A Christian Poem From Australia

From The Land Down Under: Christian Poem From Australia

One of the many reasons that I delight in God is because, sometimes, He brings special people into my life – even if it’s just for a brief time.

And, it’s always a thrill to connect with Christians across the globe!

A Christian Poem From Australia

Imagine my delight when I heard back from a lovely couple from The Land Down Under – beautiful, sunny Australia.

Recently, I got in touch with them about sharing an excellent poem that was on their website.

This doesn’t always happen, but they responded!

They know the poet personally and called him to let him know about my request. 

It turns out that this talented poet is a 90-year-old Christian man.

Christian poet, Maurice Dyson

My humble request was enthusiastically granted.

So, I want to give a huge shout-out, all the way from the Lone Star State to sweet Maurice Dyson in the Land Down Under.

He’s a man blessed by God.

I love his passion for using his gift of writing to share his faith and love for Jesus Christ.

This poem is all about reverence for God and His Holy Works.

I have a feeling his poetry will continue to inspire others for years to come.

Psalm 19

Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! Psalm 107:31

The heavens are telling God’s glory from high;
His handiwork vividly etched in the sky;
From day unto day they are uttering speech;
And night unto night with the knowledge they teach.

No language occurs where their voice is not heard;
Throughout all the earth goes their eloquent word;
Their message has reached to the end of the world;
Resplendent above like a banner unfurled.

In them He has set up a tent for the sun,
That goes like a bridegroom whose day has begun;
Rejoicing as one who is running a race;
A circuit described by its circular trace.

The law of the Lord is effective and whole;
Its witness is simple converting the soul;
Its statutes are noble rejoicing the heart,
Establishing truth for our innermost part.

His holy commandments are gracious and pure;
Enlightening the eyes that our sight may be sure;
The fear of the Lord is enduring and clean;
His judgments are righteous and wholly pristine.

More are they desired than the finest of gold;
And sweeter than honey for youngest or old;
Moreover by them is Thy bondservant warned,
And keeping them favours a lifestyle adorned.

For who understands his erroneous ways?
Acquit me of faults that are hid from my gaze;
And keep back Thy servant from sins born of pride,
And let them not rule me nor hinder my stride.

Then I shall be clear from their grievous excess,
And innocent whereof I’d greatly transgress;
Let all my intentions by day or by night,
Be counted acceptable, Lord, in Thy sight.

Copyright © 2019 Maurice Dyson.

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1 Dyson, Maurice. “Psalm 19” 100 Poems of Praise – Christian Poetry to Praise God, edited by Ossie Amato, Self-published, 2019, p.18., Copyright © 2019 Maurice Dyson. Courtesy of freechristianillustrations.com.


What Happened To Sin?

What Happened To Sin?

Have you ever heard the expression, “Give ‘em an inch, and they’ll take a mile”?

It reminds me of the compromises taking place in some modern churches.

These ungodly distractions enter into a church and pretty soon the whole Gospel message takes a tumble.

How sad it is when we read news items like:

  • More churches are letting the culture dictate what’s taught in God’s house. Messages about sin, forgiveness, the end times, and salvation are bumped for more “feel good” sermons about what nice people we all are.

You can’t make this stuff up. It’s really happening.

As discerning Christians, we need to be aware of deceptions like these, and not fall for them.

That’s some downer news for our faith, right?

But God is with us, no matter what.

What happened to Sin

No one knows His divine timeline, but we do have the triumphant return of our Savior, Jesus Christ, to look forward to.

No secular movement, false gods, or future political agendas will ever be able to change or delay His return.

Praise the Lord!

All Sin Is Against God

As Christians – we must be discerning.

Changing the gospel message to satisfy cultural movements is a deception.

Can you believe the depth of the disrespect and irreverence towards God this all is? Changing God’s inspired Word?

Thoughts about the news items mentioned above prompted me to write a poem called “What Happened To Sin?”

It’s been on my heart and I was finally able to put pen to paper.


What Happened to Sin?

Who is Man to twist God’s Word?
Oh, haven’t you heard?

“The Bible’s too convicting,
let’s put it away, or we won’t grow our church,”
the false teachers say.

“Let’s only preach Love, and helping the poor
Just forget that Hell is real with an open door.
Talking about Sin will just turn them off
We must grow our church at any cost.”

“So what if our sermons are not “sound” preaching?
Our coffee is good and our influence far-reaching.”
We exclude parts of Scripture, so people feel good,
Jesus came to make us happy, right?
Don’t you think we should?”

“Why give a sermon about God’s Final Judgment?
The church will empty, they’ll find the message repugnant.

Keep it lighthearted and throw out the hymns
Crank up the amps, keep the lights dim.”
Light some incense to set the mood,
Leave the End Times out of it,
It will all be good.”

To those preachers, I say,
“Do you know what you’re doing?”
Those external trappings aren’t what churches should be pursuing.
We’re to share the Gospel and reach the lost.
Our salvation as sinners came at such a high cost.
Jesus came to save us – a Ransom for you and me,
His Word is absolute truth  —  just…let…it…be.

By Gracie Jane © 2018, All rights reserved.   



