The Same God

The Same God

the same God who created the dragonfly

Have you ever looked closely at a dragonfly?

They fly pretty fast so my own close-up encounter happened one afternoon in a friend’s garage.

A dragonfly flew in and landed on a nearby box.

I was fascinated because, close-up, he was kind of adorable.

Huge eyes that look like sunglasses

A colorful body

Light, but perfect wings.

I’d never seen a dragonfly that close before.

Did you know that these fascinating insects are better skilled than any human pilot?

No flying machine or other creature has the aerial dexterity of the dragonfly. It can fly upside-down and backwards as easily as straight ahead. And it moves so fast that researchers have to use high-speed cameras to study it.” – (Thomas, 2021)1

When you think about it even deeper, the same God who created the dragonfly also created the nations.

God created the nations

That means that the same God who created the magnificent Grand Canyon, also created the refining processes that form ocean sand.

the fingerprints of God

Look up at the night sky sometime.

There are billions of galaxies up there.

Our galaxy—the Milky Way—is a remarkable demonstration of God’s power and glory. True to its name, it appears as a faint, cloudy band stretching from the northeast to southwest in our summer night sky. A telescope reveals that this band is the combined light of over one hundred billion distant stars. Each of those stars is a “sun” much like ours. Each releases more energy in a billionth of a second than a major city on Earth could use in an entire year. And that is just our galaxy. We now estimate that there are over one hundred billion galaxies in the visible universe. Yet, God created all this merely by His spoken Word.Courtesy of The Institute For Creation Research.2

Billions of Galaxies . . . And Us

The same God who created the galaxies, billions of them, created you and me.

the same God who created the galaxies created you and me

Thankfully, more people are catching on to this.

The fingerprints of God on creation are everywhere.

Biblical creation has always seemed foolish in the world’s eyes, but this is not because evidence for creation is lacking. The ranks of biblical creationists include researchers recognized as world-class scientists.Courtesy of the Institute For Creation Research.3

Our God is nothing short of wonderful.

Many, Lord my God, are the wonders which You have done,
And Your thoughts toward us;
There is no one to compare with You.
If I would declare and speak of them,
They would be too numerous to count.Psalm 40:5, (NASB).4

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1Quotation from Brian Thomas, PH.D., Author, Teacher, and Research Scientist, Institute For Creation Research. From the book, Creatures by Design. “The Dexterous Dragonfly” – first printing: July 20, 2021., p. 45, para. 1. Accessed 15 December, 2021.

2Quotation courtesy of The Institute For Creation Research. From “The Knowledge of the Night”, n.d. para. 1. Web. Accessed 17 December, 2021. Retrieved from

3Quotation from Dr. Jake Hebert, PH.D. From “Biblical Creation and Intellectual Foolishness” November 30, 2021, para. 5. Web. Accessed 15 December, 2021. Retrieved from

4Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.
