Happy Thanksgiving, Friends!

I love Thanksgiving. Next to Christmas, it’s my favorite time of the year.
It’s fun to dig out all of my Mom’s old recipes. There’s a memory connected to each one.
Yesterday, I pulled out my trusty 3-ring binder and it’s chock full of pages listing ingredients that make my mouth water.
We kept our Thanksgiving meal pretty traditional when I was growing up. I have fond memories of delicious food, footballs games on television, and board games spread out to challenge everyone. The masterpiece finale was always my Dad’s pecan pie.
The secret ingredient? A big dose of love.
A Few Tweaks to the Thanksgiving Meal
My husband and I both love to cook. In fact, we watch most of the cooking competitions on Food Network so we’ve come up with a few successful tweaks to Thanksgiving recipes.
Uh oh, I said “tweaks.”
Now don’t hate.
I do like pumpkin pie, it’s just not my favorite.

Give me a pecan pie any day. A slice of that pecan deliciousness and I’m on a happy sugar high for hours.
On another note, when you’re around me, please pronounce it “puh con,” and not “pee can,” or you’ll drive me crazy! We southerners take that kind of thing seriously 
I have to confess, I have tweaked my Mom’s green bean casserole recipe. I always thought that green bean casseroles were…uh…very bland.
There, I said it! Sorry, mom.
So, with the best intentions and a nod to the great state of Texas and Tex Mex, I add Mexican cheese to my green bean casserole. I have to say – it rocks!
I hope you have an enjoyable Thanksgiving and I wish you safe travels if you’re away from home.
May your week be filled with love and joy and, most importantly, gratitude to our heavenly Father.
God bless!