How About A Christian Vacation?


I need a vacation!!

Like, right now.

What a day, what a DAY.

(I said that twice on purpose.)

Here’s the thing:

This gal is ready to eat an entire batch of chocolate chip cookies.

Chocolate chip cookies heaven sent

(Please don’t judge me. I have feelings.)

Have you ever had a “Calgon Take Me Away” moment?

C’mon, you know you have.

Perhaps your kids are screaming for attention.

Or, your formerly cute dog is getting comfy on your bed after a romp outside in the mud.

I need a vacation

Maybe it’s your husband asking you sweetly “What’s for dinner?” when you’re bringing in sacks and sacks of groceries.

The thought of getting in your car, driving for hours, and not telling anyone where you’re going isn’t out of the question.

Just Breathe

Take a deep breath.

Take a deep breath

B r e a t h e.

Now, think about what would calm you.

Is it walking on a sandy beach in the Caribbean?

Is it getting cozy by the fire, while the snow falls gently outside?

How about a Christian vacation this time?

Ahhhhhhhhhh, I’m picturing it now.

On everyone’s list of favorite words: VACATION.

Where to Go for Fun and Inspiration

My husband and I are always interested in meeting up with other Christians somewhere fun. Seriously, somewhere FUN!

How does cruising to Alaska sound?

Alaskan cruise

Or setting sail to the Grand Cayman Islands?

Christian Travel Vacations? They’re That Good

Here are some of the highlights of taking a Christian-themed vacation:

    • Just as in your marriage, God is the foundation of every one of these vacations. You will be blessed.
    • The destinations often include performances by well-known Christian bands. You get to sing along with these artists and meet them personally. The “very cool” factor of this experience is off the charts.
    • You also get to hear topical sermons from well-respected pastors along for the trip. For example, you can hear great preaching and personal testimonies from the likes of Chuck Swindoll, Dr. Robert Jeffress, and Skip Heitzig.
    • The whole adventure “feels” like heaven on earth. Fun people from all over the country are getting together to enjoy beautiful scenery, great music, and hear the Word.
    • Depending on where you go, your free time may include snorkeling to your heart’s content. Snorkeling is one of my favorite things to do. Think of a pristine ocean, waves lapping at your ankles, and water every shade of blue. Or, if you head up north, you could catch a glimpse of a mighty whale as you aim your camera lens towards a magnificent glacier in Alaska.
    • Some of the nicest people from all over the country are joining you, and you have the opportunity to form lifelong friendships. Christian travels and tours are unforgettable.
    • You can enjoy all of the beauty and adventures of a popular tourist spot, and yet you don’t feel like a stranger. There’s always someone to talk with and make plans for dinner that evening.

Fun Times With Dear People

The next time you have a “Calgon” moment, I highly recommend that you start planning a trip with fellow Christians.

How about a Christian vacation?Every time our Christian getaway is over and my husband and I head back towards home, my thoughts are when we can go again?

Here’s where you can get information on some future destinations:

Important tip: Please don’t wait too long to book your trip. They can sell out fast.

God bless!


Have I Told You Lately

Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?

What a beautiful thing to say!

A Rod Stewart song comes to mind.

Who wouldn’t want to hear those words?

Like music to your ears.

Words that sweet are validation that you’re doing something right, you are loved, appreciated, and special.

Valentine's Day for loved ones

Sharing The Love

There was a lot of love going around for Valentine’s Day this year. Romantic sentiments were shared in person and all over Facebook on a very special day.

But, why is appreciation of loved ones just an occasional thing for some people?

Think of all the people you care about.

The people you cherish, like your spouse, your kids, your friends – I truly believe that you will never regret letting them know more often just how much they mean to you.

Look for opportunities to bless the ones you love.

Surprise them even. That’s when it gets fun.

But They’re Driving Me Nuts

What if your husband left his socks on the floor for the umpteenth time?

(And husbands, I haven’t forgotten about you.)

What if your wife asks for the millionth time, “whatcha thinkin’ about?”

In those cases, you could say, “I really love you, but sometimes you drive me nuts!”

No, don’t say that.

There’s that forgiveness thing that God wants us to remember 😉

We All Matter

I heard a priceless piece of wisdom once.

I can’t remember the exact wording, but here’s the gist of it.

When you see your loved one walk into the room after being gone all day, look at them with the kind of expression that reflects that they are THE most important person in the world to you. That includes the way you greet your kids too.

Have I told you lately

I’ve seen families in restaurants and every one sitting at the table was on their phones. That makes me sad.

Give your loved ones your complete attention.

Talk to each other, for goodness sake.

Your eyes, your smile, the hug and kiss you give them – make those gestures really count. Squeeze them a little tighter or longer.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve been married 50 years or if your kids are eighteen and they look at you like you’ve grown three heads.

