God’s Amazing Creation

Delighting in God’s Amazing Creation

Out of all of the amazing creatures that God created, the crow is usually not the “first” one that comes to my mind.

Let’s face it – in the “beauty” department, the crow just doesn’t measure up to, let’s say, the colorful and talkative parrot.

God's Amazing Creation

But, as only our Creator can do, He has equipped the crow with fascinating characteristics and intelligence that can only come from the Most High.

Did you know that crows can hold grudges?

If you pick a fight with a crow, it just may dive-bomb you the next time you cross their path.

From now on, I just plan to smile and wave at them.  😉

God’s Amazing Creation – Carpenter Crows

Did you know that crows can also make tools?

In the experiment highlighted in the video below, a crow actually bends a small twig to reach the desired but, difficult-to-reach, morsel of food!

Check this out …

I don’t think I’ll ever look at a crow the same way again.

A fascinating bird that I barely looked at before, has now gotten my attention.

As Christians, we know that all of the praise for God’s amazing creation go to Him alone.

On the glorious splendor of Your majesty
And on Your wonderful works, I will meditate. – Psalm 145:5, (NASB).1

Admiring the majesty of God’s creation honors Him.

Only God is to be worshiped, for creation exists by His power and for His glory. His existence knows no beginning or end, and He will reign forever. He is the King. Today, exalt Him as He alone deserves. Go for a walk or look out of the window and praise Him as you see His beauty displayed in what He has made. Praise Him as He continues to rule over His creation, holding you in His sovereign hand.Alistair Begg, Christian pastor and author.2

Are you feeling a little distracted today? Look outside and delight in what God has done!

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1 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

2 Quotation from Alistair Begg, Christian pastor, author, founder of Truth For Life Teaching Ministry. Web. Accessed 30, May, 2022. Retrieved from  https://truthforlife.org/devotionals/alistair-begg/1/1/2022/


Memorial Day in 2022

Remembering Heroes on Memorial Day in 2022

To those who gave all . . .

On this Memorial Day in 2022, we offer our gratitude to the heroic men and women in the military who gave their lives while serving in our Armed Forces.

Country music artist, Vince Gill, wrote the following song, “Go Rest High On That Mountain” right after his brother died.

But, this touching video tribute to our military heroes set to the same song seems appropriate to share here.

May the poignant images in this video be a reminder to all of us that freedom isn’t free.

God bless all who served and their families for making the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms.

Words can hardly express our thankfulness to you.

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Take It To Jesus

Anna Golden Take It To Jesus

Take It To Jesus

What do you say to someone in your life who is deeply hurting?

You may be surprised, but you don’t have to say anything.

Besides prayer, what your grieving loved one really needs is for you to just be there.

Be a good listener and let them talk about their grief and struggles.

Actually, comforting hugs and your presence will mean a lot more than well-meaning pronouncements that might come off wrong.

Talented Christian artist, Anna Golden, has been there.

She was recently inspired to co-write the song, “Take It To Jesus,” after a close friend of hers lost her fiancé.

I hope this song touches you as much as it does me.

Will someone please pass the Kleenex?

All of the lyrics are good, but these particular words really struck a chord with me:

He hears you before you can speak
Come with me, let’s take it to Jesus. – Song lyrics, “Take It To Jesus.” 1

Let’s take it to Him, because Jesus knows.

He knows our pain and what it means to suffer greatly.

Who better to turn to when our lives are turned upside down?

As Golden said in an JFH interview earlier this year, 

“Oftentimes when you’re in a place of leadership, especially within the ministry, people expect you to have the answers, to know what to say during such unimaginable grief,” Golden explains.
“I literally said to my friend, ‘I have nothing to say.’ The last thing you want to say is ‘God has a plan’ or give a specific scripture. We’re all so busy trying to figure out what to say and have the right answers, but nothing I can say can take away the pain you are feeling. All I can give you is Jesus.” Anna Golden.2


One glorious, life-changing Name – God in the flesh, and the blessed assurance of our salvation and eternal joy through Him.

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1 Song lyric, courtesy of Anna Golden. (2022, April 28). Anna Golden – Take It To Jesus [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEkYc1aibBI

2 Anna Golden interview.  “ Emerging Worship Artist and Songwriter Anna Golden Releases a Live Video Of Her Newest Song, Take It To Jesus.” [Jesus Freak Hideout]. May 13, 2022, Web. Accessed May 16, 2022. Retrieved from: https://www.jesusfreakhideout.com/news/2022/05/13.AnnaGoldenReleasesLiveVideoofTakeItToJesus.asp


A Culture Of Disrespect

Are You Raising Children in This Culture of Disrespect?

Every day, I love watching the wildlife that have taken a fancy to the rolling green pastures located behind our home. 

Besides the hawks, herons, and deer, it’s also a blast to see cows grazing in those fields.

I know that the beauty of our surroundings comes from our Creator God and I will never take it for granted.

And, now that spring has sprung, the mama cows are birthing babies.

The calves chasing each other at mealtime are a hilarious sight to see.

anti-God people

Unfortunately, vultures are out there too. 

Recently, a friend of ours posted about an awful scene that she witnessed.

Several vultures were attacking one of the newborn calves.

The mother cow by herself wasn’t able to defend her baby.

Someone called the ranch owner for help.

The thought of that defenseless young calf in jeopardy makes me think about our younger generation today.

A stretch?

No, I don’t think so.

Satanic “vultures” are out, and they’re going after any semblance of Biblical family values that our great country has left.

A Growing Culture of Disrespect

Parents – your child’s innocence is under threat, often without your knowing about it.

