Happy New Year 2020

Happy New Year 2020

Wishing You A Happy New Year 2020

Is it me, or did the month of December just speed by like a freight train?


Are you ready for the new year?

I need to start remembering to write “2020” now.

That might take about a week. 

Looking Back on Challenges From Last Year


Looking back over the year 2019, I can honestly say that we have never been hit with so many challenges.

These were both emotional and physical challenges that packed a wallop.

It was surreal because they came without warning, in rapid succession, seemingly out of left field.

We got through it all by holding onto our faith, but that doesn’t mean it was easy.

And, the challenges weren’t just happening to us.

It seemed like most of our friends were dealing with major difficulties during the topsy-turvy year that was 2019.

A Close Call For Someone We Love

There’s something on my heart, and I have to share it.

I’d like to encourage you to pray for God’s protection over all of the dear ones in your life, both now and for their futures.

I believe this is crucial to add to your prayer lists.

You know as well as I do that this is a dangerous world that is getting even worse.

There are hostile people, in need of a Savior, who are running around unrestrained and hell-bent on hurting others, whether through words or deeds.

Recently, and as delicately as I can put it, we almost lost a shining light in our lives in the midst of a horrific crime.

It was that close.

We praise God for His hedge of protection over this situation.

Physical injuries can heal, but emotional wounds take much, much longer.

Comfort from God’s Word, our prayers, and the support from loved ones is vital when life deals a blow.

Honestly, I don’t know how people can get through this life without a strong faith and relationship with Jesus Christ.

The Beauty Of Grace

I‘m grateful that God places certain people in our lives whom we can mutually love and support, pray with, and pray for. There’s nothing sweeter in my eyes than to have someone put their arms around you and pray right then and there for a situation, or to hear the sweet voice of a friend on the phone as he or she prays for you. Prayers are not shackled by distance in the eyes of our Heavenly Father.

In the following passage from Scripture, the Apostle Paul is talking about the sufficiency of believers being found in Jesus Christ. We can often see His grace most clearly in the valleys of our sufferings.

3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. – 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, NASB.

See The Miracle

Every day is a gift.

Cherish those in your life who love you back, and pray for those who don’t.

We have our mission.

the Christian life

Happy New Year 2020

Make it count!

the new year 2020

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1 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

2Francis August Schaeffer, (1912-1984), evangelical Christian and theologian. Schaeffer quotation, courtesy of AZquotes.com. “The Complete Works of Francis A. Schaeffer: A Christian view of the church.” Accessed 22 December, 2019. 


Christmas 2019

Creator of the Heavens and the Earth

King Jesus

23 Behold, the virgin shall be with child and shall bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which translated means, “God with us.” Matthew 1:23, NASB.

Reverence For King Jesus

If we could condense all the truths of Christmas into only three words, these would be the words: ‘God with us.’ We tend to focus our attention at Christmas on the infancy of Christ. The greater truth of the holiday is His deity. More astonishing than a baby in the manger is the truth that this promised baby is the Omnipotent Creator of the heavens and the earth!1 – John MacArthur, Pastor and Bible Teacher, Grace To You.

On a Personal Note

Thank you for finding this blog post

in the midst of a

very busy holiday season.

I know your time is valuable and I appreciate your being here.

May we delight in God forever.


Merry Christmas 2019 to you and yours

Christmas 2019

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1 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

2John MacArthur quotation, courtesy of Christian quotes.info. Accessed 12 December, 2019. 


Home For Christmas

I’ll Be Home For Christmas!

Cue music  🙂

I'll be home for Christmas

Ahhh, the memories of a Christmas past.

I’ll never forget the time I braved an uncooperative plane, a speeding cab, and a broken-down bus all to get home for Christmas.

Not exactly like the movie “Planes, Trains, and Automobiles” – but close . . . sort of.

What an adventure that was – with its ups and downs, disappointments, breakdowns, and big-time delays, but I was determined to make it home – no matter what.

The Beginning of the Journey Home for Christmas

Many years ago, as a television reporter in Louisiana, I often worked on the holidays. Not fun, but it came with the territory.

One year, it was my turn.

I remember telling my parents, who were living three states away, that I wouldn’t be able to make it home that year.

They were sad, and I was sad. The idea of spending a Christmas alone in my tiny apartment was nothing short of a miserable feeling.

Everyone else had a home to go to for the holidays, except me, whose parents lived out of state.

I had to do something. I remember pleading with the news director and he finally relented with some conditions.

The deal was that I would have to pre-record a few feature stories that the station could run during the Christmas broadcast. If any news emergencies occurred, they would handle it. I was so grateful to him and excited about taking the evening flight home to surprise my parents.

I just wanna get home.

The Friday night after I finished my shift, one of my co-workers gave me a ride to the airport.

He dropped me off, and I headed inside to join the long line at the ticket counter. When it was my turn, the ticket agent gave me the bad news that my flight had been cancelled.

Wait . . . what?

I was devastated. She saw the sad look on my face and told me to hurry outside and catch a cab to the downtown bus station. There was only one bus leaving that night for my hometown.

I jumped into the first cab I could find, and we literally raced to the bus station several miles away.

After “the ride of terror” was over, and a few newly acquired gray hairs made their appearance, the cab driver dropped me off and I got in yet another line to grab one of the last remaining bus tickets home.

I just wanna get home.

home for Christmas

Delays and Frustrations

The adventure continued.

My new mode of transportation started its dicey journey along the icy roads of New Orleans. We got onto the interstate okay, but minutes later, the bus driver pulled over onto the shoulder.

She made the announcement that the bus was breaking down, and we’d have to wait there for a new bus to pick us up to continue the trip.

