Christmas is Coming!

Christmas is Coming! Greetings to You All!

We sang this song yesterday at church and I just had to share it. It’s beautiful and worth the four minutes it takes for you to watch the video below.

Talk about putting you in the Christmas spirit. The song is called “Come and Worship” by Bebo Norman. I really hope it touches you as it did me. His soft vocals and the background piano are a touching celebration of the birth of our Lord.

Christmas Is Coming And It’s Getting Busy

…The rushing here and there

…The crazy drivers out on the roads

…The crowds at the mall

…Buying more and more gifts

…Preparing lots of food for parties

Even with all of that, let’s not forget what this season is all about.

Worshiping Christ our King! Praising Him is what our lives here on earth are all about. He created us to do just that.

 Christmas is coming
