Asking For Trouble
Have you ever regretted something you did as a child?
I have.
When I was in 5th grade, I remember going to a slumber party with a bunch of friends from my junior girl scout troop.
Besides staying up late until the wee hours of the morning, part of our “fun” included one of the girls pulling out a ouija board.
You’ve probably heard of them.
Each person asks the board questions and, supposedly, you’ll get answers from an unseen force.
At that young age, we didn’t think there was anything wrong with it.
I’d call that inviting the devil in.
Talk about asking for trouble.

Now, as a Christian adult, I know better.
We were just stupid kids then, influenced by what we saw in the world around us, and doing what we’d seen other kids do.
I’ve already asked, and God has forgiven me.
Someone might think it’s silly for me to apologize to God for something I took part in as a child.
And, that’s okay.
I’m more interested in what God thinks.
Invoking the Spirit Realm
Fast forward to modern times.
Did you ever think you’d see a demonic tribute displayed for all to see, like the giant ouija board that was in Salem last year?
It makes my heart sad.
Did you know there are still people out there who don’t believe there’s a devil, or that evil actually exists?
Much, much worse, they don’t believe God exists, AND that He is a righteous judge.
They’ll find out someday.
A Wonderful Trip With One Exception
A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I went on an amazing vacation in the mountains.
Absolutely everything was perfect about our trip, except for one thing – a so-called “immersive experience” that came highly recommended on one of the travel sites.

My husband and I read nothing in the reviews that tripped our radars. We had no idea that this place would be so disturbing.
The outside of the building for the “experience” looked a little weird, but we decided to go in anyway.
We started walking through the dark rooms full of lights and bizarre artwork. There were strange writings everywhere – on the tables, on the walls, etc. The whole place was noisy with unintelligible sounds coming from who knows where, and it smelled bad.

What in the world?
We looked closer at the written letters on the tables and the drawings and paintings on the walls – clearly demonic.
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know what demonic symbols look like.
And they were everywhere.
This “experience” was not a haunted house…it was described as a popular “attraction” with, God forbid, plans to expand to other states.
It wasn’t amusing, or tongue-in-cheek.
Here’s another thing that was really unsettling.
There were young kids running around.
It made me sick watching young people in there taking selfies, laughing, and soaking it all in. I watched one teenager close his eyes, breath in a deep breath, and say out loud, “Freedom.”
I just shook my head.
Young people are encouraged to play here and “immerse” themselves in this very dark place.
What Do We Stand For?
I’ve heard some Christians talk excitedly about TV shows and movies, like “Twilight” and “Game of Thrones.”
Anything goes now in the entertainment world, ever-increasing numbers of shows glorifying violence, or satanic acts and meaningless se xual encounters.
Why aren’t more Christians speaking up and out against this kind of thing?
I do more often than not, and it gets me into trouble sometimes.
But, I have a right to my opinion just like the next person.
Who are we trying to please? God or man?
“Were Satan to strike the children of God with great force at one time, they would know exactly how to resist the enemy since they would immediately recognize his work. He uses the method of gradualism to wear down the people of God.” – Watchman Nee – Christian minister, Bible teacher. (1903 – 1972).1
I’ve never felt so out of place than at the attraction we went to. I walked right up to one of the posted demonic symbols and started singing the Doxology silently in my head.
I can’t believe people pay money to see this kind of thing except, maybe like us, other Christians entered the building simply going off of misleading reviews.
This is garbage. Let’s leave.
And so, we walked out. We got inside our rental car, stunned at what we’d just witnessed, and prayed about it and against it.
Art? Really?
People can call that kind of thing “art” all they want.
If it’s celebrating the devil, the illuminati, or globalism – no thanks.
I don’t care what the Hollywood machine wants to promote – I’d rather see, or hear, or read something uplifting – especially if it glorifies God.

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1 Watchman Nee quotation, courtesy of Accessed 26 January, 2020.
2 Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.