Does God Seem Silent?

Waiting On God

Does God seem silent

Does it ever feel like when you need God the most, He appears silent?

Perhaps your heart is breaking over something going on in your life. Your mind is wrestling with conflicting emotions.

Where is God?

 Doesn’t He hear me?

 Has He forgotten about me?

No, dear one, God will never forget about you.

Remember The Two P’s


waiting on God

When you’re in a dark place, you might not even feel like praying.

Resist that temptation!

The Lord hears your prayers.

Every single one.

He knows we have doubts and fears at times.

Pray for His strength and comfort and keep on praying!

Remember the two P’s – Prayers and Perseverance.

That goes for me as well  🙂

These are two essential foundations for a strong faith.

There is purpose in the waiting, even if we don’t always understand God’s timing.

I think fellow Christian Writer, Jennifer Woodley, describes this insight especially well in her article below.

My favorite point that she makes is this: “Allow God to hold us a little longer.”

That is so encouraging.

Thank you, Jennifer!

When God Seems Silent
by Jennifer Woodley 

‘Then they sat on the ground with Job for seven days and seven nights. No one said a word to him, because they saw how great his suffering was.’ Job 2:13 (NIV)

There are times when we experience deep grief. The death of a loved one. The loss of our home. A betrayal by our partner. An unexpected chronic illness. Our world becomes dark. No words bring relief. And God seems silent.

Actually it is not words of comfort that we crave. It is a comforting presence. For now, that is all we need. Like Job’s friends who sat with their grieving friend, Jesus sits wordless with us in our pain. Just to know He is there is enough. Initially our grief and pain is too deep to be healed with words. We need empathetic silence and loving companionship. When God seems silent, He offers us this instead.

We have so many questions. Yet as we sit quietly with God for long enough, slowly the answers come. It’s the patient act of waiting in the darkness with our Heavenly Father that eventually unravels the answers. The promise is that when we seek long enough, we shall find. First is His comforting silent presence that holds us, then in time comes the words of life we are waiting for.

Do we find ourselves waiting in a dark place full of pain and grief right now? Does God seem silent to our pain and questions? Don’t attempt to rush past this place. Stay here. Allow God to hold us a little longer. Don’t lose hope. Light will break through darkness. God knows. God sees. And in time, He will speak to our grief.

He Will Hold You

There’s an uplifting song by Selah that comes to mind. It’s called, amazingly enough, “He’ll Hold You.”

The song is from several years ago, but the lyrics and beautiful harmonies? Timeless.

I hope you enjoy.

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*Article shared, courtesy of Jennifer Woodley, from FaithWriters url:
