Happy Thanksgiving 2020

Wishing You A Happy Thanksgiving 2020!

Happy Thanksgiving 2020

First and foremost, I am forever grateful to know You, Jesus Christ, as my Lord and Savior.

Is it possible to love You even more?

Every day, I look forward to studying Your Word and listening to a podcast when I’m getting ready in the morning. (I have a few favorite pastors!)

It’s the best way for me to start my day right.

I look forward to attending church every Sunday and I’m so grateful that our church is open. The prayers, the excellent preaching, the beautiful music, and the fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ can’t be beat.

Thank You, Jesus!

It’s also with a grateful heart that I want to sincerely thank all of you for visiting my blog, Delight-in-God.

It means a lot to see those audience numbers rise and to know that we all share the same love and reverence for our Savior and King.

What a year of calamity this has been.

Even so, we can be thankful knowing that, as the apostle Paul assured the Thessalonians so long ago, the Lord fights for us!

Our Heavenly Father never changes.

He keeps His promises.

No battle, spiritual or otherwise, is too great for Him.

The wickedness so rampant on this earth will be defeated.

You can count on it.

Some future day, the unrepentant godless who continue to attack our Christian faith and evangelistic efforts in America and around the globe, will be thrown into the lake of fire along with the Evil One. 

We can also look forward to that appointed time in the future, when there will be an end to all suffering, physical pain, and sadness. No more sorrowful phone calls from a loved one going through sickness, or a terrible trial.

Praise the Lord!

3 But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.2 Thessalonians 3:3, (NASB).

Here’s some good news.

No wait – here’s some great news!

If you’re a Christian trusting in Christ alone as your Savior, you’re going to Heaven some day.

What a joyful day that will be.

I’ll say it again, thank You Jesus!

Until that time of endless joy,

here’s wishing you and your family

a Happy Thanksgiving 2020!

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Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. 
