Created With Love

Created With Love From God Above

Have you looked outside lately?

If you haven’t had a chance to notice yet, colorful flowers are blooming everywhere!

springtime blessings

Springtime is definitely here, and I’m ready to frolic!

I mean that in the best way.  😉

As you can tell, flowers bring me a lot of joy.

World famous French impressionist painter — Claude Monet, once said,  “I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers.”

To think that God designed everything in the creation around us is an amazing thought that I continue to delight in.

All of this beauty – created with love from God above.

created with love from God above

From One New Creation To Another

The colorful springtime flowers all around us are literally bursting forth with new life.

Likewise, as Christians, we have reason to celebrate our new lives in Him.

Christian brothers and sisters – how does it feel to know that you are a new creation

I think it feels pretty great, and humbling at the same time.

The meme below says exactly what I felt the moment I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart.

Not only did my perspective on everything change, I couldn’t wait to learn more about Jesus, the Bible, and what’s to come in the future.

created with love

What You See Around You Was Created With Love

If you find yourself feeling a little down today, please take heart.

We all get that way sometimes.

I love this encouragement from Susie Larson’s Daily Blessing. 

Springtime is a beautiful time to slow down and notice the fresh life springing up all around you. It’s the perfect time to consider both God’s vastness and His nearness. With a few words from His mouth, He spoke the galaxies into existence. And with great care, He crafted you into an absolute work of art. The starry skies and the sparkle in your eyes both speak of what a wonderful Father He is. He told the waters where to stop, and He stretches out His hand against the enemy of your soul.

He moves mountains, and He opens doors. He speaks peace, and He calms the storm. With a word of instruction, He sends warring angels to fight for you, and with a whisper across your heart, He reminds you how much He loves you. He sent His Son to earth to save you, restore you, and redeem every aspect of your story. The gospel isn’t old news. It’s now news. It’s the Good News. It’s the best news ever. Celebrate this springtime season with holy expectancy. New life springs forth! – Susie Larson, author.


You were made in His image.

Be blessed!

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Claude Monet Quotation, courtesy of

Quotation from, from “I am a new christian. What is the next step?” n.d., para. 5. Web. Accessed April 20, 2021. Retrieved from

Susie Larson, courtesy of Susie, “New Life Springs Forth.” April 5, 2021. Retrieved from


Who Else Works Overtime?

Who Else Works Overtime Besides You?

Who else works overtime besides you?

Here’s to all of you who have to work overtime – my hat’s off to you.  🙂

Give yourself a pat on the back for taking on those extra hours when duty calls.

I’m not just talking about hospital workers.

You know who else works long hours to help to make this country great?

Men and women serving in the military

Police officers


Biblical pastors writing their sermons

Delivery drivers

And many other occupations that don’t get the media accolades.

We’ve probably all worked overtime at some point in our lives.

I remember working overtime often over the years, even overnight as a reporter camped outside a breaking crime scene.

It’s just what you do to get the job done, and to do it well.

While we’re on the subject, guess who else works overtime, but not for the good like all of those dedicated workers mentioned above?

Evil Doesn’t Sleep

Spiritual Enemy No. 1, Satan, also works overtime.

The Enemy of our souls spends hour after hour, every single day, looking for ways to trip you up, make you doubt your faith, and throw every conceivable distraction at you so you don’t have time for God.

Fact: The Enemy hates every single one of us.

Satan is geared to the destruction of God’s people, primarily. Obviously he wants to damn the whole human race, but his particular preoccupation is with those who belong to God, i.e., Adam and Eve and Job and Peter and Paul and others. His hope is that if he can’t destroy their faith, he can destroy their integrity before God by a long list of indictments. – John MacArthur, pastor and bible teacher from Grace To You.1

And so he acts the same with us.

Satan also works overtime

Satan’s time is short.

Is he invincible?


Jesus Will One Day Take All Of This Evil Away

Fortunately for us, there’s someone greater, omnipotent, and sovereign who works overtime.

That someone is Jesus – our Sovereign God who has already won the battle against evil.

Christians know that troubling times continue up ahead.

It’s easy to get discouraged during all of this craziness – but don’t stay in that place for long.  Keep your eyes on Jesus.

We have blessed assurance that every last repentant sinner who recognizes Jesus as Savior will be saved.

Jesus Christ, our Deliverer, works overtime praying for you and for me, and at the appointed time, He will come back for us.

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1 John MacArthur quotation, courtesy of 20 February, 2000. para. 17. Web. Accessed 19, April, 2021. Retrieved from

* Charles Spurgeon, influential pastor, quotation was accessed April 14, 2021 and retrieved from n.d., Para 39. Web. Photo used under the Pixabay License – free for commercial or private use – an artistic derivative created by me of the background photo original.



Meeting Jesus Face To Face

The Real Beauty of Heaven is Meeting Jesus Face to Face

Have you ever thought about how beautiful Heaven must be?

Pastor and author, the late Adrian Rogers, once said,

The God who sculpted the wings of the butterfly, blended the hues of the rainbow, and painted the meadows with daffodils is the same who made Heaven. – Pastor Adrian Rogers 1

Can you even imagine?

The perfect artistry of God

perfect artistry of God


The vibrant colors of God’s rainbows

meeting Jesus face to face

His excellent design

His excellent designAs breathtaking as the beauty of heaven will be, nothing will compare with the heart-stirring beauty of finally meeting Jesus face to face.

