National Day of Repentance 2020

A National Day of Repentance

national day of repentance 2020

Dear fellow Christians –

You may have heard that Saturday, September 26th (just a few days away) is designated as the National Day of Repentance 2020.

There’s so much at stake here in America that I urge you to take part and pray.

America is in desperate need of prayer.

It’s impossible not to see the great divide unfolding in our country, provoked by those who want to destroy her.

Even so, I’m encouraged by the prayer and repentance events scheduled to take place all over the nation.

Why Should a Whole Nation Repent?

There’s a simple answer to that – because our nation has turned away from God.

Now is not the time to bury our heads in the sand, and pretend that wickedness isn’t happening, and even increasing on our soil.

Sexual trafficking and child exploitation

Christians cursed and mocked

A complicit news media

Churches threatened

Millions of babies brutally ripped from their mothers’ wombs

Family values made fun of as Hollywood “entertainment”

So many heartbreaking things going on.

Even though there’s always been a spiritual battle between the forces of good and evil around us, we can see it with our own eyes now like never before.

We have to face it – God allows bad things to happen, even under a good President who believes in the power of prayer.

There’s no doubt, this contentious election is bringing out the worst in people. I’ve seen it and I’m sure you’ve seen it too.

It might be difficult to understand this now, but the Bible teaches that something good will eventually come from all of this turmoil for those who love God.

Therefore, we must pray and repent as a nation.

Praying shouldn’t end on November 4th.

We’ve gone so far down a rabbit hole of wickedness, we may only be able to recover just a little of our respectability as a God-fearing nation.

But, it may be enough to spark a much-needed spiritual revival.

Throne of Judgment

God is love, but just in case you’re being told otherwise, He is also a God of Righteous Judgment.

Do we really think that our Creator God will not execute judgment on America (and the world for that matter), in His timing, for those who don’t repent and follow Jesus as Lord and Savior?

Those who do not believe in the Son, who do not receive Him as Savior, will be judged on the day of wrath (Romans 2:5–6).Got Questions website.

That day is coming.

Have you accepted Christ into your life?

Please don’t delay.

Are you prideful, believing in your own greatness, or do you have a repentant heart?

Simply being a “good” person may earn you friends here on earth, but it doesn’t get you into Heaven.

We truly aren’t “good”, we have all fallen short.

Salvation in Jesus Christ is the only answer.

The Bible and the National Day of Repentance 2020

You don’t need any book other than the Bible to tell you what we need to do right now – while we still can in the public square.

day of repentance

How do we pray for repentance?

It’s in the Book – the Bible, that is.

Currently, my studies have focused on the major and minor prophets.

Undoubtedly, the verses therein are focused on the northern and southern kingdoms of Israel and God’s judgment. But, we need only to learn from the history of God’s people that disobedience to God, rejecting Him, and lawlessness lead to a path of destruction. I can’t tell you how many times in my readings that I have recognized America, as a whole and looking at the culture, making the same disastrous mistakes.

What’s Next On The Timeline?

Only God knows the timing of prophetic events that will happen to our great nation and globally.

As Christians, I believe we need to follow the historical call of the prophets in Scripture and pray for nationwide repentance.

In Daniel 9:15-18, the prophet pleads for God’s people at that time.

Take heart, fellow believers, our God has great compassion.


15 And now, O Lord our God, who have brought Your people out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand and have made a name for Yourself, as it is this day—we have sinned, we have been wicked. 16 O Lord, in accordance with all Your righteous acts, let now Your anger and Your wrath turn away from Your city Jerusalem, Your holy mountain; for because of our sins and the iniquities of our fathers, Jerusalem and Your people have become a reproach to all those around us. 17 So now, our God, listen to the prayer of Your servant and to his supplications, and for Your sake, O Lord, let Your face shine on Your desolate sanctuary. 18 O my God, incline Your ear and hear! Open Your eyes and see our desolations and the city which is called by Your name; for we are not presenting our supplications before You on account of any merits of our own, but on account of Your great compassion.

On this National Day of Repentance 2020, it’s time to call on “the Great I Am.”

# # #

Quotation from, from “What is the biblical understanding of the wrath of God?” n.d., para. 3. Web. Accessed September 16, 2020. Retrieved from 

Photo source credits:
– Group prayer photo by Ismael Paramo on Unsplash

– Woman praying photo by Ben White on Unsplash

– Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. 


The Stealing Of Innocence

The Stealing of Innocence

stealing of innocenceInnocence lost.

