No i In Grace

There’s No “i in Grace

A favorite preacher of mine once said, “There’s no ‘i’ in grace.’”

The beauty of that assurance has stayed with me.

In fact, grace is one of my favorite words in the entire English language.

The Apostle Paul described God’s wonderful gift of grace to the Ephesians in earlier biblical times.

Likewise, God’s grace and mercy extend to us today.

For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.Ephesians 2:8-10, (NASB).1

As so eloquently stated above, “We are His workmanship . . . “

There’s no “i” in grace.

To God alone be the glory for all He has done.

In our sins, we are unlovable and undeserving and yet, it is by God’s grace alone that we are the blessed recipients of His unfailing love.

When you hear these words, your hearts should sing!

No i in grace

Christian theologian, Augustine, once wrote:

God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.2

You are loved, dear Christians.

Transformed by His grace, we should live out our faith through our humble actions giving all glory to God – a natural outcome of our new identity in Christ.

Get ready to shine

Worth pondering . . .

Our every humble act of kindness and compassion is our living testament to His glory.

It is through our humble endeavors, that His greatness is magnified.

His light shines through us.

We are His beacons of hope and compassion.

Get ready to shine!

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Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

Quotation by Augustine, early influential church leader, courtesy of Christian


Celebrating Freedom And The Spirit Of America

What Makes America Great

What makes America great

One of the many things I love about this great country we live in is our undying American spirit. 

No matter what has happened in the past, the spirit of America continues to live on.

Political and media rhetoric sometimes muddy the waters, and unfortunately, there’s relentless pressure that many things that we hold dear need to change.

Even so, the spirit of our country continues to stand firm. Resilience, hard work, and innovation haven’t gone anywhere.

Celebrating Freedom and The Spirit of America

On Tuesday, July 4th, we celebrate Independence Day. It’s the day set aside to commemorate the birth of our American independence.

We have good reason to celebrate with our loved ones!

This important day isn’t about time off from work, the largest fireworks display, or the best-tasting barbecue.

It’s about respect and love for country.

Patriotism is a good and beautiful thing.

When I see a child waving a little flag during 4th of July celebrations, it makes me smile.

Sometimes I shed tears when I see patriotism in action.

Thoughtful words from friends:

“The American spirit is pride in our country, pride in our forefathers, and their vision for what we could be.

It’s pride in our heritage and history and pride in all our past and present military, without whom the vision of our forefathers would never have been realized.” – Trish M., from Virginia.

Celebrating freedom and the spirit of America

“The American spirit can have a different meaning for everyone, but for me, a few things come to mind.

The American spirit is having the ability to achieve whatever you want to achieve by good, hard, clean work. Decent and honest people who haven’t given up on this country. Brave soldiers, many of whom gave the ultimate sacrifice. Christ, American flags, faith, love, hope, and freedom.
A lot of these, if not most, sets us apart from other countries”. Andrea K., from Arizona.

Our American Heritage

Extraordinary people live in America.

Whether I see them on the news or know them in person, there are people out there who inspire me every day with their strong faith and courage, sometimes under insurmountable odds.

As Americans, we are blessed with an enduring tradition of faith in God and love for country.

We must never forget either.

Ronald Reagan quote

Food for thought going forward.

As the former President stated above, is our country still with God?

It appears we have a choice as a nation.

We can do nothing as atheistic groups continue to try to undermine our country’s Judeo-Christian values, or we can pray for God’s mercy and stand firmly on the grounds of our faith.

I know what I’m going to do.

Will you join me in praying for our country every night?

God bless America and Happy Independence Day!

2017 Happy Independence Day

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*Quotation from President Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States. Courtesy of, and as quoted from, Christian


Please Pray For Persecuted Christians

persecuted Christians

Mere words can barely describe my sorrow and compassion for persecuted Christians across the globe. They are in great danger. It seems like every day, there’s a new account of Christians suffering at the hands of evil people.

Christian men, women, and children are being murdered, simply for professing their belief in God.

I’ll say that again – and children.

This is undeniable truth.

Pray also for Christians in America

There are people in America who want to act like it’s not happening.

It is.

There are people in America who think that it can’t happen here.

It can and it has.

Many News Networks want to discard that type of news from our TV sets, but you can find it online if you look. As believers in God, burying our heads in the sand and pretending it’s not going on, helps no one.

You should be outraged.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”      Edmund Burke

Please Pray For Persecuted Christians

And, we need a God-sized intervention in America before it’s too late. We’re already being crippled as it is. I’m sure you know what I mean.

These horrifying persecutions are not random in any way, shape, or form. Christians are being targeted. This is a concentrated “movement” out to destroy those of us who believe in God.

Is There Hope For America?

We don’t know God’s plan. There’s always hope, but only through the saving Grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Unfortunately, atheists have succeeded in taking God’s name out of schools and, in some cases, out of the public square.

Praying for persecuted Christians

Think about that for a minute. This is a country that was founded on Judeo – Christian principles and yet a very vocal group has bullied their agenda into the mainstream and, believe me, it will eventually affect all of us. Should it really be any surprise if God removes His blessing on America?

Without His intercession soon, we could be in for a time of national grief and suffering – if God chooses to allow that to happen.

When World History Ends

We do know that there will be an End to Time, just as the Bible foretells. And, because of His revelation to us, we know that God ultimately triumphs and we will one day be in His presence, worshiping Him for eternity. The timing is God’s alone.

In The Meantime

We can pray for those in danger. Millions of Christians all over the world can lift their voices and pray for God’s mercy. He hears every prayer.

These horrifying persecutions are our wake-up call. I just wish more people would see it.

