The Meaning of Christmas

Christmas 2017

Are we so busy this time of year that we lose the true meaning of Christmas?

So much to do!

Remember the adorable “A Charlie Brown Christmas” special on TV?

There comes a time in the program where a frustrated Charlie Brown asks, “Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?”

Even a simple drive to the grocery store becomes a nightmare, dodging the extra traffic heading to the stores and shopping malls.

People rushing here, rushing there, all around and everywhere.

In our house this year, it finally came to a point where we had to say, “we’ve got to slow this down!”

If we’re all not careful, we can lose sight of the real reason we’re celebrating.

The Glorious Birth Announcement

Christ our Savior is born!

Celebrating just once a year?

No thanks!

The meaning of Christmas

It is my prayer that we can all take to heart the true meaning of Christ’s birth.

How beautiful and humanly-incomprehensible the depth of God’s love for us that He would send us His Son.

To you, and to me.

A precious gift none of us deserve.

And there is nothing, and no one here on earth, who can take that away from us.

The Meaning of Christmas

gift that never fades

The gifts we receive at Christmas from loved ones are appreciated, no doubt.

But there’s one Gift that never fades, never gets lost in a closet, is never the wrong size, and can never be replaced.

Jesus Christ came from the Father and there’s no greater gift than His Son.

Merry Christmas to all and God bless you!


* American clergyman, Roy L. Smith, quotation courtesy of