A glance at the headlines and there’s no question that our country is in a huge heap of trouble. It’s not like we didn’t know this was eventually coming to America, (Biblical prophesies always come true), it just grieves my soul to actually see it in my lifetime and know that some people still don’t think it concerns them.

Did you know there’s a primary school in Maine where the teacher is reading a book with a transgender storyline to 5 year olds?

Children, aged five.

Let that sink in. Please tell me this is just some sort of sick joke. So instead of focusing on the fundamentals of reading, writing, and math skills, these innocent children are being bombarded with sexual information they have no business hearing about at this age. In at least one state, a parent can face jail time if they remove their young child from this “educational” lesson.

And this is in America.

Wake up, parents! Do you talk to your kids when they get home from school? Did you ask what they learned?

what kids are learning in schoolLeave the Children Alone

I was flipping channels recently and came across a reality show with a well-known family shouting obscenities at each other in front of their young children.

That’s considered okay? Not any kind of people I would ever want to be around.

I want to ask those celebrity parents, if you want to call them that, a question. Is the money you’re making for acting that way really worth the terrible lesson of disrespect that you’re teaching your children?

This is all just a part of the stealing of innocence of the next generation.

It’s sad how quickly some people will sell out for their 15 minutes of fame…at any cost.

protecting our childrenDevastating Statistics

Sexual trafficking is on the rise in the United States.

Young, innocent girls and boys are stolen from the homes they once knew and forced to become prostitutes. I’m sure you heard about evidence of this at the Super Bowl.

There are demonic forces behind all of it.

There’s another article out about an assistant professor at a New Jersey university who claimed pedophilia is not criminal behavior.

I have no words. Shaking my head in disbelief.

This is out of control.

Let’s not forget about the abortion holocaust, the killing of millions of babies in the womb. Some political candidates proudly hawk their pro-abortion stance, meaning they support the cold-blooded murder of millions of unborn children.

To them I say, “they’re babies, NOT a clump of cells. ”

It seems the pro-abortion supporters believe that every life is expendable, of course, except their own. They believe they have the right to deny a life story to someone else…and many people are just letting this happen without speaking out against it.

let kids be kidsI’m so disgusted with all of this it makes me break down in tears.

The new “tolerance crowd” continues to berate Christians on TV and in social media. I see it all the time.

Interesting that the “tolerance crowd” will name-call and throw out obscenities right and left, but a television show that shows a family saying grace before a meal is ridiculed.

We should all be able to freely speak God’s truths in love in our free country. And yet, the attacks continue and now a very aggressive group wants the government to shut down all Christian churches.

I Cry for the Next Generation

The more Christians who cower from speaking up for God’s truth in love, the more this sinister garbage takes hold in the American landscape and it becomes closer to mainstream and/or acceptable.

I saw a promo recently for the offensive new television show, “The Royals.” I guess this show is supposed to be funny? The promo showed one of the main characters gleefully saying to another character: “Who fondled you as a child?”

If someone is laughing at that, seriously, they need to seek help.

Slipping those references into mainstream television, under the guise of humor, can eventually make people numb to it.

Some People Say, “But it doesn’t affect me.”

It will, if it hasn’t already.

For some ludicrous reason, if something is Hollywood-produced, the actors figure they can play a perverted role because they’re “just acting,” right? Follow the money with no conscience. I find it sad that there aren’t more Christian actors and producers in Hollywood.

You ask little girls what they want to be when they grow up (and I have) and many want to become reality TV stars.

What happened to becoming a doctor? A scientist? A pro-athlete? A stay at home mom?

Don’t Just Let This Happen

If you turn away from Christ, you’re opening yourself up to the mass of delusions that are continuing to seep into this world.

“Those who do not stand for something will fall for anything.”
J. Vernon McGee

The new “tolerance crowd” want to berate and bully you into shutting up for good. If you decide not to buy from a certain store because the company supports liberal causes you don’t believe in, you’re mocked and belittled for your boycott. I’ve read the nasty and vile comments directed towards good moms who simply care about their families and what their children are exposed to. Really sad that someone would take to social media just to curse out a mother protecting her children.

I applaud these moms and dads for every petition they initiate to bring about positive change in media. I used to work in media and I’ve seen a lot, but I’m aghast at what is being dished out on a daily basis in our electronic-obsessed nation.

Misinterpretations of the Verse, “Do Not Judge”

The new “tolerance crowd” like to throw out a biblical verse “Do not judge” every chance they get without even understanding what it means. Sadly, even some pastors deny the authority of Scripture and will not preach about sin and forgiveness.

They want us to leave Jesus out of it.

Interesting the double standard. We’re bombarded by harmful ideologies and yet the “tolerance crowd” demands we should not be able to express our faith, wear a cross, or share an inspirational verse from the Bible.


