Why Not Phone A Friend?

Why Not Phone A Friend?

Why Not Phone A Friend?

Are you “all thumbs?”

You may be, and didn’t even realize it.

It’s time we talk about your problem.

Okay, I’m kidding, let’s talk about “our” problem.

Many people I know text a lot.

Or, at least their teenagers do.

Don’t get me wrong, texting is necessary sometimes … but all of the time?

With all this “convenience” technology, aren’t we losing something?

Generally, I’m not a fan of texting.

This dislike developed over time and it took a comment from my amused better half to make me realize I was falling into a bad habit.

There have been instances when a friend and I have texted back and forth for quite awhile, prompting my husband to ask a good question: “Why don’t y’all just call each other?”

He has a good point.

Texting has easily become a mindless habit.

Even though I text a lot, I realize that I do miss hearing people’s actual voices.

Does anybody else out there miss personal telephone calls?

“With our digital wands — TVs, smartphones, iPhones, iPads, etc. — we trick ourselves into believing that we are better connected … But are we?” Times Union Online article.

Something To Think About

Smart phones, Smart this, Smart that … in our homes, in our cars, at work.

We have so many conveniences available to us to make our lives easier.

Even though some of the latest medical and scientific breakthroughs are amazing, others are downright creepy – like the Big Dog robot.

Is that menacing-looking thing really necessary?

It also makes me cringe when I hear news headlines about topics like:

Artificial intelligence

Implanted chips

Genetically-modified whatever


When it comes to those kinds of advancements, I want to say “slow down, mankind!”

We are not God.

When you really think about it – is that what life is all about?

Is that what God desires – for our lives to be easier and more convenient?

Christians should know the answer to that one.

The growing “disconnect” in our communication with each other makes me sad, even though I’m sometimes guilty of it myself.

Ultimately, this isn’t heading to a good place.

So, I think I’ll go phone a friend right now – the old-fashioned way.

A Prayer For Biblical Discernment

God, in this time of incredible technological advancement, give us clear eyes to see what is happening through a biblical lens. Give us the mind of Christ. May we be wise and careful in how we employ emerging technologies.

May we not invest them with out-sized importance.

Set our hope on the coming kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, who will heal every disease and give us glorified, resurrected bodies. – Dr. Robert Jeffress, First Baptist Dallas.

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* Quotation from Times Union Online, “Techonology Only Hurts Interaction.” Web. Accessed April 5, 2019. https://www.timesunion.com/opinion/article/Technology-only-hurts-interaction-4392687.php

**Quotation from Dr. Robert Jeffress, Bible teacher, pastor, and author. Taken from Worldview Today with Dr. Robert Jeffress. “Prayer.” Accessed April 5, 2019.


Happy Easter 2019

Three Days Later

What a difference three days makes.

When Jesus was put to death on the cross, His Glorious Resurrection became the single, most pivotal, truth-affirming foundation of our Christian faith.

31For He was teaching His disciples and telling them, “The Son of Man is to be delivered into the hands of men, and they will kill Him; and when He has been killed, He will rise three days later.” – Mark 9:31, NASB.

Happy Easter 2019

We can rest in the truth that over 500 witnesses saw Jesus after His Resurrection.

Over 500 people.

Oh, to be one of the 500 on that day.

He is risen!

He is risen, indeed!

May you and your families have a blessed celebration.

Happy Easter 2019


*Scripture quotation is from New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.


Rejoicing In Heaven

Is There Anything Sweeter Than the Rejoicing in Heaven?

There’s a Bible verse I’m thinking of right now about rejoicing that always warms my heart.

It’s in the book of Luke in the 15th chapter.

10 Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” – Luke 15:10, (ESV).

Did you catch that?

There is rejoicing in Heaven among the angels every time a lost sinner comes to Christ.

This beloved verse appears where Jesus is teaching about salvation through the parables of the lost sheep and the woman searching for that one lost coin.

Just as in those examples given by our Savior, the salvation of all of us matters to God.

Some day we will join the rejoicing angels in Heaven to praise our Lord and Savior in His Holy Presence.

What a blessed day that will be!

Rejoicing Angels

Fellow Christian writer, Kenny Whiting, wrote a delightful poem about rejoicing angels that I’d love to share with you.

Rejoicing Angels
by Kenny Whiting

Since Jesus came from Heaven above
and died for all the lost,
The angels dance and sing each time
one sinner finds the Cross!

Their praise and worship for My Lord,
sounds many times each day;
When Jesus finds another lamb,
who’d somehow went astray!

See, not so very long ago,
myself was lost in sin;
But Jesus broke the devil’s binds,
‘fore satan reeled me in!

So now I think about the joy,
when angels got the news;
I know they danced with joy for me,
I know they’ll dance for you!

Let’s give them more to shout about,
tell other’s ’bout Our King;
Let’s keep those angels on the move,
they love to dance and sing!

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*Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

**Poetry shared from article url: https://www.faithwriters.com/article-details.php?id=185177


God In The Midst Of A Storm

God in the midst of a storm

My husband and I laugh whenever we think of how our puppy acted during a severe storm we had a few years ago.

Tornadoes are nothing to take lightly so when the meteorologist predicted a big one was heading our way, we took cover at our house.

God in the midst of a storm

We gathered in our safe room with our dogs.

Our youngest one loved every minute of it.

I’m not kidding!

We could hear the tornadic winds racing outside and large hail pounding the roof.

Intense rain pelted all our windows.

It was loud and scary at the same time.

Mr. Contentment

Our puppy, however, liked this new “game.”

