The Real Joy of Christmas

Celebrating the Real Joy of Christmas

'Tis the season

In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, often the real reason for celebrating Christmas gets lost in the shuffle.

Gifts may be piling up under Christmas trees everywhere, but the only “gift” that really matters is the gift of Jesus.

Immanuel – God with us.

Jesus is God’s gift to our broken world to save us from our sins.

It’s through our belief in His saving grace alone that we can have eternal life.

What will that look like?

How about celebrating the real joy of Christmas every day and for the rest of our lives in the presence of our Lord?!

The immense step from the Babe at Bethlehem to the living, reigning triumphant Lord Jesus, returning to earth for His own people – that is the glorious truth proclaimed throughout Scripture. As the bells ring out the joys of Christmas, may we also be alert for the final trumpet that will announce His return, when we shall always be with Him.
Alan Redpath, pastor, author, and theologian.1

What is the Real Joy of Christmas?

One of my favorite online Bible teachers, who also has a flair for writing wonderful Christian poetry, is Jill Briscoe.

Here, she encourages all of us to focus on the real “reason for the season.”

Joy Is Jesus
by Jill Briscoe

Joy is Jesus wrapped in swaddling bands,
Joy is Jesus in Mary’s loving hands.
Joy is Jesus making sorrow sing,
Mending deepest heartaches – what a gift to bring!

For from the highest heavens, knowing well His plan,
God laid Him in our hostile arms, the Precious Son of Man.
Knowing all before Him – the crib, the cross, the cost –
He came to die at Calvary and seek and save the lost.

That’s you and me and everyone who’s living on this earth,
That’s men and women, black and white, who need and want new birth,
That’s those of us with broken hearts, and those who celebrate,
It’s those of us who love and laugh, and those of us who hate.

If empty was the manger, and empty was the cross,
If Jesus’ tomb was occupied, then all of us are lost.
But here lies heaven’s treasure, God’s precious, dearest prize,
In Him will all our future hopes and dreams be realized.
So may His joy now fill you, and the peace of God be known
Till we celebrate our Christ-masses around our Savior’s throne.

Joy Is Jesus by Jill Briscoe © 1995


The real Joy of Christmas

Joy to the World, indeed!

1Quotation from Alan Redpath, former pastor of Moody Church in Chicago, as quoted from Christian

Poetry courtesy of author and Bible teacher, Jill Briscoe. “Joy Is Jesus.” [online post]. From Christmas poems © 1995. Posted November 30, 2017, Web. Accessed December 2, 2023 from Telling The
