Looking Up at Spectacular North Texas Sunsets

One of the best decisions that my husband and I made was to settle down for good, right here in Texas.
We were temporarily intrigued with the idea of moving once, but thankfully that was just for a short while. God led us to an understanding that our roots are here and the Lone Star State is where we belong.
Texas has dazzling sunrises and sunsets and hubby and I have the privilege of viewing some spectacular ones right from our own backyard.
As I was thinking about some writing ideas, I glanced through my cell phone gallery and voila! There were over twenty photos I had snapped from various angles in my backyard. Why not share these sky photos that I love with others?
So if you love beautiful sunsets, I’m glad you’re here. Grab a chair and sit in my backyard for awhile and enjoy some of the beauty of God’s creation. I’ll make some iced tea 🙂
All photos are from my own personal collection. All rights reserved. 2014. Copyright 2014.
The Kind of Sky That Has Me in Awe
I guess I should start with an apology to all the expert photographers out there. My photography experience can’t compare with yours, but I do have the same eyes as you for a beautiful photo opportunity.
When I see a gorgeous sunset, I don’t care where I am. I stop what I’m doing and grab my camera (or cellphone.) Hopefully, I’m already home and walking around in my backyard.
Sometimes I’m not.
Sometimes, my husband is driving our car and I’m asking him to pull over so I can capture the skies ablaze in color. That’s not always an easy task when you’re in traffic so I’ll try to snap a photo with my cell phone from the passenger side window. Admittedly, not my best work.
When it’s not feasible to pull over, I’m anxious to get home ‘cuz I just gotta take that picture.
See the photo to your right up there? That was from one of my “stop me cold” days. I don’t even know if the photo can do it justice. It was like God just took His gigantic paintbrush, dipped it in golds, yellows, purples, blues, and pinks and painted broad strokes upon His sky canvas.
Have you ever seen a sky like this? If not, keep watch. It’s God’s gift to you, so don’t miss it.
The Splendor of His Majesty
Psalm 145:5

On the glorious splendor of Your majesty
and on Your wonderful works,
I will meditate.
Psalm 145:5 from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE ®, Copyright © 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.
God’s Radiant Palette of Colors

I see a sky like this and I want to shout “Hallelujah!”
A dazzling array of color. I know this is just a glimpse of how beautiful Heaven will be. It’s almost impossible to imagine a spot even more beautiful than this, but there is. For believers in Jesus Christ as the path to God, believers will get to see all of this up close and personal some day.
Have you seen the 2004 movie, “The Passion of the Christ?” It’s a great movie, but it was so intense I was numb when we walked out of the theater. My hands were literally shaking. The whole time I was thinking: We are sooooo not worthy of this.
And I look up at the brilliant skies and I think we are so not worthy of that, either.
The results of His handiwork are on display and how many people don’t appreciate it?
How many people don’t appreciate Him?
If you haven’t seen the movie yet, please take the time. It’s a good lesson in humility. Please don’t ever take your lives for granted.
See the Wonder of His Celestial Tapestry

The heavens are telling of the glory of God;
And their expanse is declaring the works of His hands.
Psalm 19:1 from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE ®, Copyright © 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.
God Says, “I Love You This Much”

God’s love letter to us is the Bible. As if that wasn’t enough, He also created a daily slideshow of stunning sunsets that can be seen across the globe.
Got your attention yet? You only have to look up to see evidence of His love for mankind – designed for you and me.
We get so wrapped up in the daily stresses of life and work.
We hurry here, we hurry there, we hurry everywhere.
For me personally, I know that I don’t ever want my life to become so busy that I forget to see His Gift. Right up there.
I Can’t Thank You Enough

Thank you Father for your beautiful sunsets. No human artist can capture the magnificence of Your sunrises and sunsets that You so freely share with us.
You alone are worthy of our praise.
The Water is on Fire With Color

I’m often so wowed by the sky that I forget to look down at the reflections in the pond.
If you look closely, you can see that the “painting” continues down into the water. I often think, is anyone else seeing this?
How could anyone walk outside or be driving along in the early evening and not pause for a moment to take the sunset in – at least a few evenings a week.
I choose to direct my gaze on things above, the splendor of the King.
God bless
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