The God Who Loves You

The God Who Loves You Created Everything

God created everything

Maybe it’s just me, but I happen to think that parrots are one of the prettiest birds out there.

With their stunning colors and playful personality, it’s no wonder that parrots are a popular pet. They’re smart too.

Listed in Guinness World Records, a famous parrot from California named “Puck” is said to have known over 1700 words.

Incredible, right?

The God who created beautiful and intelligent parrots and every bird species on this earth is the God who loves you.

God’s Living Creative Display in the Animal Kingdom

Can you name Australia’s cutest animal?

You might be tempted to guess that it’s the Koala Bear.

Actually, it’s the Quokka, pronounced “quo – kah.”

The what-tah?

Here’s a picture of one of the cuties right here.

God's creativity in the animal kingdom

It’s cute alright.

I want one!

However, did you know that you could face a $300 fine for even petting one of these?

I’ll have to hold off for now.

The same God with an obvious sense of humor is the God who loves you.

When we look at the infinite variety of the animal kingdom (both living and extinct), we must be impressed with God’s creative power, as well as His sense of humor. Any Being who makes the giraffe, the platypus, and the peacock is a God of joy and humor.David Guzik, Christian pastor and author. 1

 God Cares for the Flowers

God cares for the flowers

I have always been a big fan of orchids.

Hint, hint for anyone I know who is reading this.

Besides being just a pretty face in the garden, certain species of orchids have also been used as medicine.

The same God who can create a breathtaking flower with the amazing properties to heal is the God who loves you!

The Sea Is His

the God who loves you

The God who loves you created our vast and magnificent oceans.

Did you know that the oceans contain real gold?

It’s not the amounts you could get rich off of, (or everybody would be panning for it), but we’re talking about small, microscopic grams of gold.

Where did all of those beautiful blue colors in the large oceans come from?

They come from the light of the sun!

Praising our Creator

The God Who Gave Us Life

Can we just reflect on God’s glory for a moment?

The God who created all things, is the same God who loves you.

Here, Christian musician, Fernando Ortega, sings my favorite version of this beloved hymn based on Psalm 148.

You may want to turn this one up!

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1 Quotation from Christian pastor David Guzik. “Genesis 1 – The Account of God’s Creation.” n.d., Web. Accessed July 8, 2020. Retrieved from

2 Quotation from Christian pastor Mike Fabarez, Focal Point Ministries. “Devotionals – Creation.” n.d., Web. Accessed July 10, 2020. Retrieved from
