You Are Invited To Get Back To Church!
What time is it?
It’s time to get back to church!
Don’t let the temptations of convenience and live streaming keep you from going back to church and worshipping with your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
It’s so important.
In other words, if your church is open, you’re not homebound or ill, or have another valid reason for staying at home, God desires us to be back in church.
This isn’t a legalistic “you can only worship in church” kind of thing.
We all know it isn’t about the “where.”
In fact, you can pray anywhere, in a field of wildflowers if you want, and God will hear you.
But, God wants us to be together.
If you’re healthy and can get to the grocery store or to a kid’s soccer game for instance, you can get back to church.
In the book of Hebrews, it speaks of a time of great discouragement among God’s people. (Much like today.)
Let us not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but let us exhort one another, especially as you see the Day approaching. – Hebrews 10:25, (MEV).1
Why is Going to Church So Important?
With good intent, let me reiterate that this post is directed to those who are perfectly healthy, but have gotten into a habit of staying home.
Going back to church as healthy people means we desire to obey God, to hear His Word, to receive the blessing of being together, show love to each other in person, and encourage one another.
It means we look forward to receiving the Lord’s Supper and praying together as a church body to our Lord of Lords, and King of Kings.
Separation is a Device of the Evil One
Wise words from Charles Spurgeon here . . .
Satan always hates Christian fellowship; it is his policy to keep Christians apart. Anything which can divide saints from one another he delights in. He attaches far more importance to godly intercourse than we do. Since union is strength, he does his best to promote separation. – Charles Spurgeon, pastor and author.2
With a biblical perspective, observe what is happening around us.
Did you know that, in some states, there are still some churches on lockdown? Those worshipers aren’t being allowed to go to church even if they wanted to.
That is persecution, folks. I’m talking about the politicians who don’t consider churches “essential.”
But hey, those liquor stores better be open.
Thank the Lord that we are finally seeing some progress against this injustice. I applaud any church that takes a stand to open its doors.
Easy Doesn’t Mean Better
For countless years, we in America have had the blessing of being able to go to church in person.
Unfortunately, new technology has made it way too easy to do “pajama-church,” even with most churches open.
Isn’t technology great?
Watch the service in your pajamas!
Now you can check “church” off your to-do list.
“At least it’s something.”
Yes, at least it’s something.
Mind you, that person could actually physically go, but the lure of staying in the comfort of one’s home is too great. Besides, the teenagers will want to sleep in.
Since when do parents let the kids decide? Be a parent.
How many of us have been in that situation where the alarm clock rings early on a Sunday morning, you’re dog tired and you just don’t feel like going?
When I get that temptation myself (it happens) – I try to remind myself of Jesus on the cross, picture the innocent Lamb of God dying a torturous death for our sins. The actual torture that He endured we can’t even imagine, only a glimpse from the horrific details we read about.
Tortured, forced to walk with a heavy cross, nailed and stabbed in His side.
I think about this and then I get myself out of bed, go, serve, and praise God at church with my fellow believers.
I urge you to find a theologically correct, Bible-based church, attend the services, and please take your kids.
If you and your church don’t teach them about salvation through Jesus Christ, the secular, entertainment and public academia world will eat them alive with evil influences.
We’re seeing the results of that every day in the headlines.
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1 Scripture quotation is from the Modern English Version (MEV), The Holy Bible, Modern English Version. Copyright © 2014 by Military Bible Association. Published and distributed by Charisma House.
2Charles Spurgeon quotation, influential Christian pastor and author, courtesy of