Refugee Crisis in the Ukraine Please Pray

Refugee Crisis in the Ukraine – Please Pray

The news coming out of the Ukraine is devastating.

Let’s fight this battle on our knees.

Refugee Crisis in the Ukraine Please Pray

I want to take a moment to pray for the refugees fleeing for safety, for the remaining missionaries, pastors, and humanitarian aid workers, as well as those who are on the ground and heading towards the conflict to render aid. 

Father God, we watch the horrific events unfolding daily in the Ukraine.

We know that the outcome will have international consequences.

The entire world is watching with apprehension, and yet nothing that is happening is a surprise to You.

 Most gracious Heavenly Father, You hear all of our whys and cries for justice.

You see the candlelight vigils, and You hear the desperate prayers of those who have family still living in this war-torn region.

 We pray for Your peace which surpasses all understanding.

Give comfort Lord to those who are on the ground, sheltering in bunkers, and facing extreme danger while this invasion plays out on the world stage.

Most of us can’t even imagine what that kind of stress and worry is like when every moment could be interrupted by bombs, assaults, or an air raid siren.

 We pray for the children in the Ukraine and the desperate parents trying to comfort them as disaster advances right outside their doors.

May compassion and discernment guide our world’s leaders as they face this dynamic situation and look for solutions.

Even so, we know that our hope is not in man, but only in what You can give through your Son Jesus Christ.

 Lord, we lift all of this situation up to You.

 In Your precious name,


These things I have spoken to you so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world. John 16:33, (NASB).

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Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.


Are You the One?

Are You The One On His Mind?

Are you the one

Was there ever a time in your life when you’d lost hope, stopped going to church on a regular basis, and your prayer life started to backslide?

If so, then know that you are not alone.

I know what that’s like because it happened to me.

This was many years ago, after I moved back home to help be a caregiver for my father.

He was diagnosed with Alzheimers and was showing all of the major signs.

It was nothing short of devastating.

I am so thankful for the friends that I have in my life. I leaned heavily on their support because, at that time, I felt that God wasn’t hearing my prayers.

Of course, God heard my prayers, but His ways are not mine and my human nature wanted “immediate” answers.

Through all of that heartache, the knowledge that God wouldn’t let me go meant (and means) everything.

My faith became stronger after that trial and other challenges throughout my life. You can read more here

I ask, “Are you the one” because it breaks my heart to see others who have felt lost and alone, thinking that God doesn’t care.

If you’re struggling with something . . . please don’t lose your faith.

Continue to pour out your heart to the Almighty Father.

He is listening.

From personal experience, a good Christian friend to talk it over with is also a blessing.

We’re here for each other.

Jesus is calling you back

Jesus is our Good Shepherd.

If you go off course or even have doubts, Jesus is calling you back.

If you’re hurting, will you answer that call?

12“What do you think? If any man has a hundred sheep, and one of them goes astray, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains, and go and search for the one that is lost? 13And if it turns out that he finds it, truly I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that have not gone astray. 14So it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven for one of these little ones to perish. – Matthew 18:12-14, (NASB).1

Are You The One?

No matter what you’re going through, remember you are not alone.

You never were.

Through your hours, or days or even years of trial, God is with you and will continue to be.

I think the blessing of that assurance is a big reason why Matthew West’s new song, “Me On Your Mind,” has hit a chord with so many fans.

Listen to these moving lyrics, and you’ll see why this song has touched the heart of so many people.

“Me On Your Mind” released on February 18th and, per YouTube stats, has over 2400 views.

I love the heart and precious reminders behind this song which, by the way, Matthew says was inspired by Psalm 8

In a world full of people, billions of people, so many people with so many problems, would you believe that your prayers don’t bounce off the ceiling, He loves to hear the sound of your voice. Just like the old hymn says, ‘ He walks with me and He talks with me.’ That’s the kind of relationship He wants to have with you. It’s you on His mind.” – Matthew West, multi-talented recording artist and musician.2

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1Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

2Matthew West, Christian Songwriter of the year, “Me On Your Mind.” Courtesy of The Matthew West podcast. Podcast, [21:45-22:02]. February 23, 2022. Web. Retrieved from:


You Are More

You are Loved and You are More 

Are you a “speck”?

Wait, a “what”?

If anyone (including a well-known “scientist”) ever called you a speck, you’d probably think he or she was not only rude, but out of their minds.

As Bible-believing Christians, we know that we’re not “specks.”

Still, it’s hard to believe that some people support the theory that we’re insignificant people, living among other insignificant people, in an insignificant universe.

you are more

I am more, and you are more.

What our human bodies can do is nothing short of amazing.

Why? Because God created us that way.

This isn’t human emotions talking, it’s evidentiary.

God made each one of us with special gifts and talents, ultimately, that we can use for His glory.

amazing feats of the human body

The human body is the ultimate example of the marriage of design and function, enabling athletic abilities that showcase just how perfectly God engineered us. It takes all parts functioning together as one well-balanced system to achieve amazing athletic feats like ballet or skiing or throwing a baseball. Institute For Creation Research.1

Speaking of baseball, according to Guinness World Records, Aroldis Chapman threw the fastest pitch in a game against the San Diego Padres in 2010.

His recorded pitching speed? 105.1 miles an hour.

amazing feat in baseball

You are More Than a Speck

Anyone with an advanced degree who wants to call us all “specks” has the right to do so.

But, he or she doesn’t speak for us.

We have the truth of God’s Word.

In the presence of our Heavenly Father, yes – we are small, but we are more than insignificant thoughts.

Naysayers of Biblical creation aren’t going to stop promoting their theories, but we can remember what He has told us through His Word.