I checked my watch. Another delay.

I just wanna get home.

About a half hour later, the new bus arrived, and all passengers got on board, hoping that now our journey would be a smooth one and we’d make up all the time we lost.

I was determined to remain positive.

One power nap on this bus, and then I’ll wake up and be home already.

What I didn’t realize was that the bus had to stop in every little town along the way.

Oh, it was frustrating.

Other passengers around me were getting anxious, and sometimes mad. I sat up front near the driver, but it was impossible to get away from the glum vibe circulating in the bus.

The journey continued. All in all, what should have been a 3 ½ hour trip turned into 7 hours.

I just wanna get home.

We finally made it.

Right after 2:00 a.m. that next morning, the bus pulled into my hometown.  

Hallelujah! I’m home.

I got off the bus and saw the most welcoming, unexpected, sight.

It turns out my parents had found out about my little surprise and were there waiting for me!!

The sight of my Dad standing there with his arms open wide to give me a big hug made the journey worth it – even the setbacks.

Trust His Plan

There’s a lesson in this when I think back about it.

Isn’t that what we Christians are waiting and hoping for at our appointed time?

This life is often fraught with disappointments, trials, and delays – but some day in the future, Jesus will welcome us to our eternal home with loving arms.

There will be no homecoming like it.

Our Savior . . . waiting for you, and for me.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Merry Christmas


The Music Of Christmas

the music of Christmas

Delighting in the Music of Christmas

Oh, the music of Christmas.

What a special time of year this is!

I can’t help it – I find myself humming a little Christmas song, no matter where I am – at the grocery store, the gym, lots of places.

And, sometimes, it’s loud enough for people to hear.  🙂

I love the music of Christmas!

Don’t you?

Gentri Does it Again

The Gentlemen’s Trio, also known as “Gentri,” has won me over again with their Christmas music.

I fell in love with them, actually last Christmas, when I heard their rendition of The Little Drummer Boy.

They’re back!

With their delightful and recently released Christmas song, “Mary’s Boy Child,” and the wonderfully talented and awfully cute members of the Rise Up Children’s Choir – Gentri has succeeded in bringing me once again to tears of joy.

Have you heard their latest Christmas collaboration?

This is an upbeat, hope-filled, song.

Get ready to tap your feet.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.  🙂

The Coming Glory

So much hope in one little baby – Who is Christ the Lord.

The answer of the need of the human heart is found in that little Child—God in the flesh [John 1:1, 14]—suffering our suffering, weeping our tears, living our life, dying our death [1 Corinthians 15:3], the great Lord God of heaven who understands and sympathizes with us [Hebrews 4:14-16], and who someday, in His coming, will lift us to glory and to heaven [1 Thessalonians 4:16-17].Dr. W.A. Criswell, beloved expository preacher.2

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1 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

2 Dr. W.A. Criswell (1909-2002) quotation, courtesy of W.A Criswell Sermon Library. “The Christ of Christmas.” 12-23-90. Web. Accessed 4 December, 2019. Retrieved from https://wacriswell.com/sermons/1990/the-christ-of-christmas-2/


The Forgiveness Challenge

Taking The Forgiveness Challenge

Are you up for a challenge?

How about a forgiveness challenge?

I can promise you it may not be easy, depending on your circumstances.

Here goes.

Think of someone right now who purposely makes your life difficult.

Did they make you mad?

Did they make you cry?

Perhaps the continuing conflict was started by:

  • A family member
  • A coworker
  • Someone you used to be friends with

It could be anybody who seems bound and determined to get your goat.

Mr. or Mrs. Irritating can turn your smile into a frown real quick.

How can we forgive a person like that?


Why Forgive Them?

Because you are forgiven.

Forgive “them”, and move on with your life.

Fellow Christian writer, Marianne Custer, offers a godly perspective with her piece, “I Challenge you.”

I Challenge You

by Marlene Custer 

Recently I began pondering how to enrich my Christian walk.  I grabbed my Bible and found three challenges.   In his first epistle the Apostle Peter urges us twice to ‘love deeply’.  Deeply here means very intense, extreme, immeasurable.  I have no trouble loving my children and grandchildren deeply.  But that annoying neighbor, the church gossip, or the homeless person I may meet is another story.  Jesus said this is how all men would know we are His disciples, if we have love for one another.  Yes, I want to cultivate a deep love for others.

Second I want to work on forgiving unreservedly.  I have lived long enough to be hurt.  A careless word, questioned motives, or worse, something negative said about my child or grandchild.  But refusing to forgive doesn’t make the hurt better.  Recently, I saw a quote that said, ‘The most influential person in your life is the one you haven’t forgiven.’  That’s reason enough to just ‘let it go’!

And third, I challenge myself to savor God’s Word daily.  Savor means to enjoy to the fullest.  When I read God’s Word I am allowing Him to talk to me.  Yet I so often neglect that privilege.  Psalm 119:105 (NIV) declares, “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.”  Just as I need light to guide my physical feet, I need light on my spiritual path.  An added benefit is as I immerse myself in God’s Word, loving others and forgiving them becomes easier.

Father, please help me to love deeply, forgive unreservedly, and savor Your Word daily.

NIV  1 Peter 1:22, 1 Peter 4:8, John 13:35, Matthew 6:15

A Valuable Takeaway From the Forgiveness Challenge

My favorite line in Marlene’s piece is the quote that she shared, one packed with meaning that should stay with all of us.

“The most influential person in your life is the one you haven’t forgiven.”

Let it go!

peace and forgiveness


1Poetry shared, courtesy of Marlene Custer, from FaithWriters url: https://www.faithwriters.com/article-details.php?id=185177.

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