Rejoicing In Heaven

Is There Anything Sweeter Than the Rejoicing in Heaven?

There’s a Bible verse I’m thinking of right now about rejoicing that always warms my heart.

It’s in the book of Luke in the 15th chapter.

10 Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” – Luke 15:10, (ESV).

Did you catch that?

There is rejoicing in Heaven among the angels every time a lost sinner comes to Christ.

This beloved verse appears where Jesus is teaching about salvation through the parables of the lost sheep and the woman searching for that one lost coin.

Just as in those examples given by our Savior, the salvation of all of us matters to God.

Some day we will join the rejoicing angels in Heaven to praise our Lord and Savior in His Holy Presence.

What a blessed day that will be!

Rejoicing Angels

Fellow Christian writer, Kenny Whiting, wrote a delightful poem about rejoicing angels that I’d love to share with you.

Rejoicing Angels
by Kenny Whiting

Since Jesus came from Heaven above
and died for all the lost,
The angels dance and sing each time
one sinner finds the Cross!

Their praise and worship for My Lord,
sounds many times each day;
When Jesus finds another lamb,
who’d somehow went astray!

See, not so very long ago,
myself was lost in sin;
But Jesus broke the devil’s binds,
‘fore satan reeled me in!

So now I think about the joy,
when angels got the news;
I know they danced with joy for me,
I know they’ll dance for you!

Let’s give them more to shout about,
tell other’s ’bout Our King;
Let’s keep those angels on the move,
they love to dance and sing!

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*Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

**Poetry shared from article url:
