Happy Thanksgiving 2019!

Wishing You A Happy Thanksgiving 2019

Happy Thanksgiving 2019

May your day be filled with joy, but even more importantly, gratitude for the One Who gave His own life so that you could have Eternal Life.

Gratitude = Praise

How would you describe gratitude?

Saying thanks

Appreciating all of God’s blessings

A thankful heart is one of the primary identifying characteristics of a believer. It stands in stark contrast to pride, selfishness, and worry. And it helps fortify the believer’s trust in the Lord and reliance of His provision, even in the toughest times. No matter how choppy the seas become, a believer’s heart is buoyed by constant praise and gratefulness to the Lord.1 – John MacArthur, Pastor and Bible Teacher, Grace To You.

Thank You Jesus

A.W Tozer offers another great description of gratitude here.

Gratitude is an offering precious in the sight of God, and it is one that the poorest of us can make and be not poorer, but richer for having made it.2A.W. Tozer, Christian theologian and author.

As we close out another year, I wanted to take this opportunity to say that I am deeply thankful to all of you who have visited my blog posts over the years. I have watched the number of visitors grow over time, more than I could have imagined.

All glory to God forever!

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1 John MacArthur quotation, courtesy of Crosswalk.com. 14 November, 2016. #12. Web. Accessed 12 November, 2019. Retrieved from https://www.crosswalk.com/faith/spiritual-life/inspiring-quotes/30-christian-quotes-about-thankfulness.html

2 A.W.Tozer (1897-1963) quotation, courtesy of Crosswalk.com. n.d. Web. Accessed 14 November, 2019. Retrieved from https://www.crosswalk.com/faith/spiritual-life/inspiring-quotes/30-christian-quotes-about-thankfulness.html


Encourage Your Pastor

Thank You, Pastor

Are you blessed with a wonderful pastor at your church?

If so, have you ever told him personally how much you appreciate his Biblical sermons and how they’ve helped you in your Bible studies?

It’s so important to encourage your pastor!

An expositor cares little if his audience says, “What a great sermon” or “What an entertaining speaker.”

What he truly wants them to say is, “Now I know what that passage means,” or “I better understand who God is and what He requires of me.– Gotquestions.org.1

Our pastors need a boost of encouragement now and then, just like we all do.

encourage your pastor

There’s an annual Pastor Appreciation Day (Oct 13th), but if you missed the official recognition day, it’s never too late to say, “Thank you!”

I hate to admit it, but I’ve sometimes neglected this myself.

I’ve written emails and spoken directly to church pastors over the years, but in the busyness of life, sometimes I forget how important it is to offer appreciation for a pastor who holds true to God’s Word.

Fellow Christian writer John Clark offers a gentle reminder to encourage your pastor in one of his recent poems.

by John Clark 

Pastors come from all walks of life.
Many come from so far away.
They help people through sickness and strife.
And help them not to be led astray.

When pastors get a call from God
To serve in a church and save the lost,
They don’t do this on a whim,
But must be willing to count the cost.

They are all great people of God
Who desire to know His will and obey.
And when God gives them the nod,
They simply want to trust and pray.

Pastors go wherever God may lead,
To cities, towns, and countrysides,
To minister to those in need,
So people will in God abide.

They pray and read, and study the Word,
Baptizing people who come to know
The truth of the Gospel so many times heard.
Then share it with the world as they go.

We love our pastors for all that they do.
We all want to say how much we love you!

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1Courtesy of GotQuestions.org. “What is expository preaching.” n.d., para. 10. Web. Accessed 18 November, 2019. Retrieved from https://www.gotquestions.org/expository-preaching.html

2Poetry shared, courtesy of John Clark, from Faith Writers article url: https://www.faithwriters.com/article-details.php?id=185177


Be Encouraged

Be Encouraged With InspireMore

Are you sick of all the negativity and vitriol in the world lately?

Is it hard to be encouraged as you watch secular influences continue to push the world away from God? 

We know God is working His Master Plan, but because we don’t know His timing, it’s up to us to stay encouraged, encourage each other, and trust His will while we wait.

Are you ready to smile?

A dear friend recently told me about a great website that I hadn’t heard of before.

After checking it out personally, I wanted to share it with you because it’s just the right dose of optimism you might need for difficult days ahead.

It’s called InspireMore.

Have you heard of it before?

If you sign up, InspireMore will send you positive and inspirational stories every day.

Take it from me, it’s a positive way to start the day with a happy heart.

Here’s a good example of what I’m talking about from the InspireMore website.


How To Start Your Day With A Smile

Want to start your day happy?

The easiest way is to sign up on the InspireMore website. The stories and videos will come directly to you via your email address. Or, if you prefer, you can check the website every day to read new content.

Here’s a glimpse at their mission statement:

Tired of all the negative media? You’re in the right place. InspireMore is a community of passionate people connecting daily to ignite hope and inspiration in themselves and others.InspireMore Mission Statement.1

Please Note: not all of the articles presented are outwardly Christian stories, but what you will find in many of them are expressions of God-given grace.

I wanted to share another story with you. If you’re an animal lover, I dare you not to shed a tear over this one!


I’ll close with this encouraging meme – a reminder that we are never alone.

God with us!

be encouraged

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1 Mission Statement, courtesy of InspireMore.com. [About Us page]. Web. Accessed 8 November, 2019. Retrieved from https://www.inspiremore.com/about-us/


Jesus What Is Your ETA?