Make your greeting count!

Making it count can start with a look of appreciation and the words, “Have I told you lately that I love you?”

No Relationship Is Perfect All The Time

In some cases, expressing love can be difficult. I know that many relationships in families aren’t perfect. They take time to build and to grow, especially after a painful hurt in the past. But, the precious gift of forgiveness is the healing and grace that come afterwards.

Love and grace go hand in hand

The Most Important Relationship Of All

What does our Redeemer hear when we pray?

Does God only hear our prayer requests, wants, and needs?

Or, does He hear gratitude and “I love You’s” as well?

There’s so much and so many people to pray for that I have to remind myself to stop and thank God and tell Him that I love Him.

I’m taking this opportunity to say it now.

Father God, I love You!

I am humbled that You thought enough of me

to bring me into this world.

Thank You for looking beyond my sins,

forgiving me,

and for leading me

step-by-step into an eternity with You.


For anyone reading this, thank you for stopping by and reading my blog. It means a lot to me and I appreciate you.

God bless.


When Your Remarkable Happens

Hey, good lookin’!

I’m talking about you.

Are you feeling out of sorts?

It’s okay.

We all feel that way sometimes.

My go-to when it happens to me is listening to Christian music.

Whether you prefer contemporary praise songs, Christian rap, or country gospel, it doesn’t matter.

God doesn’t care how well you sing or whether your singing is good enough to end up on “The Voice.”

Singing Praises To God Is Worship

Praising God through song is worship.

He is listening to you, no matter how off pitch you are.   😉

I’ve sung in choirs since 1997, and it is an absolute joy.

Here’s one song that I love, and I wanted to share it with you now.

The song reflects Psalm 139 which talks about God knowing you before the beginning of time.

Before you were even created, He already had you in mind.

Don’t you love children’s choirs?

Go to a quiet place, close your eyes, turn your sound up, and feel the Father’s love.

I hope you enjoy.

When life gets you down, it’s only human to feel overwhelmed and sideways.

But, don’t stay in that place for long.

God knows your every step before you even get out of bed.

When you’ve had a night of worrying about tomorrows, please remember you can find peace in reading God’s Word.

Trust Him through your circumstances.

*Learn to trust God in everything, to turn from sin and walk in obedience, to endure His reproving and chastening and refining, do what is good, walk in the Spirit, let your commitment to the Lord come from the inside out, not the outside alone.  Live by the Word of God in a righteous way.  And pray and seek peace.  This will restore your peace. – Pastor John MacArthur, from Grace To You.

Wake Up, Sleepyhead!

Get ready to approach each day with confidence knowing that, as one of His beloved children, God’s plan of salvation is remarkable.

When your remarkable happens

When God blesses you, shine His light to the world and show your gratitude.

If you know of anyone who needs this encouragement today, please feel free to share this post.



*John MacArthur quote is from an article originally appearing here at Grace to You.


Turning Down the Noise of the News

Turning Down the Noise of the News

What’s that loud sound when I turn on network news?

It’s awful noise.

Turning down the news

As a former journalist, when I see news anchors broadcast opinion pieces and call them news, it’s nothing short of cringe-worthy. I’m talking about news reports that don’t present both sides of an issue. I’m also talking about those in the media tearing up when their preferred candidate didn’t win.

There’s so much deception going on in the media and entertainment worlds that my TV remote is starting to become my favorite thing.

Has everyone lost their minds?

Many in the mainstream news media seem hell-bent on widening the river of divisiveness. They’re flooding our great nation with doubt and hysteria.

Don’t fall for it.

America is a great nation, founded on Judeo-Christian values.

our great nation

Side By Side

The folks I know, and count as my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, are loving, intelligent, hard-working Christians. We care about people, and praying for the lost. We believe in compassion and kindness towards everyone while remaining courageous in our faith.

The secular world doesn’t get it, and we’re seeing the result of that now.

There’s such a clear divide between darkness and light in this world that it confounds me how people “on the fence” can’t see it or refuse to see it.

What Christians Know

Only one perspective that matters

What Christians know is that political parties aren’t the answer.

God is.

Would God condone the murder of babies in the womb?

We know the answer to that already.

Those people marching for abortion don’t speak for me.

There is One, only One, who stood up for me many, many years ago on the way to Calvary.

Manners? What Manners?

Is civil debate about issues a thing of the past?

It certainly seems so.

Welcome to a fallen world.

Awful, sickening, comments on Facebook.

Watching all of this is hard.

Self-described “nasty” women were spewing hateful words.

The media loves it and, those sneaking into our country who want to harm us, love it too.

My husband and I pray for the safety of our nation and Israel every single night. Our Christianity doesn’t make us popular on social media all the time, but it’s one of the battle scars that are a part of life in this fallen world.

