The End Of The World

End Of The World

Have you ever thought about the end of the world?

As Bible-believing Christians, we know what’s eventually coming.

Increased persecution, chaos, and a one world demonic cult ruling earth’s inhabitants in the guise of world peace – to name just a few of the realities.

For some people, the final events are too scary to even consider.

If that describes you, trust me, I get it.

End Of Days

the end times

When I first became a Christian, I purposely avoided reading the Book of Revelation.

I tried to read through it on my own and got lost.

What did all that symbolism mean? 

I was so overwhelmed that I gave up and spent my time in other books of the Bible for many years.

Frankly, I had no idea at the time what I was missing. 

Of course, we’re not supposed to “dwell” on the end time events, but we do need to be aware of them.

Fast forward to a few years ago, when an opportunity arose that I couldn’t pass up.

The Book Of Revelation

Like an answer to a prayer, my church offered a Revelation Bible study, also known as Eschatology.

Simply put, Eschatology is a long word meaning the study of the end times.

I jumped at the chance to learn more.

It was a 3-part course which, in totality, would last several months.

I’m so glad I took the course. Let me encourage you to not be afraid to jump into Revelation if an Eschatology study is offered at your church.

It is so worth it!

After completing the course, the symbolism that scared me off so long ago, finally made a lot more sense.

If you’re interested in a quick overview of end time events, you can find a briefing here:

However, I recommend a more in-depth Bible study rather than a flyby through one article on the Got Questions website 🙂

Through the entire Book of Revelation, we have a blessed reminder that God is Sovereign, and Jesus is coming back.

Our Righteous Judge

Sadly, what some people fail to accept is that Jesus will return as our righteous judge.

My heart breaks for those who, for the remainder of their lives, refuse to put their personal faith and trust in Him.

I have nothing but great pity for those people.

If Jesus’ return happens within our lifetime, that means that all remaining unbelievers, including those we personally know, are headed for everlasting suffering – an eternity of torment, no saving grace offered, beyond any complete human description.

Jesus’ words are clear, as presented here in Mark 8, among other passages.

38 For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.” Mark 8:38, (ESV).

want to pray for someone

Every night, my husband and I pray by name for someone we know who is lost. We pray specifically that his/her heart will open up to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The thought of a non-believing friend going to hell is tragic.

But, despite the limitations of my and your human understanding, we must trust our Sovereign God and know that He alone will judge righteously.

The End Of Days

Keep your eyes on the news.

I should clarify: keep your discerning eyes on the news and on Jerusalem. There’s a lot of significant events underway.

A word of caution: your red flags should go up if you hear of anyone setting an “exact date” the rapture will occur.

Date-setting is just doomsday, hysteria-promoting, nonsense.

Here’s What We Can Delight In

We can delight in knowing that everything is in God’s timing, not man’s.

We can delight in knowing that only the Creator orchestrates the future, and that prophetic events are falling into place according to what God has appointed.

The good news is that, for true-believers, Jesus has provided us the way to spend Eternity with Him.


*Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Finding God

How I Found God Here’s an even better way to put it: how I discovered that God had chosen me. This post comes from my heart. It’s an open window into life-changing events that led me to Christ and the knowledge that He chose me for His own. If someone is telling you that God doesn’t exist or that He

Read more

Truth Or Popularity?

Truth And Consequences

At some point in your life, you’ll encounter someone who will challenge your Christian beliefs. If it hasn’t happened to you yet, it will.

doubters are everywhere

Doubters are everywhere. You may know them personally, or you might come across an atheistic thread on social media.

Skeptics love to argue about Christianity.

Truth or popularity?

Standing firm in your faith can have consequences.

You may think you’re having a pleasant conversation over the water cooler and then – Bam!

Next thing you know, the other person throws out a zinger that leaves you almost speechless.

They may say something like,

I don’t believe what the Bible says.

Why doesn’t God stop evil?

All “religions” worship the same God.

We just need to have one religion for the whole world.

The Rapture is a fairy tale.

God is love, and He won’t send anyone to hell.

When you respond in faith, don’t expect your popularity to soar through the roof. Christianity is becoming more and more despised these days.

Be prepared

What can you do about it and how can you be prepared?

Try not to let yourself get caught off guard.

I know, easy for me to say!

Please, don’t worry. You don’t have to memorize every biblical fact by heart. If you don’t know the answer to a question, say so. Look up the answer later and get back to Sam (or Sally) Skeptic at another time.

But, we must be able to state what we believe.

faith challenges

Role play with another Christian if you need too.

*Withhold no part of the precious truth, but speak what you know and declare what you have seen. Do not allow the toil or darkness or possible unbelief of your friends to dissuade you. Let us rise and march to the place of duty, and there declare what great things God has shown to our soul.Christian pastor and author, Alistair Begg, of Truth for Life teaching ministry.

Truth or Popularity?

