God’s Creation: This Crab Has Boxing Gloves!

God’s Amazing Creation: This Crab Has Boxing Gloves!

Are you ready to see some cuteness?

This crab has boxing gloves!

Delight in God - this crab has boxing gloves

Meet the Boxer Crab!

He’s also known as the “pom-pom crab.”

Or my favorite, “the cheerleader crab.”

You’ll soon see why.  🙂

His scientific name is: Lybia Tesselata.

Pronounced phonetically, “Lie be ah   tess a lot a.”

And, trust me, he has a “lot a” spunk and personality.

The boxer crab likes to hang out in the Pacific and Indian Oceans (Roth, n.d.)1

This adorable little crustacean only measures about an inch long, but don’t let his small size fool you.

He’s not afraid of bullies.

See those pom-pom-looking anemones on his legs?

As only God can do, the boxer crab was created with an amazing defense system. Working together in a symbiotic relationship, the boxer crab and his sea anemones hitchhikers work together to survive daily life in the deep.

Together, they will fight off any perceived threat – Rocky style!

Check this out.

Hey you want a piece of me?

C’mon Pufferfish. Give it your best shot!

God’s Creation

God’s creativity is all around us.

He is the Master Designer.

Every single creature, or blade of grass, or star in the sky has a role to play, whether we understand what that role is or not.

And the boxer crab and other tiny creatures in the world around us?

Even the smallest in God’s creation reflects the power and majesty of God.

We can see His glory in the beauty of a flower, the song of a bird, and the power of a thunderstorm.

What an amazing God we serve!

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1 From the The Mosaic Boxer Crab | Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine. (n.d.). https://www.tfhmagazine.com/articles/saltwater/a-champion-fighter-the-mosaic-boxer-crab-lybia-tesselata-full-article
