The Cards You’ve Been Dealt

Trusting God With The Cards You’ve Been Dealt

cards you've been dealt

Are you happy with the cards you’ve been dealt?

Is your life right now going “exactly” as you’d planned it?

Odds are, if you’re like many other people, your answer is probably “no.”

No one would ever wish for a debilitating illness, a contentious divorce, or their child addicted to drugs.

Those are just a few of the gut-wrenching challenges that can touch our lives and lead us down a path towards depression and anxiety.

Statistics for 2022 show that anxiety disorders of various types affect over 284 million people worldwide.

That huge number is close to the population of Indonesia, the 4th largest country in the world.

In other words, a lot of people are suffering, and you’re not alone.

Those childhood dreams we used to have of a perfect existence?

They quickly fade once harsh realities and the demands of this life darken those once, rose-colored, glasses.

Life is hard, and it’s getting harder.

Please, where’s that refresh button?

Are the difficult cards you’ve been dealt for a purpose?

That’s a hard question, especially for people of faith who think God has forgotten them in their troubles.

God Has Not Forgotten About You

God does not forget about us.

In fact, He cares more than we could ever imagine.

There is a peace that only He can give and when our hope becomes assurance – it’s grace.

Until man bows in humility and recognizes that God orders the sun to shine and the rain to fall and the stars in place and the planets in order and recognizes that a God who can control the whole universe is interested in the details of his life. Until a man or a woman bows in that posture of humility, there is ultimately no hope for their neurotic anxiety-filled lives.- Alistair Begg, Christian pastor and author.1

Recently, I watched a video from The Skit Guys that is really touching. If it can provide you with any encouragement at all, then I am thankful.


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1Alistair Begg quotation courtesy of From “A Biblical Approach To Anxiety – From Standing Firm in Shaky Times, Volume 3.” Podcast, [31:22-31:53]. October 21, 1990, Web. Accessed April 25, 2022. Retrieved from
