Senior Adults On Lockdown

Please Pray For Senior Adults on Lockdown

senior adults on lockdown

Praying friends – I have to ask a favor.

If you haven’t already done so, please take a moment and say a prayer for our senior adults/young-at-hearts/and veterans who are confined to their rooms during this terrible virus.

They need interaction, we all do, but it’s especially hard on our senior adults right now.

I have talked with several friends who have seen this firsthand.

Imagine being confined to a small room during a lockdown and your only interaction is a masked individual wheeling in your food on a cart three times a day. 

What horrific picture does that paint?

Many seniors on lockdown are going downhill fast.

People need people.

Distancing Isn’t “Social” at All

Recently, my husband and I went to visit a dear couple in an assisted living facility whom we have known for several years. They are like a second set of parents to us.

We were all looking forward to that visit. Sadly, as soon as we got to their parking lot, they called and told us that their facility just went on lockdown and, effective immediately, no visitors allowed.

What a sad day it was. We had to get creative after that with FaceTime/video options, but that won’t cut it forever.

With the masks and the distancing (I refuse to call it “social”) – most interaction now is very difficult, and also discouraged.

Senior adults on lockdown – I couldn’t have even imagined this happening a year ago, nor would I want to.

I’m not really liking the year 2020, but we press on through these and future challenges to come.

Everyone I have talked to is experiencing a feeling of loss, but especially those who can’t get out at all.

How frustrating this is because it seems like there is no end in sight.

Sadly, there are some who would be fine with this mask requirement going on into next year.

Pray (please pray) for our senior adults.

please pray for our senior adults

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The Big Picture

More Than Meets the Eye

Every morning, a beautiful hummingbird appears outside my office window.

It took us several days to get his picture because he won’t slow down to pose. 🙂

God's work in creation

Our hummingbird friend may be tiny, but his mighty wings are strong.

I love to watch him as he darts through our garden to check out every colorful flower and eagerly sample the nectar from each one.

That’s the kind of picture that I love to see.

What I hate to see, and wish was just a bad dream, is the accelerated downslide of America demonstrated by current events. What a sad picture this is for all of us and for generations to come.

Kinda seems like things are falling apart, right?

But, as we read the Bible and consider its prophecies, events are actually falling into place.

the big picture

There’s a big picture at work here, beyond the small details of each day.

There’s so much to say, but suffice it to say, as Christians we have to be watchful, pray every day for God’s grace and mercy, and stay in His Word.

The Big Picture in the Bible

As you study Scripture, over and over again you read about God’s people turning their backs on Him and plunging instead into idolatry.

An idol is anything we value more than God.

Just as in the ancient days, we still have idols today.

Consider the foolish obsession some people have with celebrities and you’ll see what I mean.

Some other modern-day idols can include . . .

The love of money

The love of things

Political causes

Substance abuse

Other people


obsessed with self

God takes idolatry very seriously.

Your salvation and recognition of Jesus alone as Savior is that important.

The alternative to Jesus, let’s not sugarcoat it, is hell.

Since you know the true God, and are in him, let your light and love guard you against all that is advanced in opposition to him, or competition with him. Flee from the false gods of the heathen world. They are not comparable to the God whose you are and whom you serve. Adore not your God by statues and images, which share in his worship. Your God is an incomprehensible Spirit, and is disgraced by such sordid representations.- Matthew Henry, Christian minister and author.2

We must examine our hearts and tear down the idols that we have.

There’s another big issue that God takes seriously.


Why do we have to repent if our sins are already forgiven?

That’s a great question.

We are sinners saved by grace, but that doesn’t mean we keep on sinning without a care and in blatant rebellion against God.

This is not a works-based issue. Salvation is reflected by a changed heart, remorse when we do wrong, and continual gratitude for God’s grace.

