Oldest Man in the Bible

The Oldest Man in the Bible – Get Ready for a Shock!

Did you know that the oldest person in the Bible was a man named Methuselah?

How old you might ask?

You may want to sit down.

Methuselah was 969 years old – making him the oldest man in the Bible.


Right there in Genesis 5:27 . . . 

So all the days of Methuselah were 969 years, and he died.Genesis 5:27, (NASB).1

How could he be that old?

I think of all the anti-aging creams I have bought in the past. 🙂

Even if they did actually work, there’s no way I would ever want to live to be 969 years old!

He was the great-great-great-great-great-grandson of Adam and the grandfather of Noah. He was likely a godly man to have been blessed by God with such a long lifespan. – gotquestions.org.2

These very long and mysterious lifespans seems to defy explanation.

However, the following consideration (there are quite a few) makes a lot of sense to me.

Over time, as a result of sin, the human genetic code became increasingly corrupted, and human beings became more and more susceptible to death and disease (emphasis mine). This would also have resulted in drastically reduced lifespans. gotquestions.org.3

the timeless truths of the Bible

The Oldest Man in the Bible – Trust God’s Word

The unimaginable power and divine nature of God will accomplish His plan for humanity no matter how inexplicable it seems to us.

This side of heaven we don’t completely understand the long lifespans of some of the patriarchs in the Bible.

Even so, we can have complete confidence in the timeless truths in God’s Word because the Bible is God-breathed.

I’m sure the debates about this and other divine mysteries will continue.

Sadly, they’re often fueled, not by curiosity seekers, but ultimately by an Adversary who wants to disprove the Bible by any means necessary.

Whether sin corrupted the long lifespans of the past, or perhaps another interpretation, the bottom line is that God is sovereign and we can trust Him.

He remains the Final Authority and His Word is infallible. 

8“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord.
9“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways
And My thoughts than your thoughts.”Isaiah 55:8-9, (NASB).4

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Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

2 Quotation from gotquestions.org from “Why did the people in Genesis live such long lives”? n.d., para. 4. Web. Accessed March 20, 2025. Retrieved from oldest man in the Bible.

3 Quotation from gotquestions.org from “Why did the people in Genesis live such long lives”? n.d., para. 4. Web. Accessed March 20, 2025. Retrieved from long lives in the Bible.

4 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.


Created With Love

Created With Love From God Above

Have you looked outside lately?

If you haven’t had a chance to notice yet, colorful flowers are blooming everywhere!

springtime blessings

Springtime is definitely here, and I’m ready to frolic!

I mean that in the best way.  😉

As you can tell, flowers bring me a lot of joy.

World famous French impressionist painter — Claude Monet, once said,  “I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers.”

To think that God designed everything in the creation around us is an amazing thought that I continue to delight in.

All of this beauty – created with love from God above.

created with love from God above

From One New Creation To Another

The colorful springtime flowers all around us are literally bursting forth with new life.

Likewise, as Christians, we have reason to celebrate our new lives in Him.

Christian brothers and sisters – how does it feel to know that you are a new creation

I think it feels pretty great, and humbling at the same time.

The meme below says exactly what I felt the moment I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart.

Not only did my perspective on everything change, I couldn’t wait to learn more about Jesus, the Bible, and what’s to come in the future.

created with love

What You See Around You Was Created With Love

If you find yourself feeling a little down today, please take heart.

We all get that way sometimes.

I love this encouragement from Susie Larson’s Daily Blessing. 

Springtime is a beautiful time to slow down and notice the fresh life springing up all around you. It’s the perfect time to consider both God’s vastness and His nearness. With a few words from His mouth, He spoke the galaxies into existence. And with great care, He crafted you into an absolute work of art. The starry skies and the sparkle in your eyes both speak of what a wonderful Father He is. He told the waters where to stop, and He stretches out His hand against the enemy of your soul.

