology, aren’t we losing something?

Generally, I’m not a fan of texting.

This dislike developed over time and it took a comment from my amused better half to make me realize I was falling into a bad habit.

There have been instances when a friend and I have texted back and forth for quite awhile, prompting my husband to ask a good question: “Why don’t y’all just call each other?”

He has a good point.

Texting has easily become a mindless habit.

Even though I text a lot, I realize that I do miss hearing people’s actual voices.

Does anybody else out there miss personal telephone calls?

“With our digital wands — TVs, smartphones, iPhones, iPads, etc. — we trick ourselves into believing that we are better connected … But are we?” Times Union Online article.

Something To Think About

Smart phones, Smart this, Smart that … in our homes, in our cars, at work.

We have so many conveniences available to us to make our lives easier.

Even though some of the latest medical and scientific breakthroughs are amazing, others are downright creepy – like the Big Dog robot.

Is that menacing-looking thing really necessary?

It also makes me cringe when I hear news headlines about topics like:

Artificial intelligence

Implanted chips

Genetically-modified whatever


When it comes to those kinds of advancements, I want to say “slow down, mankind!”

We are not God.

When you really think about it – is that what life is all about?

Is that what God desires – for our lives to be easier and more convenient?

Christians should know the answer to that one.

The growing “disconnect” in our communication with each other makes me sad, even though I’m sometimes guilty of it myself.

Ultimately, this isn’t heading to a good place.

So, I think I’ll go phone a friend right now – the old-fashioned way.

A Prayer For Biblical Discernment

God, in this time of incredible technological advancement, give us clear eyes to see what is happening through a biblical lens. Give us the mind of Christ. May we be wise and careful in how we employ emerging technologies.

May we not invest them with out-sized importance.

Set our hope on the coming kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, who will heal every disease and give us glorified, resurrected bodies. – Dr. Robert Jeffress, First Baptist Dallas.

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* Quotation from Times Union Online, “Techonology Only Hurts Interaction.” Web. Accessed April 5, 2019. https://www.timesunion.com/opinion/article/Technology-only-hurts-interaction-4392687.php

**Quotation from Dr. Robert Jeffress, Bible teacher, pastor, and author. Taken from Worldview Today with Dr. Robert Jeffress. “Prayer.” Accessed April 5, 2019.