The Christian life is a life of continued repentance, humiliation for and mortification of sin, of continual faith in, thankfulness for, and love to the Redeemer, and hopeful joyful expectation of a day of glorious redemption, in which the believer shall be fully and finally acquitted, and sin abolished for ever. – Matthew Henry, Christian minister and author.3

Let’s be thankful for a loving and righteous God who forgives those who repent and believe.

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1 Scripture quotation is from New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

2 Matthew Henry quotation, courtesy of Bible Study, n.d., para. 6. Web. Accessed 15 July, 2020. Retrieved from

3 Matthew Henry quotation, courtesy of Bible Study, n.d., para. 4. Web. Accessed 15 July, 2020. Retrieved from


The God Who Loves You

The God Who Loves You Created Everything

God created everything

Maybe it’s just me, but I happen to think that parrots are one of the prettiest birds out there.

With their stunning colors and playful personality, it’s no wonder that parrots are a popular pet. They’re smart too.

Listed in Guinness World Records, a famous parrot from California named “Puck” is said to have known over 1700 words.

Incredible, right?

The God who created beautiful and intelligent parrots and every bird species on this earth is the God who loves you.

God’s Living Creative Display in the Animal Kingdom

Can you name Australia’s cutest animal?

You might be tempted to guess that it’s the Koala Bear.

Actually, it’s the Quokka, pronounced “quo – kah.”

The what-tah?

Here’s a picture of one of the cuties right here.

God's creativity in the animal kingdom

It’s cute alright.

I want one!

However, did you know that you could face a $300 fine for even petting one of these?

I’ll have to hold off for now.

The same God with an obvious sense of humor is the God who loves you.

When we look at the infinite variety of the animal kingdom (both living and extinct), we must be impressed with God’s creative power, as well as His sense of humor. Any Being who makes the giraffe, the platypus, and the peacock is a God of joy and humor.David Guzik, Christian pastor and author. 1

 God Cares for the Flowers

God cares for the flowers

I have always been a big fan of orchids.

Hint, hint for anyone I know who is reading this.

Besides being just a pretty face in the garden, certain species of orchids have also been used as medicine.

The same God who can create a breathtaking flower with the amazing properties to heal is the God who loves you!

The Sea Is His

the God who loves you

The God who loves you created our vast and magnificent oceans.

Did you know that the oceans contain real gold?

It’s not the amounts you could get rich off of, (or everybody would be panning for it), but we’re talking about small, microscopic grams of gold.

Where did all of those beautiful blue colors in the large oceans come from?

They come from the light of the sun!

Praising our Creator

The God Who Gave Us Life

Can we just reflect on God’s glory for a moment?

The God who created all things, is the same God who loves you.

Here, Christian musician, Fernando Ortega, sings my favorite version of this beloved hymn based on Psalm 148.

You may want to turn this one up!

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1 Quotation from Christian pastor David Guzik. “Genesis 1 – The Account of God’s Creation.” n.d., Web. Accessed July 8, 2020. Retrieved from

2 Quotation from Christian pastor Mike Fabarez, Focal Point Ministries. “Devotionals – Creation.” n.d., Web. Accessed July 10, 2020. Retrieved from


No Plan B

Off the Tracks and There is No Plan B

Remember that time our train went off the tracks?

Never, in a million years, did I ever think I’d be able to say that.

It was one of those times when my husband and I were looking for a fun adventure to add to our bucket list, something we’d never done before.

I know, let’s take one of those hour-long scenic train rides through the country!

Don't let the evil on display derail your faith

That memorable afternoon, my husband and I boarded a vintage train with a bunch of other adventure-seekers.

About thirty minutes into our ride – lurchhhhhhhh!

The train made a weird sound, lurched forward awkwardly, derailed, and . . . stopped . . . in the middle of nowhere.

Thankfully, no one was injured.

For the next seven hours, we waited in our seats for the rescue buses to arrive and take small groups of us back to the railway station.

Seven long hours.   

My husband and I were among the last group to get back to our car that night.

I’ll never forget it.