Simply that, NO.

We can speak out, we can sign petitions, and we can profess our faith if an opportunity presents itself.

“Do not judge” actually means do not condemn another person to hell. We are not God, but we do know His truths as outlined in Scripture.

None of us truly know what is in another person’s heart when their time comes. Only God knows. Everyone has the gift of grace and salvation through Christ Jesus. That’s why we should be able to peacefully talk about Him if an opportunity arises.

We’re All Sinners

If your child is about to touch a hot stove, you warn him or her, right?

The “tolerance crowd” will accuse you of being a bully for saying the popular “anything goes” mentality is harmful – like getting drunk, having an affair, cursing God, having multiple wives, etc. And many (not all) television shows and movies glamorize bad behavior. Unfortunately, that will never change.

Liberals will twist Scripture verses to fit their causes. I find that interesting since many claim they don’t believe in God. Or, they’ll produce viral videos to circulate about how bad and unloving Christians are. I want to ask those video producers – have you read the headlines or are you just ignoring them?

We’re not the haters we’re portrayed to be. We’re commanded to love others, even our enemies, but we’re not to condone sin and/or bad behavior. Calling out sinful behavior is not judging, but simply exposing their sin as God’s Word defines it.

“Do not judge” means do not condemn them to hell. It is not your place. Only God can judge the eternal soul.

Christians – Prepare for What’s Coming

Everything in America that we once held dear is under attack, including the institution of marriage.

AmericaYou must be prepared to peacefully give the reason for your faith in Jesus Christ.

Jesus warned us in the Bible that the world would hate us because it first hated Him.

If someone calls you one of those labels the tolerant crowd likes to shame you with like:

“You’re a hater. Close-minded bigot! You’re intolerant.”

Ask them WHY they’re calling you that. What is their definition of intolerance and hate? Aren’t they doing the same thing they’re accusing you of?

Their attacks are hypocritical.

You’re standing up for God’s design for marriage between a man and a woman.

Ask them who is really being intolerant. Who is doing the hating here? We can’t live peacefully and have respectful debates. The anti-God folk want mind control and they’re starting with our nation’s children.

Respectful Discussions, But Don’t Back Down

I get frustrated with believers (and especially pastors) who back down and cower to society to blend in.

Good grief – do they know what they’re doing?

This is ultimately a battle between Good and Evil and we’re watching it played out right in front of our eyes.

whats in the heart

We Can’t Hide Our Heads In The Sand

I knew that once the Constitution and the institution of marriage were attacked, every perversion-promoting group is standing in line for their so-called rights.

And they are.

I ask you. Which group is next in line?

I know, do you?

*Please pray for our country. God is in control, but His Word tells us that judgment is coming.

*Please vote in the elections. No political candidate is perfect, but please vote for the ones who most closely represent the Judeo-Christian values our great country was founded upon.

*Please get involved in your child’s school so you can have a better grasp on what is taught. Bullying is wrong. So is bullying against Christians. There’s a double standard going on here that is deliberate. You can’t wear a cross around your neck or pray in some schools, but you can ask a member of the same sex to a prom. Is that fair? No, it’s not.

The new tolerance? It’s a double standard and many parents don’t even care. This liberal agenda has been going on in elementary, middle schools, high schools, and universities for quite some time.

I highly recommend David Kupelian’s book, “The Marketing of Evil,” if you want to read for yourself. He has a book full of research and quotes from the liberal left and the plans they have to change the very moral compass of this country. We’re living in a time where God’s standards of evil are called good, and anything good is considered evil.

The stealing of innocence

Hope and Pray

Please remember that God is in control. Don’t let this darkness steal your joy. This world is not final. As much as the sickening headlines and agendas are crammed down our throats by politicians and Hollywood producers every day, we still have a God who sits on a heavenly throne. No one can change that. We can pray for His mercy and that the eyes of the leaders of this country will be opened to the self-destructive behaviors that are celebrated and destroying families.

Please pray for a spiritual revival in our country. It can happen if we pray and God has mercy on us. It happened in Nineveh and it can happen again.

God sees absolutely everything that is going on. God is more powerful than any movement, agenda, lobby, political leader, CEO, Hollywood producer – any of them. One day, all of us will come to judgment.

Would you defend your faith in God if asked? It could come to that here and, possibly, under persecution. It is happening all around the world. Christians are dying in other countries and some folks here think it ultimately does not affect them.

This is all crossing a spiritual boundary and only God can bring us His peace and restoration.

I pray you will be strong and courageous during these dangerous times.
