Memorial Day 2021

Memorial Day 2021 – Remembering Our Fallen

Memorial Day 2021

Can you believe Memorial Day 2021 is already here?

Grocery stores are crowded.

Customers are combing the aisles for something to grill and also keeping an eye on the weather report.

But there’s only one real reason for this holiday and it’s not about the cookout.

It’s about taking the time to remember our brave men and women who lost their lives while defending our country.

We must never forget.

Parents – please teach your kids to respect and remember this day as well!

My heart aches and tears fall when I see disrespect towards the brave heroes who sacrificed everything for our freedom.

Please remember the families of the fallen in your prayers on this special day.

This video, among countless others on the internet, speaks volumes. There’s not much more to say.

“Thank You” doesn’t seem enough.


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We The Kingdom

We The Kingdom: On Tour And On Fire

Have you ever had one of those days when you wake up dragging?

C’mon you know you have. 🙂

Have I got an energy boost for you!

No, not coffee.

This is way more fulfilling.

In my enthusiastic search for all things Philippians 4:8, I found an uplifting song that I couldn’t wait to share.

Check out “Sing Wherever I Go” by the talented family group, We The Kingdom, based out of Nashville, TN.

It’s from their “Live At The Wheelhouse” album.

Click the arrow below!

I love this song!

It’s so uplifting and joyful.

It’s almost impossible not to feel good when you hear it.

We sang it in church recently, and the whole congregation was smiling and clapping along with joy.

Kind of like the rejoicing we anticipate in Heaven someday, right?

I’ve listened to several of their songs, and We The Kingdom music delights me to no end.

We The Kingdom

We the Kingdom

“Sing Wherever I Go” debuted on YouTube in 2019. Since then, it has garnered well over 520,000 views.

Last year, the group won a Dove Award for New Artist Of The Year (well-deserved I might add).

It’s heartwarming to see a family of musicians using their God-given musical gifts to inspire others. 

From their YouTube page,

We The Kingdom is a multigenerational family of musicians, producers and songwriters consisting of Ed Cash (Chris Tomlin, NEEDTOBREATHE, Crowder), Scott Cash, Franni Rae Cash Cain, Martin Cash and Andrew Bergthold. The band organically formed at a Young Life camp in Georgia where each of the five members—weary and heartbroken due to a number of difficult circumstances—came to lead worship. Late one night, as they spontaneously gathered to write a song for the campers, their collaboration caught fire, bringing with it personal healing and a fresh dream for the future. – We The Kingdom on YouTube 2 

There’s a southern rock vibe to their music that draws me. Does anybody else miss Southern Rock? I sure do.

Anyway, if you get a chance, check out some of their other songs. 

“Child of Love” is another favorite.

We pray that God would sew the thread of His promises through the stories of each song we write, and weave together a tapestry that points straight to the great love of Jesus. – We the Kingdom on New Release Today.3

On Tour and On Fire

We The Kingdom is on tour!

You can find their tour dates here.

Here’s hoping that We The Kingdom will be around for a long, long time.

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1 We The Kingdom performance photo, courtesy of We The Kingdom Facebook post, 27 October, 2020. Accessed May 19, 2021. Retrieved from

2 We The Kingdom quotation, courtesy of YouTube post, 27 October, 2020. Accessed May 19, 2021. Retrieved from

3 We The Kingdom quotation, courtesy of New Release Artist Profile, n.d., para. 3, Web. Accessed May 19, 2021. Retrieved from 


God’s Glory Not Ours

God’s Glory Not Ours – Our Lives Have Meaning

Hey Beautiful!

Don’t look around, I’m talking to you!

So you may not have the superficial good looks that Hollywood celebrates, but you do have something much, much more.

Deep inside.

A beauty more real and authentic.

God's glory not ours

You should look in that mirror, child of God, and remember that God thought enough of you to share you with the world!

I would rather be what God chose to make me than the most glorious creature that I could think of; for to have been thought about, born in Gods thought, and then made by God, is the dearest, grandest, and most precious thing in all thinking.” –  George Macdonald, christian theologian.1

We are here to know Him and bring Him the glory.

God’s glory not ours.

The blessings of that very real relationship are joyful and eternal.

Extraordinary Things for God’s Glory Not Ours

We know from the Bible that God often chose the most ordinary people to do great things in history.

Moses had no confidence in his speaking ability.

The apostle Paul had a mysterious thorn in the flesh to restrain any ounce of pride that might surface as he shared the gospel message

Those are just two historical examples of God’s people who overcame circumstances in their lives to bring God the glory.

When you turned your life over to Christ, you became a beautiful new creation.

Your soul is valuable to God, and don’t let anyone who hates Christianity tell you otherwise.

In Ephesians, the Apostle Paul assures us that all of God’s people have access to God’s immeasurable love and grace. Our salvation is nothing we can do on our own.

We deserve eternal death, but are saved by His grace, through our faith.

One body of believers holding to the absolute truth of the one true God.

19So then you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God’s household, 20having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the cornerstone, 21in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, 22in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit. – Ephesians 2:19-22, (NASB). 

Look to the Cross

Look to the cross – that’s how valuable you are to Him.

There’s nothing more beautiful than that – the One who gave us the promise of eternal life would make the ultimate sacrifice to save us from dying unredeemed in our own sins.

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1 George MacDonald (CS Lewis mentor) quotation, courtesy of and as quoted from Christian

2 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.


Trust God With My Whys

Learning to Trust God With My Whys

Let’s see, how many years has it been since I was in college?

I won’t say how many, but trust me when I say it’s been many.  😉

What amazes me is how radically different my life turned out from everything I had carefully planned.

I thought “career” was everything back then.

do what you love

My one goal was to become a TV reporter and follow in the footsteps of my idol – Jane Pauley.