Where’s That Doggone Remote?

turning off noise

Keep your remote handy too.

In our house, it’s a race to hit the change-the-channel button when the “noise” starts up again.

Award Me, Applaud Me

The Grammys, the Golden Globes, the latest award show du jour.

How many “award a celebrity” shows are there now?

These shows have morphed from fashion displays and classy thank-you’s to hypocritical political rants. Some celebs use the dais to accuse conservatives of promoting hate and yet, the ferocious bullying and threats from Leftists remain overlooked.



Will pray for you.

God wants us to pray for them. Our prayers may be mocked, but we do it anyway. Unlike most of Hollywood, our audience as Christians is an audience of One.

theologian J. Sidlow Baxter

From a Christian Perspective

Is there another option to the mainstream news media?

I know about one I can offer.

It’s a website called I found the site one day when I was researching another article. You’ll find coverage of the big news stories there, but there’s a significant difference. The articles and commentaries are from a Christian perspective. is the brainchild of the American Family Association. I have a lot of confidence in AFA and their positive impact on the world.

If you prefer to read news headlines on your phone, the site also offers a downloadable App. For those who prefer email alerts, you can receive the news briefs via your email provider.

Turning Down the Noise of the News

There’s one perspective that really matters.

Through belief in the saving grace of Jesus Christ, restoration and redemption can be yours.

The Author of all life is still on His throne, and He isn’t going anywhere.

No person or group and no political party can ever usurp God’s reign and authority over all the earth. God is orchestrating a divine plan and, in His perfect timing, it will unfold for all to see in an astonishing way.

Every knee will bow.

Not “some” knees will bow, but “every” knee will bow, even the wicked.

Friends who are reading this, I am honored to stand with you. Don’t let all the loud noise stirred up make you feel alone.

I appreciate you so much.

I know it’s not just me praying for America and the world to turn back to God. There are millions of us, Christian voices all over the world, lifting up prayers and worship to God.


The Best Place To Pray

A Special Place for Praying

The best place to prayIs there a special place you go to say your prayers?

Is there a particular time?

Do you pray only at night in bed, before you go to sleep?

I do pray in bed, but it’s not the only place I pray.

There’s no right or wrong answer.

It’s whatever is personal to you.

Embrace the Peace and Quiet

Quiet places are best.

It’s hard to meet with God when distractions are everywhere, such as the familiar ring of a cell phone, barking dogs, and loud television shows in the next room.

I prefer the quiet.

There’s not a room in my house where I haven’t said a prayer or two. Whenever I feel that urge to pray for someone, or for another request that comes to mind, I try to make an effort to pray right then and there, rather than waiting for later.

I’ve even said prayers while driving in my car.

Have you been on any jammed interstates lately? 😉

I’ve also prayed silently in the pharmacy at the grocery store, as odd as that may sound.

Streams of Tears

streams of tears

I remember that day well.

My husband had just had surgery.

After several hours at the hospital, I got him home, tucked him into bed so he could sleep the rest of the day, and headed to the pharmacy to pick up all of his prescriptions.

Nothing unexpected, but I had also just heard that my husband’s cousin, Carol, had passed away that morning.

We loved Carol and that news, along with the stress of my husband’s surgery, just knocked me for a loop. I handed the prescription to the pharmacy tech and went to the waiting room where she directed. There was no one else in the waiting room. I just sat there. All of these sad thoughts flooded my mind.

Missing Carol, worrying about my husband.

A few minutes later? Bring on the tears.

They were rolling down my face and,

How come I never have a Kleenex when I need it?

The pharmacy tech called my name, and I walked up to her, eyes wet, barely able to talk. She looked at me and didn’t say much. I think she knew that if she asked, I would have lost it even more. I got home, bawling at that point, and just sat around in the quiet house, my husband sleeping in the next room, feeling sad and alone. I poured my heart out to God that day. I did feel better afterward.

Is There A Best Place To Pray?

I’m mentioning all of this from my personal life because I want to encourage you that it doesn’t matter where you pray, God will listen. He understands us more than we can ever know.

*15For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. 16 Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. – Hebrews 4:15-16, NASB

Your Quiet Place

The whole idea of setting up a “prayer closet” for meditating creeps me out. The more I’ve read about that practice, the more it appears to resemble contemplative (or centering) prayer, which is not a good thing. 

You can pray anywhere.

One of my absolute favorite spots, when it’s not freezing outside, is on the porch. I go out about dusk, enjoy the sunset, and say a gratitude prayer to God.

It’s all very peaceful.

On Your Knees

No Embarrassment

There’s a song I listened to a lot when I first became a Christian.

It’s called “On My Knees”  by award-winning Christian vocalist, Jaci Velasquez.

Please don’t feel embarrassed to get on your knees to pray to the King of Kings.

May God bless you this week.

*Bible reference: New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

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