God loves you and me, but He will also judge us

The fact is that God is a God of love, but He is also a God of justice. He will judge the world, and rightly so.

The Apostle Paul said this quite clearly to the Greek council in Acts 17:29-31. It is likewise true for us today.

Acts 17:29-31

Putting on the armor of God

Here’s your secret weapon.

Dear Christian, Jesus is alive and the Holy Spirit is living in you.

A skeptic will argue and try to make you look stupid with their “facts.”

It’s okay.

No matter what they say, you have something in your heart there is no denying.

Are you ready for it?

You have a changed life.

There’s your life before coming to Christ and what your life became afterward.

You are a new creation, a repentant sinner, still growing in your faith.

Give your testimony about what led you to Christ.

No one, even the skeptic, knows you better than you know yourself. 

If you don’t know the Bible backward and forwards, don’t sweat it. Bible knowledge comes with time. Keep studying! In the meantime, use your beautiful witness of God’s mercy and grace in your own life.

Talk about a conversation stopper!

No one can take away the blessed assurance you have of salvation through Jesus Christ alone.

Sharing Stories

Hearing other people’s testimonies makes me very happy. I’d rather talk about that than what’s on the news any day.

This six-minute song from Chris Tomlin is so worth your time to listen. Not only is it a beautiful song, but there are also glimpses of real praises and prayers from people all over the country.

At the five minute mark, it sounds like the song is over, but please keep watching.

One believer, in particular, described her faith so eloquently. She said, “He didn’t pull me out of the storm, but He walked with me through the storm.”

Physical healing is never promised in this life, but we must trust in God’s providence and sovereignty. As believers, thank the Lord, we know that He is with us during the storms.

Praise God!


*Alistair Begg quotation, as quoted from Christian

**Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Saving Your Children From an Atheistic World

Saving Your Children From an Atheistic World

Our nation’s children are in the crosshairs. Political correctness and the destruction of family values rule the day (in big part, on television and in our public schools and universities.)

Saving your Children from an unbelieving world

It’s a very real problem, and it will catch up with us.

The “grace period” we’re living in now won’t last forever.

Some people may delude themselves into thinking “none of it affects me personally, so I don’t care.”

They are in for a wake-up call.

Do you avoid watching the news? New assaults on our freedoms occur every day.

And now, discouraging news about the internet. Our national leaders have given up control of this global network. It’s sad where this relinquishment could lead, especially in the wrong hands.

There will come a time when Christian websites will be forcibly shut down. What a sad day that will be.

The Problem With Apathy

businesses shut down

All authentic Christians will feel the effects of persecution, whether it be happening to someone we know or to ourselves.

For some Christians, their businesses will or have already been shut down. (or they could lose their jobs.)

For others, they may see their beloved church silenced because authentic Biblical teaching offends atheists.

Some churches will regrettably choose to water down the gospel, rather than preach about sin and the availability of God’s forgiveness.

In some public schools and universities, kids will be forced to reject God in the classroom.

Does anyone out there think God will put up with this nonsense forever?

Assurance That God is Always in Control

The assurance we have over evil is that Christians are never completely silenced. It’s impossible.

God’s got this.

A blessed remnant of believers will spread the good news of salvation, no matter what global leaders try to do to quash it. God’s Word will get out and many people, thank the Lord, will be saved because of it.

God’s will for humanity is unfolding before our very eyes. There is a blessed outcome to this temporary suffering. God allows the suffering, but there’s an eternal way out.

America is in a Huge Mess

Until the Rapture, believers will witness a lot of trouble in our world.

What can we do about it? Here are some options.

2016 upcoming election– Christians must vote in the upcoming election. The build-up to this circus is something I never thought I would ever see in my life. It borders on the absurd. I was hoping for better choices. Regardless, these are the two options that we have, and God has allowed it.

I believe in the sanctity of life and my choice is for the pro-life candidate. That’s it. Liberal celebrities don’t impress me or sway my vote. I will not stay home and sit this election out. If you’re on the fence about your vote, please check out the article linked in this sentence.

Now Is Not the Time for Apathy

Apathy helps no one. That’s a big reason our country is in the state that it’s in. We need supreme court judges to protect the babies and uphold the Constitution; we need intelligent people surrounding our president, plus a Christian running mate like Mike Pence is, at least, a positive sign for me. No matter who wins, the only One who can ultimately fix any of this mess is God, when and how He decides to do it. The Bible tells us what happens in the end.

– Please actively pray for our nation. Parents should pray with their children that America will remain a Christian nation.


One example is you can add a request at the end of the “Grace” prayer you say before eating a meal.

For example:

Heavenly Father, we ask that You

will protect our nation

and our family

against evil.

Kids need to hear that (or something like it) from the mouths of the parents they love. Kids are in the spiritual battle just as much as we are. Would you send them out unprepared? Of course not.

My husband and I say grace before we eat out at a restaurant. I encourage you to do the same. It’s a small thing, but it’s a powerful witness. God’s people praying. I’m seeing people saying grace together a lot.