Know what your kids are exposed to

Be on guard and protective, not only regarding what your kids watch on social media and TV, but also what they’re exposed to in some public schools.

Here’s an alarming example, and also here.

Cases like these are becoming more widespread. 

Of all the social institutions designed by God, I suppose none is under greater attack than the family. This shouldn’t surprise us, for destroying relationships is the ultimate scheme of Satan and it is here we find the most intimate. Indeed, it seems that the entirety of the world, the flesh, and the enemy are today aligned against the biblical family. And the family is the heart of a culture.Dr. Del Tackett, Christian author. Dr. James Dobson Family Institute.

Your children need your guidance to face the bombardment of confusing messages they’re receiving from just about everywhere. Don’t leave it up to other people.

Disrespect For God’s Design

Culture of disrespect

In one disturbing headline, a female singer is getting press because she wants to change her identifying pronoun.

It’s not like she’s alone in that kind of thinking.

Social media giants like Pinterest and Facebook, for example, are asking people which pronoun they want to use when they sign up. 

It’s all very bizarre and a reflection of how far and rapidly we’ve sunk.

And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him to whom we must answer.Hebrews 4:13, (NASB).

depression rates among you are rising

Father God, please protect our younger generation.

Without any boundaries, or any realization of how valuable they are to God as they are – kids are tempted and encouraged to follow the world’s lusts and desires every single day.

Unsurpassed Joy

We are backsliding into a Sodom and Gomorrah-like society where almost anything goes.

I do enough research to know that the vultures are not done.

Does anyone really think it will stop here?

No, it will get much, much worse.

Thankfully, there is an eternal way out of this someday.

The “when” is up to God.

He alone knows the number of our days.

Some day in the future, Christians will breathe a sigh of relief because all of this demonically-inspired evil will disappear.

At that future time, we can look forward to praising and delighting in God forever. 

We will have unsurpassed joy.

God is our Father and He cares about His children – that includes you and me.

No headlines glorifying evil will ever distract us again.

Frankly, when the doers mess with us, they’re messing with Him.

How do we live in a culture like this, dear Remnant? Stand strong and do not lose hope. Stay true to God’s Word. Be the Virtuous Female or the Noble Male. Concentrate on building and nurturing your family with a fierce determination, for the attacks of the enemy here are ever-present and relentless.Dr. Del Tackett, Christian author, Dr. James Dobson Family Institute.

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1&3Dr. Dell Tackett quotations, courtesy of Dr. James Dobson Family Institute post. From “7 Threats in Our Times, #7: The Attack Upon the Biblical Family.” February 9, 2022. Accessed May 14, 2022. Retrieved from https://www.drjamesdobson.org/blogs/7-threats-in-our-times-7-the-attack-upon-the-biblical-family

2Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.


The Secret To Being Content

The Secret To Being Content

It’s not often that a song can actually bring me to tears, but I heard one recently that opened the floodgates.

This song is called, “Wonderful Life,” and it was cowritten and recorded by one of my favorite Christian artists, Matthew West.

Matthew West "Wonderful Life"

Christian artist, Matthew West

“Wonderful Life” talks about a man named Ron from Houston who was suffering from familial ALS for three years.

As the story goes, Ron was a big West fan so he got in touch with the artist. Their amazing friendship began and it inspired the artist to write the song.

Sadly, Ron’s condition got progressively worse.

Despite the pain, the many tears, the struggles, and the emotional upheaval that he went through, Ron never lost sight of his future heavenly home.

I believe this is a perspective we can all embrace in the challenging years ahead.

That is, to be content in whatever our circumstances because there’s a much better place waiting for us.

P.S.  You may want to grab some tissues.

Matthew West, Wonderful Life

Wonderful Life” is a powerful and beautiful song.

It tells a story that I think that we can all relate to in some way.

Lately, I’ve had a habit of writing songs that make me cry. Maybe I’m getting soft . . . or maybe these past couple of years have changed me in some good ways. Too often I think we do anything we can to avoid feeling the feelings. Pain, heartbreak, loss . . . but the story that inspired this song really reminded me that life is all of it. It’s the broken AND the beautiful. It’s the “gone mad” AND the magical. It’s the awfully wonderful life. Life is hard, but God is faithful. I don’t want to be numb to the feelings. I want to lean in and feel it all. To make the most of every second. To trust that God is working through it all, and that after this wonderful life is over, I’ll be going home.  – Matthew West, Christian artist and songwriter.

Christ will give us strength for the every day until He calls us home.

I love this statement of faith from Paul.

Remarkably, the apostle was in a Roman prison when he wrote this to the Philippians:

12I know how to get along with little, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. 13I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. – Philippians 4:12-13, (NASB).

The Secret To Being Content? Jesus

The secret to being content no matter what the circumstances? 


Through Him, we have the strength to accept and persevere through the troubles of this life. 

Please note, if you are in need of any type of medical attention, seek it out.

If you need support and love from friends and family, seek it out.

Remember this life is not our final destination.

As one person wrote in an online comment about the song “Wonderful Life”, . . . our first moment in Heaven one day will make up and repay for every single hardship we had here on earth.’”


In fact, that first moment in Heaven (and every single day afterward) will be filled with unimaginable, wonderful, and beautiful joy!!!

As quoted from Ron himself during a phone call with Matthew West, “I am blessed, and so are you.”

1Matthew West profile photo, courtesy of Matthew West Facebook post, December 26, 2021. Accessed May 4, 2022. Retrieved from https://www.facebook.com/matthewwest

2Matthew West quotation, courtesy of Matthew West Facebook post, April 27, 2022. Accessed May 3, 2022. retrieved from https://www.facebook.com/matthewwest

3Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

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