Merry Christmas 2024

Merry Christmas 2024 To You and Yours

Merry Christmas 2024 and Glory to God in the Highest!

Here at Delight in God, we wish you a Merry Christmas filled with much love and joy as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a son, and you shall name Him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end.” Luke 1:30-33, (NASB).1

Merry Christmas 2024

The great news is that it’s all true!

Nothing is Impossible For God – Merry Christmas 2024

For our Sovereign God, nothing is impossible.

We need to be convinced of the sovereign, life-giving power of God to do what is far beyond anything we can ask or think. We need to remember that the truth of Messiah’s birth should conceive in us an appreciation for the sovereignty of God, for with God nothing is impossible. The One who created the world from nothing caused a virgin to conceive by the Holy Spirit. Nothing is too hard for God, for which reason (1) there is no sin so bad that cannot be forgiven; (2) there is no heart so hard that cannot be softened; (3) there is no person so distant from God who cannot be brought near; (4) there is no trial so heavy that it cannot be sustained; (5) there is no promise so great that it cannot be fulfilled; (6) there is no barrier so strong that it cannot be overcome. For the Bible reminds us that “My grace is sufficient for you” (2 Cor. 12:9); and “If God is for us, who is against us?” ( Rom. 8:31). Well should we declare, “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift” (2 Cor. 9:15).Pastor Roger Pascoe, courtesy of


A special thanks to One Voice Children’s Choir for their beautiful and jazzy rendition of the beloved Christmas hymn, “Joy To The World.”

You may want to turn up the volume on your speakers for this one!

Merry Christmas 2024

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Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

2 Roger Pascoe, “The Greatest Birth Announcement Ever: Unto Us A Son IS Given (Luke1:26-38).” Copyright ©1996-2020, reprinted with permission.)


Home For Christmas

I’ll Be Home For Christmas!

Cue music  🙂

I'll be home for Christmas

Ahhh, the memories of a Christmas past.

I’ll never forget the time I braved an uncooperative plane, a speeding cab, and a broken-down bus all to get home for Christmas.

Not exactly like the movie “Planes, Trains, and Automobiles” – but close . . . sort of.

What an adventure that was – with its ups and downs, disappointments, breakdowns, and big-time delays, but I was determined to make it home – no matter what.

The Beginning of the Journey Home for Christmas

Many years ago, as a television reporter in Louisiana, I often worked on the holidays. Not fun, but it came with the territory.

One year, it was my turn.

I remember telling my parents, who were living three states away, that I wouldn’t be able to make it home that year.

They were sad, and I was sad. The idea of spending a Christmas alone in my tiny apartment was nothing short of a miserable feeling.

Everyone else had a home to go to for the holidays, except me, whose parents lived out of state.

I had to do something. I remember pleading with the news director and he finally relented with some conditions.

The deal was that I would have to pre-record a few feature stories that the station could run during the Christmas broadcast. If any news emergencies occurred, they would handle it. I was so grateful to him and excited about taking the evening flight home to surprise my parents.

I just wanna get home.

The Friday night after I finished my shift, one of my co-workers gave me a ride to the airport.

He dropped me off, and I headed inside to join the long line at the ticket counter. When it was my turn, the ticket agent gave me the bad news that my flight had been cancelled.

Wait . . . what?

I was devastated. She saw the sad look on my face and told me to hurry outside and catch a cab to the downtown bus station. There was only one bus leaving that night for my hometown.

I jumped into the first cab I could find, and we literally raced to the bus station several miles away.

After “the ride of terror” was over, and a few newly acquired gray hairs made their appearance, the cab driver dropped me off and I got in yet another line to grab one of the last remaining bus tickets home.

I just wanna get home.

home for Christmas

Delays and Frustrations

The adventure continued.

My new mode of transportation started its dicey journey along the icy roads of New Orleans. We got onto the interstate okay, but minutes later, the bus driver pulled over onto the shoulder.

She made the announcement that the bus was breaking down, and we’d have to wait there for a new bus to pick us up to continue the trip.

I checked my watch. Another delay.

I just wanna get home.

About a half hour later, the new bus arrived, and all passengers got on board, hoping that now our journey would be a smooth one and we’d make up all the time we lost.

I was determined to remain positive.

One power nap on this bus, and then I’ll wake up and be home already.

What I didn’t realize was that the bus had to stop in every little town along the way.

Oh, it was frustrating.

Other passengers around me were getting anxious, and sometimes mad. I sat up front near the driver, but it was impossible to get away from the glum vibe circulating in the bus.

The journey continued. All in all, what should have been a 3 ½ hour trip turned into 7 hours.