When I landed that first TV job, I was in heaven.

I thought,

This is it!

I want to do this the rest of my life.

But God had other plans.

My TV reporter career came to a grinding halt once my father was diagnosed with Alzheimers. He was my rock and the person I most admired. You can read more about that here

I was devastated. When a cruel disease like that strikes a person you love, it sends you to your knees.

The right choice for me was to move back home to be with him. I will never regret that decision.

Didn’t God Care?

I got lost in a sea of “whys.” There were so many things at the time that I didn’t understand.

Why did God allow this to happen to my father?

Why didn’t God care?

Tear-stained thoughts flooded my pillow back then.

Nothing made sense.

My prayers were earnest, and finally my answer came.

I had to learn to trust God with my whys.

In time, I saw a light at the end of the tunnel.

My thirst for God turned on.

The desire to read and understand the Bible reached a fever pitch.

Not surprising, when you’re up against a wall and you realize you’re not in control.

Expect the Unexpected

Many years have passed and I look back in amazement of how God brought me through life’s many challenges.

Once you yield control, you can expect the unexpected.

Who would have ever thought that this former TV reporter would now have a passion to write about God and share my faith with others?

Who would have thought that I’d end up in a choir loft with enthusiastic brothers and sisters in Christ singing praises to God?

Unleashing the Power of Psalm 40

Psalm 40 is especially meaningful.

Trust God with my whys

When I first read David’s psalm it struck a chord like no other.

That’s it!

Those introductory verses are a great description as to what I feel when I look back on my life.

The next time tragedy strikes your life, remember we must trust in God’s sovereignty to get us through.

The Father of All Compassion hears you when you call out to Him.

O Christian, can you grasp the thought? The Eternal Father thinks of you! You are so inconsiderable that if the mind of God were not Infinite, it would not be possible that He should remember your existence! Yet He thinks upon you! How precious ought His thoughts be to you! The sum of them is great, let your gratitude for them be great, too! Charles Spurgeon, pastor and author.

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1 Scripture quotation, courtesy of the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

2 Quotation from Charles Spurgeon, influential Christian preacher and author, (1834-1892). Taken from The Kingdom Collective. “The Charles Spurgeon Sermon Collection: The Happy Beggar.” n.d., para. 30. Web. Accessed 4 May, 2021. Retrieved from


Praying Silent Whispers In The Dark

Silent Whispers in the Dark

Christian friends, I know you can think of someone you deeply care about who denies the fact that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

It’s heartbreaking, isn’t it?

Is it a family member, a dear friend, or maybe even someone you’re about to marry?

Why won’t they listen?

The conversations you’ve started with them about salvation through Jesus seem to go nowhere.

Do any of the following responses sound familiar?

“I just don’t feel that way”

“Nope! Not interested”

“Jesus is a myth”

If only they knew how important their eternal lives are to God.

If only they knew how much you want to see them in Heaven.

Praying those silent whispers in the dark on your loved one’s behalf seem to go unanswered.

It’s troubling.

Don’t they see what’s going on in our world?

Don’t they see the growing divide between good and evil playing out before our very eyes?

Keep Praying

Our loved ones’ salvation could take a very long time.

But also, in our heart of hearts, we have to face up to the fact that some of the people that we love will not go to Heaven.

They will continue being the wonderful people they are here, but their  hardened hearts will send them to Hell forever

I know we don’t like to think about it – but it’s true. 

Faith can’t be forced on someone if they are not called.  

Your Silent Whispers in the Dark are Heard

silent whispers in the dark

Going forward, it doesn’t matter how long your lost loved ones continue to reject Christ, keep praying for them.

Even though it seems like they’ll never change, the Heavenly Father hears your silent whispers in the dark.

God knew the exact timing for you to come to Christ, and He knows the exact timing for your loved one . . . even if it’s years down the road.

If they are called to salvation, it will happen. 

Do you want to hear something beautiful?

9 The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not willing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance. – 2 Peter 3:9, (NASB).

Peter, a friend and disciple of our Lord, spoke those words.

He saw deceivers coming into the church trying to influence God’s people.

confusing messages

Look around – is anything different in today’s world? There are wicked people everywhere looking to spread their hate for God to all generations. 

And yet, God is not willing for any to perish.

He, not we, knows who His elect are, and that’s why it’s so important to bring the gospel to all people.

So why won’t some of the people you care about accept the gospel message?

God willing, they might, but it’s all in God’s timing.

The Lord is never late.

Praying for Lost Loved Ones

How do we pray for them then?

Some people have trouble finding the right words.

Regardless, God will hear you so don’t get caught up in trying to make it flow like you have to be perfect.

This should be a cry from the heart.

Even the length of the prayer doesn’t matter.

You’re praying for God to open their hearts to hear His Good News. 

Don’t Give Up Praying Those Silent Whispers in the Dark

Here’s an example of a prayer that you’re welcome to use – maybe it could be a springboard for your own personal prayer for your lost loved ones.

Father God,

I have some special people on my heart today.

The __________ family,


and ____________.

Father, nothing seems to work.

No matter how much I pray, they don’t want to talk

about Jesus at all.

I know You hear all of my prayers.

As it says in Your Word, You love us so much that 

You’re not willing for anyone to perish.

Thank You for Your patience with me,

and for Your patience with my lost loved ones.

I pray that they won’t wait until there’s no turning back. 

I pray for the Holy Spirit to guide me in any future conversations I have with them about repentance and salvation. May the words of my mouth help plant those seeds that can lead them to Christ.

We fail You daily and yet, through Your compassion and mercy, You have provided us with a way to have eternal life.

As this world grows darker, help them to see that You are the only way to their salvation.

I know all things are done in Your timing. Your will be done.

I pray this through Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

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