A Spiritual Treadmill

Exercising Your Faith

Do any of these criticisms sound familiar?

Christians think they’re so perfect


God is aware of our suffering and trials

Verbal slams like these are often blurted out in high volume and, let’s face it, are purposely meant to be an insult.

Why do people say those things?

It’s emotionally exhausting and you may feel all alone, or like you’ve failed in your spiritual walk.

Christian, you are not alone.

God is aware of our suffering and trials.

Please never forget that.

True Christians know they are not perfect and that it’s only through the saving grace of Jesus Christ that we will be redeemed.

The Bible warns us that we would be mocked for our faith. We can’t act like we didn’t know.

So how, then, can we persevere in this upside-down world?

A recent podcast from Pastor Mike Fabarez encourages us all to continue pressing on, no matter what.

And I tell you what, no matter how you’re losing in your life right now, because you’ve stood up and maintained what the sermons have said week after week, that Right is Right and Good is Good and Bad is Bad and Sin is Sin.

When you maintain that in the world and you lose because of it, it’s not uncommon. The world is an upside-down place.

Just remember this – God says when they mess with you, when they set you back, when they ridicule you, persecute you, they’re messing with Me. There’s some comfort in that.1Pastor Mike Fabarez, Focal Point Ministries

Don’t throw in the towel because being a Christian in this world of darkness is too hard.

Persevere anyway.

We have an assurance that the world doesn’t have.

spiritual treadmill

Pray For Your Enemies

Christians search the internet all the time to find out how to pray for their enemies. I see the search results every week.

Why do we have to pray for our enemies?

It seems unnatural and that’s because it is.

Only God can give us the supernatural strength that we need, in the midst of our emotional pain, to pray for our persecutors.

We must ask Him for strength.

No one said it’s going to be easy.

We are in a spiritual war with a deadly foe tracking us every hour of the day. We need to be in the best shape possible to cope with the darts and arrows he hurls our way. Flabby, overindulged, pampered Christians just don’t have the stamina to fight this battle. Thus, the Lord puts us on a spiritual treadmill every now and then to keep us in good fighting condition.2 Dr. James Dobson. [Newsletter, April 2019].

A Spiritual Treadmill

We’re on a “spiritual treadmill” – I like that analogy.

At the end of the day, even if it feels like a horrible day, remember to Whom you belong.

Keep on pressing forward, and pray for God to guide your steps.

You are who God says you are, not who your persecutor says you are.

It can help to memorize what John told the believers in 1 John 3:1, ESV. –

the reason why the world does not know us

Child of God, have courage!


1 From Fabarez, Pastor Mike, host. “Why is There Evil in the World.” Podcast, [20:19]. One Place Ministries, May 10, 2019. www.oneplace.com/2019/  https://www.oneplace.com/ministries/focal-point/listen/.

2 From Dr. James Dobson, Family Talk. [Newsletter]. Retrieved from  https://drjamesdobson.org/about/april-newsletter-2019?sc=FEM&mc=FEM0419NL&utm_source=SilverpopMailing&utm_campaign=20190404%20Newsletter%20(FEM0419NL)%20(3)&spMailingID=21287810&spUserID=MzA5NTY5NTAzNDUS1&spJobID=1480209475&spReportId=MTQ4MDIwOTQ3NQS2 /April 10, 2019).

3 Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
