Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

Like A Little Glimpse Of Heaven

I don’t know about you but come winter, I long to see snow.

We’re talking about a deep longing, like when I see a chocolate chip ice cream cone.

Texas had some winter precipitation recently, but it just wasn’t the same.

I’m talking about finding some bundle-up, go-outside, throw-some-snowballs, kind of snow.

What to do, what to do.

And then it hit me.


Eureka Springs, Arkansas

If you’ve never been to Eureka Springs, Arkansas please check it out.

You may want to consider it for your travel plans sometime.

It’s a fun destination, about an hour north of Fayetteville.

The downtown area is charming, and the food is delicious.

Eureka Springs

Best time to go?

Opinions on that vary, but for us, we prefer the winter months.

Let it snow

This trip would be our third time for a visit – that’s how much we like it there.

Some of the town’s attractions shut down for winter, but there’s so much more to see and do.

variety of wildlife

We also like to go there to see the variety of wildlife, the picturesque landscapes, the cozy cabins, and the SNOW!

Where to stay?

This trip, we chose a secluded cabin in Cinnamon Valley, just minutes from downtown.

Cinnamon Valley

Cue the happy dance.  🙂

God’s Spectacular Design

As predicted, snow started falling.

Delicate flakes blanketed the trees surrounding us.

It turned cold fast, with a capital C.

The temperatures dropped below freezing, as did the wind chill.

plenty of wildlife

Every day was a new adventure.

Spectacular views greeted us on our hikes through the woods.

We even saw a bald eagle soaring above us!

His creation is just one of the many reasons I delight in God.

It’s so beautiful, I can’t help but say a little prayer.

Thank You, most gracious Heavenly Father,

for who You are.

The wonders of Your creation never cease to amaze me.

Who are we to deserve such a gift?

Thank You for sending us Your Son,

and thank You for providing us

with glimpses of Your perfection,

through Him, and through Your creation.

How Beautiful Is Heaven?

My husband and I made quite a dent in the walking trails.

At one point during a morning hike, the property owner drove up and told us about a black bear that was spotted a month earlier making itself at home on top of another camper’s car. He also pointed out that some of the tracks we saw belonged to some mountain lions that frequently hang out in the area after dark. 

Hmm…it might be time to go back to the cabin now. We don’t want to be on the menu.

Here’s my handsome (and freezing) husband beside the frozen pond.

temperatures dropped

Can you imagine how beautiful Heaven will be?

No one creates a masterpiece like the Master Creator does, and no one is mightier than Almighty God.

When we see the spectacular displays of His creation and power, it should remind us that…

5 God thunders wondrously with his voice;
    he does great things that we cannot comprehend.
6 For to the snow he says, ‘Fall on the earth,’
    likewise to the downpour, his mighty downpour.
7 He seals up the hand of every man,
    that all men whom he made may know it. Job 37:5-7, (ESV).


*Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


No Other Name

Do you need some encouragement today?

No Other Name

My brothers and sisters in Christ, please take heart, because the Lord is with you wherever you go.

It may seem like He’s far away from us at times, but distance is nothing to our Matchless King!

Remember, He’s just a prayer away.

Acts 4:12 tells us,

12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”Acts 4:12, (ESV).

You Are Loved

You are loved, and you have value.

Please don’t let anyone (including the troublemakers in your life) try to tell you otherwise.

Our hearts should leap with joy knowing that life’s troubles do have an end.

Where we should get our strength is from the blessed promise of an everlasting future with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Recently, I heard a song from Tasha Cobbs-Leonard called, “The Name Of Our God.” I liked it so much I had to listen to it again.

I hope it helps brighten your day today.

God bless!


*Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Fired Up For Your Faith

There’s A Fire!

“What’s that smell?”

“Something’s burning!”

Those are not the kind of words you want to hear on New Year’s Day. (or any day for that matter).

What in the world?

Sure enough, something at our house was on fire.

You just never think it’s going to happen to you.

It was so scary.

No Time to Spare

where's there's smoke

You might think it started in the fireplace.

After all, it was freezing outside, with a wind chill of 0 degrees.


We had a fire burning in the fireplace all day.

Everything seemed fine for hours, until one of our dogs started acting up.

They always know when something’s wrong, don’t they?

He started running around like he was looking for a place to hide.

Uh oh.

Then we started to smell it too.

A bad burning smell wafted into the family room.

We both got up and frantically started looking around.

My husband went to the kitchen and opened the oven.

First place you look, right?

There was no food burning, and no flames to douse.

Where the heck was that smell coming from?

I decided to open the back door to let some fresh air in, and that’s when I saw it.

A thick cloud of black smoke hung over the whole porch, and big flames were dancing and flaring out from the grill.

I yelled, “It’s here!!!!!!”

Sure enough, I had located the source, and we needed to act fast.

My husband ran outside to fight the fire. I opened some windows inside the house to get some fresh air in, and tended to our dogs. They were absolutely terrified. I was shaking too, as I consoled them.

It took a little time, but we finally got the fire out.

“Grateful” doesn’t even describe how we felt, once the flames were doused.

I’m so thankful that no one was hurt, and also for our dog for warning us.

My husband and I said a prayer of thanks. It could have been so much worse.

Get Fired Up

Our porch fire was a close call and an important reminder that life can change in an instant.