There was no Plan B for the train.

In other words, once the train hit dirt, there was no way out.

no Plan B

There’s No Plan B for Your Salvation

Just like with that train, there is no Plan B . . . for your salvation.

There is one way to eternal life, the only way, through Jesus Christ.

You think things are heated up now?

Just wait.

In Acts 2, Peter quoted the prophet Joel during the blessed outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. This was an important proclamation that future judgments would come. What blessed assurance for us to know that, in the last days, we have the promise of our salvation as believers.

Acts 2

Don’t Let the Evil on Display Derail Your Faith

You know what dark times we’re living in right now.

I call 2020 the Year of Deceit and Disrespect.

The dividing line between believers and nonbelievers is becoming more and more evident.

Sadly, even some churches are falling away, preaching a false gospel to itching ears that only want to feel good about themselves.

This spiritual battle – as hard to watch as it is – should encourage us all the more to stand tall in our faith.

We can’t let this increasing darkness derail the hope and blessed assurance that is within us.

One of the great themes of our faith is triumphant hope—an unshakeable assurance that things will end right. In the midst of struggles and storms, battles and trials, we focus beyond the present moment and we see victory. We see relief, because in the end, God wins! – Chuck Swindoll, Christian pastor and author.2

Through Jesus, we have victory and a life of unimaginable splendor to look forward to with our Heavenly Father.

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1Scripture quotation is from New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

2Chuck Swindoll quotation, courtesy of, “In the End, God Wins…and We Win…When God Wins!,” 17 April, 2018, para. 1. Web. Copyright © 2018 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Accessed 1 July, 2020. Retrieved from


Happy News

Happy News For Today

happy news for today

Is there any happy news to report during these difficult times?

I promise you that there is.

First, and foremost, we can hold on to the loving promises that apply to us from God’s Word.

In the second chapter of Philippians, for instance, we come across the reminder that, as Christians, we should do everything to the glory of God.

We can’t earn our salvation.

But, we can reflect the Lord’s greatness with our words as well as our deeds.

Happy news to believe in

Secondly, there is the evidence of God’s grace that we can actually see.

While most of the mainstream news media is busy reporting bad news, there are everyday heroes working behind the scenes.

These are folks who continue to show kindness, grace, and hope to their neighbors, even when it seems like the world is falling apart.

Heartwarming events continue to happen every day, pandemic or not.

After the Storm

after the storm

Just over a week ago, a terrible lightning storm hit our area.

When I say terrible, I mean it was a wake-you-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night kind of storm.

The thunder and lightning raged on and on, starting about 4 a.m.

There was no sleep in our house at that point.

When the morning sunrise finally came, the local news reported that several houses in our county had gone up in flames.

No physical injuries, thank the Lord, but those families lost everything.

We drove by one of the homes.

It was taped off, totally destroyed.

Neighbors stood outside consoling each other.

A few hours later that same day a “GoFundMe” page was started for all of us who wanted to donate.

I watched the page stats as the number of donations rose to help meet the goal.

Other folks in the community started a collection of essentials for each family, such as diapers, articles of clothing, cleaning supplies, and restaurant certificates.

There is still good happening in the world.

Nothing, or no one, can totally destroy the beautiful spirit on display of Americans helping each other in a crisis.

An Unexpected Blessing

More happy news.

A good friend of mine recently underwent major surgery. We were so grateful to hear after a few hours that her operation was a success.

Guess what she told me later that day when I called her?

She said, “God sent me an angel.”

You can bet I was curious.  🙂

She said that while she was in Pre-Op, one of the doctors came in and asked if he could pray with her.

And he did . . . on his knees!

live out your faith

Talk about living out your faith in a godless world.

In these difficult times, take heart, be bold, and live out your faith.

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1 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. 

Photo source credits:
– Lightning photo by Brandon Morgan on Unsplash.

– Woman praying photo by Photo by Ben White on Unsplash.

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