Answering Tough Questions About Christianity

Answering tough questions about Christianity

Have you ever had problems answering tough questions about your faith?

If you have, you’re not alone.

I’m pretty sure it’s happened to all of us at one time or another.

Before you know it, a skeptic catches us off-guard.

The end result?

Often, it’s disappointment in ourselves and a feeling like we’ve let God down.

Please remember, dear Christians: Take these challenges as an incentive to get better prepared! 

It’s a constant educational process.

The more you learn, the more confident you’ll be.

If you’re struggling, it’s time to polish your spiritual armor. 


Here’s Why It’s Important to Pray About It First

Remember not only who we are, but more importantly, Whose we are.

Challenges to our faith are becoming more frequent, and that’s why praying about these future encounters is so important.

Pray for courage and guidance on a daily basis. If we don’t pray about it, we’re sending a message that we don’t think we need God. We’d rather rely on our own influence and intelligence.

It’s a big responsibility but, as Pastor John MacArthur reminds us, it’s not our job to *change* men’s hearts. We’re to speak the truth in love. Evangelism succeeds in God’s timing, not ours.

Changing hearts is the supernatural work of God.

It gets frustrating at times, but we’re not failures simply because the person we’re trying to reach blows us off every time. 

Don’t give up!

When you believe that every word of scripture comes from God and is authoritative and true, and you believe that God is the One, Sovereignly and powerfully, Who uses that truth to change people’s lives – that produces courage. The courage of confidence in Scripture and the courage that God will work through that. You speak that truth with courage and with love and leave the results to the Lord.1 – John MacArthur, Pastor and Bible Teacher, Grace To You.

Answering Tough Questions About Christianity

Why do we evangelize?

Our motive is pure, despite mischaracterizations from the entertainment world.

We want to help lead people to Christ because we love them and care about where they’ll spend their eternity.

It’s up to us to get the skeptic to think about their faith challenges, but not to get them to sign on the dotted line first time out. It could even take years with someone, if it even happens at all.

It’s important to note that we don’t “win people for Christ” – without God.

Keep on gently listening and planting those seeds, then give it to God.

Please watch this excellent clip from apologist, Greg Koukl from “Stand To Reason.”


1 John MacArthur quotation, courtesy of Sermons Online. “John MacArthur On Courage and Confidence.” Online Video Clip. Dr. John MacArthur. Web. Accessed 28 August, 2019.