Think about it.

To see Him and to hear Him in person!

This is why, as Bible-believing Christians, we have no reason to fear death.

The jaws of evil, so evident in our corrupt world, will be wired shut forever and we will enter eternity with our living Savior.

Meeting Jesus Face to Face

We will meet Jesus face to face.

That is what is in store for those who trust Him as their Savior.

What will He actually look like?

What will His voice actually sound like?

Dear Christian, we’ll find out some day.

Poet Deborah Ann Belka has won a lot of recognition for her Christ-honoring poems.

This particular one caught my eye.

It highlights the joy we’ll have when we finally see Jesus face to face.

If Today I Met Jesus
by Deborah Ann Belka

If today I were to meet Jesus,
and my life here came to an end
I would be so excited
to finally meet my eternal Friend.

I would run up to Him,
and look into His face
I would be so very thankful
for His endless supply of grace.

I would drop down to my knees,
and worship my everlasting King
I would shout hallelujah
and my praises I would sing.

I would leap and jump with joy,
as soon as my feet hit the floor
I would be forever grateful
He opened to me heaven’s door.

If today I were to meet Jesus,
and I were to see my eternal Friend
I know that I would be in paradise
and my bliss would never end.

                     . . .

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, King James Version 
“For the Lord himself shall descend from
heaven with a shout, with the voice of 
the archangel, and with the trump of 
God: and the dead in Christ shall rise 
Then we which are alive and remain 
shall be caught up together with them 
in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the 
air: and so shall we ever be with the 

Let The Redeemed Say So

We are closer to eternity than we think.

Keep looking up.

The joys of Heaven are ahead!

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1 Adrian Rogers quotation, courtesy of 4 July, 2014 Devotion. para. 5. Web. Accessed April 10, 2021, Retrieved from

2 Poetry courtesy of Deborah Ann Belka, “If Today I Met Jesus.” [online post], n.d. Web. Accessed April 10, 2021. Retrieved from


True Grit Christianity

Do You Have True Grit Christianity?

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when I say the words, “True Grit”?

Probably the movie by the same name, right?

In my opinion, no film “remake” can beat the 1969 original movie which starred the one and only John Wayne.

John Wayne movie

In his Oscar-winning performance, Wayne was the cantankerous U.S Marshall, “Rooster” Cogburn.  In the film, a determined teenage girl hires Rooster to track down the heartless outlaw that killed her father.

As to whether the “true grit” description applied to her, or to the John Wayne character, it’s up for debate.  I think it can apply to both.

And it also applies to us as Christians.

Do you have “true grit Christianity”?

The Odds Are Stacked But . . .

Without a doubt, these are troubling times we’re living in.

With many Christians across the country still not attending indoor church due to virus concerns, the lack of fellowship and corporate worship has taken a toll.

And Satan is loving every minute of this.

This is not the time to give up on God.

In fact, it’s never the time to give up on God’s promises, despite what Satan might be whispering in your ear.

God doesn’t exist

There is no absolute truth

When you hear lies like that, as Barney Fife used to say, “Nip it! Nip it in the bud.”

You have the option to stand your ground and be prepared for a heated debate, or you can walk away and talk about the good news to someone else who desperately wants to hear about Jesus.

Keep reading your Bible, and get back to a biblical church as fast as you possibly can.

True Grit Christianity

true grit Christianity

As Christians in today’s world, we are facing giant-sized obstacles that can keep us separated and also roadblock our mission to share the gospel with others.

True grit is holding onto faith despite those roadblocks.

As more time passes, the world will try and tell you to denounce your faith in God. That’s what secular humanists do.

We can expect it.

Will the bad news all go away if I just turn off the mainstream media?


We must be prepared – through prayer, reading God’s Word, and trusting our Savior.

I know you’ve heard it said before that “God is in control.” 

I love that reminder because it brings everything (even the bad things we see going on) into a godly perspective. 

Unlike the plans of men, God’s plans are eternal, they serve a purpose, and they will bring Him glory.

The “true grit” Christian trusts God’s will and sovereignty.

Anything under God’s control is never out of control.Chuck Swindoll, Christian pastor and author. 

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1 John Wayne photo, courtesy of The searchers Ford Trailer screenshot 29, 2018, January 16. Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Accessed and retrieved April 5, 2021. 

2 Chuck Swindoll Quotation, influential Christian pastor and author, courtesy of


Our Redeemer Lives

Our Redeemer Lives – Rejoice!

Our Redeemer lives

Dear friends in Christ –

Here at, we wish you an Easter that is as joyful as the most beautiful spring day!  

In this world of confusion, remember we have a blessed hope ingrained in our hearts that can never be cancelled.

We can rejoice because our Redeemer lives!

He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said . . .

– Matthew 28:6.

Look up at the beautiful deep blue sky, and know that our blessed hope is on that horizon!

Our Redeemer Lives and He’s Coming Back for us

Recently, I came across a beautiful medley of Easter songs from the group “Anthem Lights” and wanted to share it here.

It’s about three minutes long.

I hope you enjoy the soothing harmonies as much as I do.

This Easter medley almost brought me to tears – tears of gratitude.

It’s humbling to remember the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for us and that He came to save us, despite our brokenness and sin.

What a wonderful merciful Savior we serve.

Happy Easter 2021!

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Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

1 37 38 39 40 41 106