I just wanna get home.

We finally made it.

Right after 2:00 a.m. that next morning, the bus pulled into my hometown.  

Hallelujah! I’m home.

I got off the bus and saw the most welcoming, unexpected, sight.

It turns out my parents had found out about my little surprise and were there waiting for me!!

The sight of my Dad standing there with his arms open wide to give me a big hug made the journey worth it – even the setbacks.

Trust His Plan

There’s a lesson in this when I think back about it.

Isn’t that what we Christians are waiting and hoping for at our appointed time?

This life is often fraught with disappointments, trials, and delays – but some day in the future, Jesus will welcome us to our eternal home with loving arms.

There will be no homecoming like it.

Our Savior . . . waiting for you, and for me.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Merry Christmas


The Meaning of Christmas

Christmas 2017

Are we so busy this time of year that we lose the true meaning of Christmas?

So much to do!

Remember the adorable “A Charlie Brown Christmas” special on TV?

There comes a time in the program where a frustrated Charlie Brown asks, “Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?”

Even a simple drive to the grocery store becomes a nightmare, dodging the extra traffic heading to the stores and shopping malls.

People rushing here, rushing there, all around and everywhere.

In our house this year, it finally came to a point where we had to say, “we’ve got to slow this down!”

If we’re all not careful, we can lose sight of the real reason we’re celebrating.

The Glorious Birth Announcement

Christ our Savior is born!

Celebrating just once a year?

No thanks!

The meaning of Christmas

It is my prayer that we can all take to heart the true meaning of Christ’s birth.

How beautiful and humanly-incomprehensible the depth of God’s love for us that He would send us His Son.

To you, and to me.

A precious gift none of us deserve.

And there is nothing, and no one here on earth, who can take that away from us.

The Meaning of Christmas

gift that never fades

The gifts we receive at Christmas from loved ones are appreciated, no doubt.

But there’s one Gift that never fades, never gets lost in a closet, is never the wrong size, and can never be replaced.

Jesus Christ came from the Father and there’s no greater gift than His Son.

Merry Christmas to all and God bless you!


* American clergyman, Roy L. Smith, quotation courtesy of


Keep Christ In Christmas

Short and Sweet

Hi everyone!

I’ll keep this post short and sweet.

No, I’m not describing myself right there, although I have lost an inch in height over the years.

If you know where it went, please let me know. 😉

I wanted to share at least one way you can keep Christ in Christmas at your house.

But wait, you might be thinking – it’s not even Thanksgiving yet!

I say Merry Christmas

The Hallmark Channel is already showing Christmas movies.

Beautifully colored lights, decorated trees, and almost any type of decoration you can imagine now adorn the shelves of Hobby Lobby.

I know, I know.

Is it all too soon? Some folks may think so.

But, I wanted to tell you about a cute little wristband that you can order now in preparation for Christmas.

And, it’s free!

Props to the American Family Association for producing these adorable green wristbands. The white lettering reads, “Keep Christ in Christmas.”

My wristband is on its way. I hope you’ll consider ordering one or more for the dear ones in your life.

Christmas is coming

So what’s wrong with saying, “Merry Christmas!” when the season officially starts?


I’m grateful to live in a country where we can say it.

It reminds me of the time I went to a local store and, as I was checking out, the cashier said “Happy Holidays.” I responded with “Merry Christmas!” and you should have seen her face. She flashed a big smile and wished me a “Merry Christmas” back! The store must have had a policy about what their staff is allowed to say first when greeting a customer.

That’s fine, but I’ll be saying Merry Christmas every chance I get.

I know by the reaction I always get in the stores that I visit, everyone in past years appreciates it. In fact, they seem almost relieved.

Keep Christ in Christmas

How about you…

Will you wish others a Merry Christmas?

God bless!



Merry Christmas to You and Yours

Merry Christmas to You and Yours

In the hustle and bustle of the season,

may we never forget the One who came to save us.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas to you and yours

Celebrating The One Who Came To Save Us

Happy Birthday Jesus, the greatest gift of all! He alone is more than we ever need. He alone came to us as one of us and yet, He is divine.

Who could deserve such a love? Certainly not us and yet, He paid the price for our sins because He thinks we’re worth it.

It’s hard for the human mind to fathom.

Hallelujah Christians, that we have opened our eyes to this truth!

Who could deny such a gift of grace? Are they crazy?

The Bible’s foretelling of Jesus’ birth was fulfilled.

Scripture is Truth. For those of us who are Christian, our hearts are filled with the blessed promise of eternity with Him.

It’s time to spread the good news and, with guidance from the Holy Spirit,  help reach the lost for Christ!