There is evidence of the God of the Bible everywhere.

We just need to look.

Blessed is that man who seeth God in trifles! It is there that it is the hardest to see him; but he who believes that God is there, may go from the little providence up to the God of providence. Rest assured, when the fish in the sea take their migration, they have a captain and a leader, as well as the stars; for He who marshals the stars in their courses, and guides the planets in their march, is the master of the fly, and wings the bat, and guides the minnow, and doth not despise the tiniest of His creatures. – Charles Spurgeon, pastor and author.2

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1Institute For Creation Research quotation. Courtesy of Discovery Center For Science And Earth History. [Blog]. Staff Writer. 2015. Made in His Image: The Amazing Design of the Human BodyActs & Facts. 44 (10).

2Quotation by Charles Spurgeon, influential Christian pastor and author, (1834-1892). Taken from The Spurgeon Center. “Providence.” April 11, 1858., para. 12. Retrieved from


God’s Word Says Fear Not

God’s Word Says “Fear Not”

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room – this mysterious global pandemic.

fear not

This hot-button topic promotes (and continues to promote) a lot of fear and isolation. 

The mainstream media just makes it worse.

Do not fear each other

Christians friends – we can’t let the fear of the unknown overtake our lives and forever stall our purpose here on earth.

In short, Satan wants mass fear and panic.

Did you know that, in the Bible, the words “fear not” appear over 100 times?

We must take the words of Jesus to heart.

The Bible clearly says, “Fear Not.”

It doesn’t say, “Fear Now.”

Our Sovereign God gave us life, to actually live it.

Fear Not – God’s Word Doesn’t Lie

God's Word says fear not

God always says what He means.

If this can encourage you in any way, please read the following wise words from a pastor that I listen to a lot.

I hope it’s a helpful reminder for you of our victory through Christ because we’re living in a world that appears to have lost its collective mind.

Find rest and God’s peace in Biblical passages that remind us what Jesus has already done, and what He will do. Seek out those passages!

Jesus speaks about what has yet to be done as already completed, I HAVE.  He has already overcome this world.  He already has the victory.  He has triumphed already. When I read one word it completely changed my perspective. I realized that I need to see this ongoing national crisis, this global pandemic through the words of Jesus.  Jesus has already overcome the world.  If He has already overcome, why do we worry? If our King is already victorious, and He has already given us the outcome, there is no need to fear. – Pastor John Randall, Calvary Chapel San Juan Capistrano

Jesus already overcame the world.

Specifically, the word “overcome” means “to defeat.”

Christ our Lord defeated the Enemy. 

To put it another way, we have reason to rejoice!

Encourage each other to “fear not,” keep watch, and see what the Lord will do.

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Senior Pastor John Randall quotation. Courtesy of[Blog]. “He ‘has’ Overcome.” April 30, 2020., para. 2. Retrieved from


Use Your Voice

Use Your Voice – The World Needs The Savior

Has anyone ever said to you:

No one cares what you think

You don’t matter

First of all, pity those people.

The truth is: God loves you.

Your value comes from Him and no one can take that away from you.

What a precious thought!!

You’re worth it!

Each of us are created in His image, and God doesn’t make mistakes.

Therefore, you are not a mistake.

He wired you with passions, convictions, and gifts to reflect His heart to a world in need. You’ve got some good work to do, battles to fight, and giants to confront. You have some gifts to steward, moments to enjoy, and wisdom to acquire. You were crafted by God’s own hand.1 – Susie Larson, Christian author.

Isn’t that beautiful?

But, why would a sovereign God create any of us, when all of us fail Him daily?

And, what about those lost people who reject Him entirely?

Why would He create something that causes Him pain? I say ask your parents. Why do parents bring children into the world, knowing that they will cause us pain? Because we are made in God’s image and, like God, we want to to give and to receive love. Parents will endure all kinds of pain because of this love. – John Oaks, Christian author and teacher. 

parental love

Perhaps you’ve heard the expression, “With all your faults, I love you still.”

That represents the essence of what I’m saying here.

God knows our faults full well, yet He forgives.

Through His Son Jesus, we have been granted incomprehensible and immeasurable grace.

Use Your Voice, Tell Your Story

For those people in your life who cut you down with their words or actions, remember, the one Who gave you life is with You through this often difficult life journey.

Try not to let their petty comments bother you.

Our purpose is to glorify Him, no matter what our circumstances and through the good times and the bad.

Use your voice

If you’re breathing, He has handpicked you to help shine His light in your sphere of influence . . . wherever you are and through whatever challenges you’re facing.

It’s not because He needs your help, but because He has uniquely gifted you.

But how can I glorify Him in a nursing home, for example?

Here’s just a couple of suggestions:

Use your voice

Talk about Jesus and share your journey to faith 

Write down your testimony (or get someone to do it for you)

             It can be a part of your legacy for your children and grandchildren

I do feel like, looking at the mess our country is in today . . . time is short.

Fear isn’t our authority, God is.

Christians – we need to get to work wherever God has placed us.

Use your voice, tell your story – whatever it takes.

If God has brought you through, or is bringing you through something difficult, share the Source of your strength.

One day soon, we will see Jesus face to face, and all of our sorrows will be wiped away, never to trigger us again. We’ll only know everlasting joy. We’ll know Jesus like we never imagined possible. What treasured gifts await us! – Susie Larson, Christian author.

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Susie Larson quotations, courtesy of, “You Are A Masterpiece”. Adapted from Susie’s 365 Devotional, Prevail.

John Oakes quotation, courtesy of, Doctrinal questions. “Why did God create us if He knew we would be imperfect and cause Him such pain?” June 3, 2015., para. 4. Retrieved from

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