We reassured both our dogs over and over that we would be okay.

Our puppy’s look of contentment was priceless.

“I don’t know what we’re doing here, but I like this.”

He was so cute.

I, on the other hand, was a nervous wreck and doing some serious praying until it was over.

Even in the Storm God is There

When the storms of life hit, whether it’s a literal tornado barrelling through or something else like a health concern, “contentment” is not a first reaction.

But, once the initial shock has faded a little, do we let stress completely take over?

I do know that no matter what kind of storm you’re facing, God is there with you.

Peace in the Midst of the Storm

Do you remember hearing on the news about the ferocious winter storm that ravaged much of the Midwest back in late February?

Freelance writer, Lupe Riley, was in that storm.

I’ll let her describe for you the emotions she experienced as the strong winter blast roared through her state.

I hope her encouraging words give you comfort the next time that you face an overwhelming storm, or “storm of life.”


by Lupie Riley

Thought: Colorado was hit recently with what the weatherman called a bomb cyclone with 100 mile an hour winds, rain and snow. It caught many people unprepared for the damage it left behind. I was one of those off guard people. I live on 40 acres out in the country. I found myself alone without power and heat for two days, running out of water, a propane oven that didn’t work and three minutes of power left on my cell phone. In the meantime 85-90 mile an hour winds were howling outside my windows. The next morning I found myself blocked in with 7′ drifts along my driveway.
I can imagine how the apostle Paul felt on his 14 day journey through a northeaster on a ship that eventual fell apart as they neared the island shore of Malta. However, his faith was secure in the Lord and he ended up saving the lives of everyone on board. How do we face the storms that come in our lives? It could be the loss of a loved one, our children making bad decision, loss of income or divorce and any one of many things. Do we seek the Lord for comfort, wisdom and peace?
It reminds me of the story when Jesus was on the boat with his disciples asleep on a pillow. A sudden, violent storm came up. The disciples were beside themselves with fear as the waves grew higher then the boat. They awoke Jesus and he spoke three words “PEACE, BE STILL” and a calm settled upon the waters. He rebuked the disciples for their lack of faith. Little did they realize they had the creator of those waters on board who had the power to calm them.
When we pray in times of a crises do we really realize who were praying to? He is the God of all creation, the great I AM, who dwells in eternity and see’s the picture of our life completed. He knows the future and how it all will end, GOD IS IN CONTROL. I came through the storm without any major damage because the Lord was with me and I claimed the promise that he would never leave me alone. He is my strength, my shield and my heart will trust in him. Maranatha


Father God thank you for the calm you gave my spirit as I went through the storm. It was a threatening situation but I knew in my heart that no matter what the outcome your strength would see me through it. I praise you Jesus for this confidence I have in you. Amen.

Verse: Mark 4:39 “And he arose and rebuked the wind and said unto the sea, PEACE, BE STILL. And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.”

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*Faithwriters article shared courtesy url: https://www.faithwriters.com/article-details.php?id=185177


When Ordinary Becomes Extraordinary

Outward appearances

Ordinary People

Do you have the good looks of a high fashion model?

The vocal talent of an American Idol?

Or, the superhuman strength of the world’s greatest bodybuilder?

Yea, me neither.

I guess by those standards, people like myself would be considered “ordinary.”

Do I Really Matter To God?

You matter to God

The word “ordinary” can have a negative connotation, kind of like you’re a “vanilla” instead of a ”Rocky Road.”

Let’s face it – being “ordinary” isn’t flashy.

But, you know what?

What the world considers “ordinary,” for a Christian, becomes extraordinary.

Do you know why?

Because God Himself, Who created you from the beginning, thinks you matter.

He created you, didn’t He?

Please consider this.

Your life matters to God and He has a purpose for it.

Wherever you are . . . right now . . . in your life.

15 My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them. Psalm 139:15-16, (ESV).

I Matter, But What’s Next?

We’re here on this earth to glorify God.

Not just on Sunday.

Your economic status, good looks, athletic ability, talent – those are all fine and good, but none of those have anything to do with your effectiveness for the Kingdom

Unless . . . you’re open about your faith when you’re receiving all of those accolades.

So what can we “ordinary” people bring to the table?

Bring your ordinary self and your heart for God.

Bring your prayerful heart and your willingness to reach out to others

and tell them about Jesus.

When Ordinary Becomes Extraordinary

Recently, I read a memorable quote from Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest America that addresses this very thing.

God isn’t looking for talented people, gifted people, or handsome people. I’m not saying that He won’t use those people. But God is looking for available people, and He can do a lot with a little. He can do extraordinary things through very ordinary people. God uses ordinary people to change the world. – Greg Laurie, Harvest Devotion. 

Please be encouraged. You may not always see the results of your faith-sharing, but in Heaven you will know.

Pray for those opportunities.

Not that long ago, I had one of those unexpected and grace-filled opportunities. It came right out of the blue. I was able to share my faith and testimony, uninterrupted,  with someone. It was a powerful moment and I’ll never forget it.

I know the Holy Spirit will take it from there with this dear person . . . in God’s providential timing.

Call On Jesus

Friends – you are not ordinary in the eyes of God.

We have work to do!

Grammy Award-winning vocalist, Nicole Mullen, performed a song several years ago that comes to mind. When I first heard it, I was drawn to the encouraging lyrics and the pretty melody.


* Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

** Quotation from Pastor Greg Laurie, Bible teacher, pastor, and author. From Harvest.org, “Ordinarily Useful.” Online Devotion. Accessed March 24, 2019. https://harvest.org/resources/devotion/ordinarily-useful/

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