Refugee Crisis in the Ukraine Please Pray

Refugee Crisis in the Ukraine – Please Pray

The news coming out of the Ukraine is devastating.

Let’s fight this battle on our knees.

Refugee Crisis in the Ukraine Please Pray

I want to take a moment to pray for the refugees fleeing for safety, for the remaining missionaries, pastors, and humanitarian aid workers, as well as those who are on the ground and heading towards the conflict to render aid. 

Father God, we watch the horrific events unfolding daily in the Ukraine.

We know that the outcome will have international consequences.

The entire world is watching with apprehension, and yet nothing that is happening is a surprise to You.

 Most gracious Heavenly Father, You hear all of our whys and cries for justice.

You see the candlelight vigils, and You hear the desperate prayers of those who have family still living in this war-torn region.

 We pray for Your peace which surpasses all understanding.

Give comfort Lord to those who are on the ground, sheltering in bunkers, and facing extreme danger while this invasion plays out on the world stage.

Most of us can’t even imagine what that kind of stress and worry is like when every moment could be interrupted by bombs, assaults, or an air raid siren.

 We pray for the children in the Ukraine and the desperate parents trying to comfort them as disaster advances right outside their doors.

May compassion and discernment guide our world’s leaders as they face this dynamic situation and look for solutions.

Even so, we know that our hope is not in man, but only in what You can give through your Son Jesus Christ.

 Lord, we lift all of this situation up to You.

 In Your precious name,


These things I have spoken to you so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world. John 16:33, (NASB).

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Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.


Christians Take Heart

Christians Take Heart

Christians take heartGod is still on His throne.

We knew in this journey that things would happen in the world that would discourage and, even at times, horrify us.

I turn off the news a lot.

And I click out of the internet headlines because they get to be too much.

I read about the “groups” that are now pushing even harder for their “rights” and it makes my skin crawl…like pedos. I can’t even say that full word because it makes me nauseated. You can check it out for yourself. See Allen B. West’s website, June 27th article, for the awful headline. That’s what happens when God’s design for marriage is shot down.

And I turn off the television shows that glorify SIN.

It’s so “in your face” that I get sick of it. In our home, we tape a lot of family-friendly shows and buy movies just to get away from the junk. No agenda-TV for us, thanks.

This continuing defiance and fist-shaking at God that is happening in America will not end well for those who continue to deny His ultimate authority.

Very Troublesome Times Are Up Ahead

As Christians, we must continue to stand up for God’s truth in love and respond with gentleness and respect.

Time to get ready though. There are those people who hate God so much they will vilify believers. That’s you and me.

standing up for God's truth in loveWe will be hated and may lose friendships for speaking up for Jesus Christ, maybe even lose our jobs. We should expect it and be prepared. Someone said to me once, in effect, “Christians always think they’re being persecuted.” How sad is it that someone like that person refuses to listen to what is happening in other countries and also what is already happening here in the United States. They need to be more informed before making a statement like that.

But, in the thick of it, we must continue to pray.

As Christ forgave us, we must forgive them.

Don’t Lose Heart, My Brothers and Sisters in Christ

Stay strong, bold, and courageous. We know how it all ends.

He has overcome the world and keeps all of His promises.

Keep looking Heavenward!

Christ has overcome the world