He moves mountains, and He opens doors. He speaks peace, and He calms the storm. With a word of instruction, He sends warring angels to fight for you, and with a whisper across your heart, He reminds you how much He loves you. He sent His Son to earth to save you, restore you, and redeem every aspect of your story. The gospel isn’t old news. It’s now news. It’s the Good News. It’s the best news ever. Celebrate this springtime season with holy expectancy. New life springs forth! – Susie Larson, author.


You were made in His image.

Be blessed!

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Claude Monet Quotation, courtesy of https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/claude-monet-quotes.

Quotation from gotquestions.org, from “I am a new christian. What is the next step?” n.d., para. 5. Web. Accessed April 20, 2021. Retrieved from https://www.gotquestions.org/new-creation.html

Susie Larson, courtesy of Susie Larson.com, “New Life Springs Forth.” April 5, 2021. Retrieved from https://www.susielarson.com/daily-blessing/2021/4/5/new-life-springs-forth.


The End Of The World

End Of The World

Have you ever thought about the end of the world?

As Bible-believing Christians, we know what’s eventually coming.

Increased persecution, chaos, and a one world demonic cult ruling earth’s inhabitants in the guise of world peace – to name just a few of the realities.

For some people, the final events are too scary to even consider.

If that describes you, trust me, I get it.

End Of Days

the end times

When I first became a Christian, I purposely avoided reading the Book of Revelation.

I tried to read through it on my own and got lost.

What did all that symbolism mean? 

I was so overwhelmed that I gave up and spent my time in other books of the Bible for many years.

Frankly, I had no idea at the time what I was missing. 

Of course, we’re not supposed to “dwell” on the end time events, but we do need to be aware of them.

Fast forward to a few years ago, when an opportunity arose that I couldn’t pass up.

The Book Of Revelation

Like an answer to a prayer, my church offered a Revelation Bible study, also known as Eschatology.

Simply put, Eschatology is a long word meaning the study of the end times.

I jumped at the chance to learn more.

It was a 3-part course which, in totality, would last several months.

I’m so glad I took the course. Let me encourage you to not be afraid to jump into Revelation if an Eschatology study is offered at your church.

It is so worth it!

After completing the course, the symbolism that scared me off so long ago, finally made a lot more sense.

If you’re interested in a quick overview of end time events, you can find a briefing here: https://www.gotquestions.org/end-times-timeline.html

However, I recommend a more in-depth Bible study rather than a flyby through one article on the Got Questions website 🙂

Through the entire Book of Revelation, we have a blessed reminder that God is Sovereign, and Jesus is coming back.

Our Righteous Judge

Sadly, what some people fail to accept is that Jesus will return as our righteous judge.

My heart breaks for those who, for the remainder of their lives, refuse to put their personal faith and trust in Him.

I have nothing but great pity for those people.

If Jesus’ return happens within our lifetime, that means that all remaining unbelievers, including those we personally know, are headed for everlasting suffering – an eternity of torment, no saving grace offered, beyond any complete human description.

Jesus’ words are clear, as presented here in Mark 8, among other passages.

38 For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.” Mark 8:38, (ESV).

want to pray for someone

Every night, my husband and I pray by name for someone we know who is lost. We pray specifically that his/her heart will open up to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The thought of a non-believing friend going to hell is tragic.

But, despite the limitations of my and your human understanding, we must trust our Sovereign God and know that He alone will judge righteously.

The End Of Days

Keep your eyes on the news.

I should clarify: keep your discerning eyes on the news and on Jerusalem. There’s a lot of significant events underway.

A word of caution: your red flags should go up if you hear of anyone setting an “exact date” the rapture will occur.

Date-setting is just doomsday, hysteria-promoting, nonsense.

Here’s What We Can Delight In

We can delight in knowing that everything is in God’s timing, not man’s.

We can delight in knowing that only the Creator orchestrates the future, and that prophetic events are falling into place according to what God has appointed.

The good news is that, for true-believers, Jesus has provided us the way to spend Eternity with Him.


*Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
