God Is Not A Politician

God Is Not A Politician

God is not a politician

Anyone else out there sick of politics?

Too many hands to count, I expect.

I’ve never seen such political vitriol and intentional division-causing in my life, perpetuated by the media and so-called entertainment television.

I pray that you are seeing through all of it.

I’m thankful that our hope is in Jesus, aren’t you?

People disappoint us all the time.

Therefore, politicians will disappoint us all the time.

Only Jesus will never fail us.

Can I get an amen?

As our pastor said in a recent sermon, God is not running for the office of God.

He is God, and will always be God.

God is not a politician, and He doesn’t have to fight for any of our votes.

Christ is to be THE priority, our reason and purpose for living. Scripture calls us to live as living spiritual sacrifices, not conforming our behavior to the sinful practices we see in this world but to be transformed by the Word of God and the Spirit of God in order that we might live holy lives (Romans 12:1–2). We are called to do everything we do with all our hearts as unto God, to please Him (2 Corinthians 5:9Colossians 1:10). – from Compelling Truth.org.1

Time is Short – How are People Missing This?

Time is short.

The way things are going, is there any doubt that our world is plunging into darkness? 

With that in mind, I urge you to reach out to your lost loved ones, and tell them about Jesus. 

Tell your story!

There are people desperate for the Truth of His saving grace.

Jesus, more than anything, wants to spend time with you. He invites you to return to heaven with Him to enjoy an eternity with no more tears, pain or suffering. What would keep you from accepting the invitation of Christ? What would keep you from putting Him first in your life? What would be more important than saying, “I want to pattern my life after Jesus and soon live with Him forever?” –  https://www.bibleinfo.com/en/topics/second-coming-jesus-christ

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1Compelling Truth quotation from “Putting God first – How can I do this?” n.d. para 4. Web. Accessed November 29, 2021.  Retrieved from https://www.compellingtruth.org/putting-God-first.html

2Bibleinfo quotation from “Second Coming of Jesus Christ” n.d. para 15. Web. Accessed November 29, 2021.  Retrieved from https://www.bibleinfo.com/en/topics/second-coming-jesus-christ