There was no thinking about it first, or putting it off until later.

We had to act fast to get the flames out.

The whole incident got me thinking.

Do we get just as fired up about strengthening our faith? Are there areas of our faith we need to improve?

There are difficult times up ahead on the global stage, and we need to be ready.

An important goal for me is Scripture memorization.

“It Is Written” For A Reason

Why is Scripture memorization important for all of us?

Because Jesus knew and quoted Scripture. (good enough for me).

Knowing and continuing to learn about Scripture is essential to knowing God.

It saddens me when I hear that some religious leaders want to change the words of, and/or reject the Bible.

They are misleading many people and they will be held accountable for that.

We must have discernment, now more than ever.

Christians – please don’t put your Christianity on a shelf, get fired up for your faith!

fired up for faith


*Oswald Chambers quotation, public domain, and as quoted from Christian quotes.info


Happy New Year 2018

Dear Friends –

I hope your holiday was filled with a sleigh-full of Christmas joy and love. (If you’re one of those folks who had a “White Christmas”, please don’t tell me, I just might get jealous.)

Christmas in Texas was happy and fun, but it flew by way too quickly.

It seemed like one minute we were putting up the tree and getting together with friends, and then the next, it was Christmas Eve.

Christmas 2017

Alas, we had no snow, but it was sweater-wearing, wear-your-hat, cold.


We hunkered down, played games, and lit a cozy fire in the fireplace.

We didn’t roast any chestnuts, though. (Does anybody really roast chestnuts, or have we been duped by that song all these years?)

Christmas movies took over our TV.

I’m not sure how it happened. They just took over, like they do every year. (wink, wink).

Feel free to call me a Hallmark Channel addict. I can always figure out the romantic endings before they happen, but who cares? (as long as the guy gets the girl)!

Goodbye Christmas, Hello New Year                 

Can you believe 2018 is here?

A New Year can bring with it exciting opportunities.

We’re already working on our list of “things to do,” which by the way, includes several more trips to the gym.

Darn all that Christmas food. No one can eat just one.

Christmas goodies

How about you? Do your New Year’s resolutions include losing some Christmas pounds?

Or maybe pursuing a new job?

Planning for a new baby?

Considering a fun vacation?

There’s so much to look forward to and yet, along with the good times, no doubt, the year 2018 will also have its share of challenges.

Challenges Will Come

Challenges are a guarantee. (Sorry about that, but the Bible tells us so.)

Please allow me to help.

Here’s my number one, please-pass-it-on, don’t-forget-it method to help you face the New Year with more confidence.

Trust God.

That’s it.

It doesn’t matter what the circumstances are. Keep praying for His guidance.

Trust God.

Two words packed with meaning. (It’s in big print, because it’s so important.)

He knows what He’s doing. (also important).

I know, I know, as humans we sometimes think we can do things better and faster.

Father, forgive us when we try to get ahead of You.

There’s a big difference between asking God “why?”, and blaming God.

Corrie Ten Boom, a Holocaust survivor, knows a lot about suffering in life and yet, with great humility, she yields her trust to God.

Corrie Ten Boom

Wisdom From Proverbs

We may not like some of the challenges to come.

It’s human nature to want them all to be over with. (like, yesterday).

I get it.

We should trust Him, even when we don’t understand, and our hearts are downcast.

Going forward, we’d do well to commit Proverbs 3:5-6 to heart.

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    and do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6, (ESV).

When you look in the mirror each morning, remember that you are loved.

Bumps and bruises will come as you learn life lessons in patience and perseverance.

Please don’t lose heart.

In a topsy-turvy world where words like “Compassion” and “Grace” are sometimes lacking, as Christians, we know the living God Who created those very words in the first place.

Trust Him, and He will lead.

Happy New Year 2018, and thank you for stopping by!

Happy New Year


*Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

**Corrie Ten Boom quotation, as quoted from Christian quotes.info


The Meaning of Christmas

Christmas 2017

Are we so busy this time of year that we lose the true meaning of Christmas?

So much to do!

Remember the adorable “A Charlie Brown Christmas” special on TV?

There comes a time in the program where a frustrated Charlie Brown asks, “Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?”

Even a simple drive to the grocery store becomes a nightmare, dodging the extra traffic heading to the stores and shopping malls.

People rushing here, rushing there, all around and everywhere.

In our house this year, it finally came to a point where we had to say, “we’ve got to slow this down!”

If we’re all not careful, we can lose sight of the real reason we’re celebrating.

The Glorious Birth Announcement

Christ our Savior is born!

Celebrating just once a year?

No thanks!

The meaning of Christmas

It is my prayer that we can all take to heart the true meaning of Christ’s birth.

How beautiful and humanly-incomprehensible the depth of God’s love for us that He would send us His Son.

To you, and to me.

A precious gift none of us deserve.

And there is nothing, and no one here on earth, who can take that away from us.

The Meaning of Christmas

gift that never fades

The gifts we receive at Christmas from loved ones are appreciated, no doubt.

But there’s one Gift that never fades, never gets lost in a closet, is never the wrong size, and can never be replaced.

Jesus Christ came from the Father and there’s no greater gift than His Son.

Merry Christmas to all and God bless you!


* American clergyman, Roy L. Smith, quotation courtesy of http://www.turnbacktogod.com/christmas-quotes/.

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