Keep a Watchful Eye on Your Child’s School

Many parents don’t realize what’s up ahead for their children in public schools. I won’t share the headlines here; it’s too disturbing and a joy killer. You can find the news yourselves if you search. These agendas include wanting to change our words, grammar, and pronouns. Pronouns like “he” and “she” offend some people.

FACT: God created us in His image. Newly born, we are precious to Him. None of us should ever be classified as an “it.”


What is happening in public schools in many states is highly offensive. It’s not just the Common Core nonsense. Maybe you’re in a state that has escaped that initiative, but there’s much more happening in schools regarding sex education that will make your head spin around.

Involving yourself in your children’s school is vital. Deprogram them from anything that is anti-God. Equip them how to answer when challenged about their faith. 

Lord, we desperately need your mercy.

Give us discerning wisdom and guide us

how to protect our children.

Helpful Resources

There are “equipping” websites that can guide you with parental resources readily available to prepare your children for the apostasy to come. If you’re actively attending a Bible-believing church, there may be resources in the church library as well.

Here are three additional options:

Do you have any other ideas on how to spare your children from an unbelieving and defiant world? Discussing these things with your spouse and/or family is important.

Our Incomparable Father

No matter what, God’s divine providence is exactly on track. The temporary setbacks to our Christian faith are only temporary and of this world.

No one knows the timing when Jesus will return. We can only watch for signs of His coming and discern the false teachers.

America needs God, not the other way around. As horrible and deceptive as a one world government will be, we have a God who loves us and promises to spare us from the worst of it at the rapture of His church.


Pray for opportunities to share your story.

God bless you.

May everything you do, glorify Him.

# # #

*Scripture verse from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.


The Good News – Joy is Free

Here’s Some Good News to Shout From the Mountain Tops

Our joy is free

Joy is FREE.

If you have friends who believe they have to earn their salvation somehow, please tell them the good news!!

The time is now.

There is absolutely nothing any of us can do to pay the debt for our sins.

As our Savior, Jesus paid our debt in full.

Jesus promises us in Scripture that if we follow Him, we will have eternal life

He wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true, but we have to seek Him.

Tell the World That Joy is Free

We simply can’t keep this divine promise to ourselves. We must tell the world why we have joy and we should look for those opportunities to do so.

That’s love.

Our joy is free

Delight in God and Your Heart Will Soar

Fellow Christian Writer, Sara Daigle, wrote an excellent article about this very thing. I wanted to share this encouragement with you. God bless!

Joy is Free
by Sara Daigle

Life is not so much about being loved as it is about loving.

Not so much about being admired as about praising the One worthy of all admiration.

Life is more about filling our hearts with worship than it is about filling our lives with people who make us feel great about ourselves.

Life is good when we realize that joy is free; that happiness is not owed us by others, but joy comes when we realize we get to have it no matter what.

Because our hearts are made to soar.

A gift is always free. We see suffering people full of grace, and blessed people living in misery. If joy wasn’t free, only those with seemingly perfect lives would get to experience it. If joy wasn’t free, others would get to steal it from you. If joy wasn’t free, we would keep trying to hold all things unpleasant at bay. We would succumb to grasping for happiness instead of receiving joy.

Because joy is free, all of us get to share in it. All of us need inner peace, and we all need to be redeemed from things that drag us down and would destroy us.

Life is not so much about surrounding ourselves with happiness as it is realizing that joy surprises us at every turn once we finally cease trying to perfect everything (and everyone) around us so we get to live a happy life.

We begin finding pleasure in the smallest things. We sigh with contentment even though others would wonder why.

Life is rich, life is full once we cease grasping, and accept the gift. Your friends or spouse are free from your expectations to bring happiness to you. No one earns this for you. Jesus hands it to you as from Himself.

This time you won’t bob up and down the waters of your own fulfilled and unfulfilled expectations.

Because in your hands, you will hold your own gift which neither you or others earned for you. And when you feel its worth, you will be loathe to part with it just because something (or someone) failed to make you happy. You are worth more than that, and so is your gift.

Joy is a gift (regardless of circumstances) because the infinite does not rest on the finite.
The finite was created within the infinite. How then can we breathe so deeply of things created and so little of the Creator?
When we are absolutely taken with what always was, presently is, and always will be, we are set free to enjoy the beautiful.

Joy is entirely different than the happiness one might feel from a great circumstance. Happiness fades; joy abides through thick and thin.

Joy is the soul enamored, enraptured, and set back in awe of a Being Who spells INFINITY.
The finite rather melts in light of all He is to the heart. When the Infinite abides, the finite finally sinks to where it belongs and makes way for the soul to rejoice in the higher, greater, better, wiser, and always good.

Yes, this is God, and the joy He brings is enduring, not contingent on people, places, or things. Hold it, share it, feast on it!

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