Turning Down the Noise of the News
What’s that loud sound when I turn on network news?
It’s awful noise.

As a former journalist, when I see news anchors broadcast opinion pieces and call them news, it’s nothing short of cringe-worthy. I’m talking about news reports that don’t present both sides of an issue. I’m also talking about those in the media tearing up when their preferred candidate didn’t win.
There’s so much deception going on in the media and entertainment worlds that my TV remote is starting to become my favorite thing.
Has everyone lost their minds?
Many in the mainstream news media seem hell-bent on widening the river of divisiveness. They’re flooding our great nation with doubt and hysteria.
Don’t fall for it.
America is a great nation, founded on Judeo-Christian values.

Side By Side
The folks I know, and count as my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, are loving, intelligent, hard-working Christians. We care about people, and praying for the lost. We believe in compassion and kindness towards everyone while remaining courageous in our faith.
The secular world doesn’t get it, and we’re seeing the result of that now.
There’s such a clear divide between darkness and light in this world that it confounds me how people “on the fence” can’t see it or refuse to see it.
What Christians Know

What Christians know is that political parties aren’t the answer.
God is.
Would God condone the murder of babies in the womb?
We know the answer to that already.
Those people marching for abortion don’t speak for me.
There is One, only One, who stood up for me many, many years ago on the way to Calvary.
Manners? What Manners?
Is civil debate about issues a thing of the past?
It certainly seems so.
Welcome to a fallen world.
Awful, sickening, comments on Facebook.
Watching all of this is hard.
Self-described “nasty” women were spewing hateful words.
The media loves it and, those sneaking into our country who want to harm us, love it too.
My husband and I pray for the safety of our nation and Israel every single night. Our Christianity doesn’t make us popular on social media all the time, but it’s one of the battle scars that are a part of life in this fallen world.
Where’s That Doggone Remote?

Keep your remote handy too.
In our house, it’s a race to hit the change-the-channel button when the “noise” starts up again.
Award Me, Applaud Me
The Grammys, the Golden Globes, the latest award show du jour.
How many “award a celebrity” shows are there now?
These shows have morphed from fashion displays and classy thank-you’s to hypocritical political rants. Some celebs use the dais to accuse conservatives of promoting hate and yet, the ferocious bullying and threats from Leftists remain overlooked.
Will pray for you.
God wants us to pray for them. Our prayers may be mocked, but we do it anyway. Unlike most of Hollywood, our audience as Christians is an audience of One.

From a Christian Perspective
Is there another option to the mainstream news media?
I know about one I can offer.
It’s a website called OneNewsNow.com. I found the site one day when I was researching another article. You’ll find coverage of the big news stories there, but there’s a significant difference. The articles and commentaries are from a Christian perspective.
OneNewsNow.com is the brainchild of the American Family Association. I have a lot of confidence in AFA and their positive impact on the world.
If you prefer to read news headlines on your phone, the site also offers a downloadable App. For those who prefer email alerts, you can receive the news briefs via your email provider.
Turning Down the Noise of the News
There’s one perspective that really matters.
Through belief in the saving grace of Jesus Christ, restoration and redemption can be yours.
The Author of all life is still on His throne, and He isn’t going anywhere.
No person or group and no political party can ever usurp God’s reign and authority over all the earth. God is orchestrating a divine plan and, in His perfect timing, it will unfold for all to see in an astonishing way.
Every knee will bow.
Not “some” knees will bow, but “every” knee will bow, even the wicked.
Friends who are reading this, I am honored to stand with you. Don’t let all the loud noise stirred up make you feel alone.
I appreciate you so much.
I know it’s not just me praying for America and the world to turn back to God. There are millions of us, Christian voices all over the world, lifting up prayers and worship to God.