Unimaginable Grandeur

unimaginable grandeur

What Is Heaven Like?

Have you ever thought about it?

I have, so many times.

I can look at a beautiful photo and know that, without a doubt, Heaven is even more breathtaking than that!

The reason why is because God designed Heaven. Every intricate detail of our future home is no less than perfect.

I saw an excellent description of Heaven recently. In his poem, “Heavenly Beauty,” Kenny Whiting describes Heaven as:

Unimaginable Grandeur

If you look up the word “Grandeur” in dictionaries, you find words like:






I love those words, don’t you?

A Description to Ponder

I just had to share Kenny’s poem, “Heavenly Beauty,” with you. I hope the message touches you as much as it does me.

We have something to look forward to – a stunningly beautiful Heavenly and eternal home!

Heavenly Beauty

by Kenny Whiting

Have you seen the beauties My God made,
the wonders of it all?
Have you heard the water’s thunderous roar,
or seen Niagara Falls?

Have you climbed the highest mountain top,
of ever scaled Pike’s Peak?
Have you noticed all the things He made,
and formed in just one week?

Have you seen the vastness of the sky,
or tried to count the stars?
Have you figured just how far apart
are Jupiter and Mars?

Have you smelled the ocean’s salty breeze,
or felt it’s gentle waves?
Have you realized just how big they are?
I know you’d be amazed!

Have you seen the grandest place on earth,
the largest things God made?
Have you felt the gentlest breeze blow by
or watched the sunshine fade?

All things we see here on this earth,
will all but only pale;
To unimaginable grandeur that
in Heaven He’ll unveil!

For the most amazing thing on earth,
but only slight reflection;
Of the blessed beauty waiting in
His Heavenly collection!


Thank you, Kenny, for your beautiful poem.

Poetry source: From  http://www.faithwriters.com/article-details.php?id=186574


A Woman of Grace

Have you ever met someone you would describe as a woman of grace?

I am blessed to say, “Yes!”

This extraordinary woman was my mother-in-law, Jane.

She’s in heaven now, but my husband and I think about her a lot. I have so many fond memories of visiting my in-laws at their home in California.

Bird of Paradise flower

Whenever I see a Bird of Paradise flower, I think of those fun visits. My in-laws had several blooms planted near the front steps of their home.

Speaking of beautiful, we have a gorgeous, smiling, picture of Jane in her wedding dress featured on a wall in our home. By all standards of beauty, my mother-in-law was a knockout, but her beauty was more than skin-deep as she was also one of the kindest women I have ever met.

To me, Jane was the epitome of grace. Her strong faith spoke volumes to me as I began my faith walk so long ago. She truly knew how to delight in God.

I came across a lovely poem recently that reminded me of my mother-in-law. These meaningful words celebrate ALL women living grace, and I couldn’t wait to share it with you.

Please enjoy.

A Woman living Grace

by Elizabeth Hexberg

May I be that ray of sunlight,
when the sky is overcast.
A petal from His Roses,
with fragrance made to last.
A hint of coming rainbows,
in the darkest Winter Storm,
and the softest pink horizon
to remind you of the Dawn.

Seeking out the wonderful,
with laughter on my face.
But most of all I pray to be,
A woman living Grace.

A child of God.
Friend to all.
Ever Loving heart.
Live my life with courage,
My God how Great Thou Art.
Dance to every melody.
Sing to every song.
Be the one to help you know
He Loved you all along.

Someday to help you see it too,
find a safer place.
But most of all I pray to be,
A woman living Grace.

May I be the one who never said,
‘I told you so my friend’.
May I be the one who always cared
beginning to the end.
The one who saw the good in all,
walked the extra mile.
Saw the Magic of His Plan,
and never lost her smile.

A hand to hold, when life grows old,
to finish up this race.
But most of all I pray to be,
A woman living Grace.

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Thanking God For His Many Blessings

Thanking GodI believe in thanking God every day.

It’s hard to put into words sometimes how grateful I am for His blessings in my life.

So undeserving are we all, and yet His thoughts are on us the moment we are born and throughout our whole lives.

Did you ever think you could be loved THAT much?

I wrote a poem awhile back and wanted to share it here as well. In some small way, I hope it can express my gratitude to the One who gave us life.

Hope you enjoy and God bless!

Have You Thanked Him Yet?

His Grace brings out the sun on our cloudy days,
It blesses our lives in immeasurable ways;
Comes from His heart, sent from above,
We should never forget His expression of Love.

Grace, Precious Grace, Unmerited favor,
Salvation through Him, our Eternal Waiver;
Freely and purposely our souls to lift,
Who is man to deserve such a gift?

He sees every tear and knows what we fear,
Just ask Him to come, He will draw near;
We’re never alone, nor far from His sight,
His tenderness runs deep, we’re His delight.

No problem’s too big to bring to His throne,
In the shadow of His wings, we’re never alone;
Pure Perfect Love, Divine Sacrifice,
Praise God for His Grace that came at a price.

Impossible to measure, secure in His debt,
He forgives without prejudice;
Have you thanked Him yet?

By Gracie Jane © 2014, All rights reserved.

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