What is Your ETA?

Has anyone ever asked you that question?

Hopefully, it wasn’t a cellphone call from your boss because you’re late coming back from lunch.  😉

Many years ago, when I was a news reporter, we used to answer the ETA question a lot.

disturbing news headlines

For example, after covering a news story, my cameraman and I would radio the TV station to tell them we were finished and on our way back.

Something like this:


Me: Hey. We’re done. Headed back to Base.

Assignment Director: What’s your ETA?

Me: About 30 minutes.


Journalism is a very time-driven profession.

I think we’re all that way to a degree. We like to know when we can expect this or that to happen, especially if we’ve been waiting a long time. But it doesn’t always happen that way, does it?

Jesus, What Is Your ETA?

With the direction things are going in this mixed-up world, it’s no wonder the heightened yearning for our Savior’s return.

I read some of the disturbing news headlines, and silently pray the Lord comes back sooner rather than later.

But always in accordance with the timing of His will.

mixed-up world

Disturbing such as:

  • Did you ever think you’d see radicalized sex education being taught to grade school students?
  • Did you ever think you’d see a giant Ouija board erected in Massachusetts?  

Very, very sad.

Depending on the headline, I cringe, or I cry, and sometimes I grieve, especially if it’s a story affecting the future of our children.

Please, make it stop.

Come Lord Jesus!

The fact is, just as in Biblical history past, we don’t know when Jesus will return.

God decided in His infinite wisdom that we don’t need to know the timing. The exact future day and time will remain a mystery, until it’s here.

Good News for Repentant Sinners

When the headlines get you down, remember Who is always in control.

I take comfort in the reminder that God will save every last sinner who repents and turns to follow Jesus.

But that takes time. This is a big world and God is moving in ways that we don’t see.Jesus what is your ETA?

God’s timing is always perfect, even though it can feel like forever to us.

Doesn’t God care about how bad things are getting?

He cares more than we could ever understand.

In the meantime, we must continue to persevere and shine the light of His glory as He exercises His Sovereign power over all of humanity.

. . . the real reason for the Lord’s delay is not that He is negligent or careless in fulfilling His promises, but simply because He is long-suffering and kind, delaying Christ’s coming and the wrath that will accompany it while He calls out people to salvation.  

And Christ will not return before the merciful purposes of God are complete.  

Far from suggesting apathy or neglect on God’s part, the long delay before Christ’s appearing simply underscores the remarkable depth of His nearly inexhaustible mercy and long-suffering.1 – John MacArthur, Pastor and Bible Teacher, Grace To You.

Praise God for His inexhaustible mercy, or none of us would be saved!

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John MacArthur quotation, courtesy of  GTY.org/library/articles. 23 July, 2009. para. 30. Web. Accessed 4 November, 2019. Retrieved from https://www.gty.org/library/articles/A368/is-christs-return-imminent.


Here’s Your Sign

Here’s Your Sign

Have you ever been to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina?

Walks on Myrtle Beach

It’s a fun place to visit!

I am seriously missing those long walks on the beach right now.

Seriously . . . missing.

One morning, when we ventured out of our hotel to walk the property, we saw a very interesting sign.

Check it out.

warning up ahead

You know, I thought I saw something move by that bush over there.

“Here’s your sign,” as Bill Engvall used to say in his comedy routine.

It’s a good thing the hotel put out a warning, right?

danger up ahead

Venture too far out into that marsh and you could end up as appetizer for a real live alligator.

No thanks.

Another Warning Sign

Here’s another sign we need to be aware of.

Jesus Himself issued a warning to His disciples to beware of false teachers.

A Tree and Its Fruit

15 “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. Matthew 7:15. NASB.1

Fortunately, there are still good Bible teachers out there.

Unfortunately, there are also false teachers (and book authors) who are teaching anything but sound doctrine.

Discernment is a must.

For instance, just because a popular book in the Christian category of a bookstore becomes a best seller – that doesn’t mean it’s biblically sound. 

You’d be wise to read reviews from people who have actually purchased and read the book.

Going strictly by the endorsements isn’t always the best method (what if the endorser is also a false teacher?)

Beware of buying “Christian” books whose messages don’t line up with Scripture. If a teacher or author tells you they’ve received a “new revelation from God,” your red flags should be flying.

Jesus was the most loving person that ever lived and would say “neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.” He did not judge in the condemnatory sense but He certainly made a judgment of discernment. And that’s where we get confused. When the Bible tells us not to be judgmental, it means we are not to have a spirit of condemnation towards fallen people. We are to love them, be concerned for them, pray for them—all of that. But we are still supposed to have discernment—to be able to distinguish between what is righteous and what is unrighteous.R.C. Sproul, theologian, Founder of Ligonier Ministries.2

Let’s Get Equipped

If you’re not familiar with a teacher’s background, then what?

Here’s some good advice.

In summary:

  • What does this teacher say about Jesus?
  • Does this teacher preach the complete gospel? (including the Resurrection of Christ, repentance for our sins, and salvation by grace alone. Remember, helping the needy is not the entire gospel message.)
  • Does this teacher exhibit qualities that glorify the Lord?

I hope this is helpful to you.

God bless

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1 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

2 R.C. Sproul quotation, courtesy of  Ligonier.org/blog. 23 November, 2016. para. 2. Web. Accessed 27 October, 2019. Retrieved from https://www.ligonier.org/blog/difference-between-being-judgmental-and-exercising-discernment/

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