Music To Help Soothe Your Mind

Soothing Christian Music

music to help soothe your mind

Do you ever wish you could find some beautiful music to help soothe your mind?

It’s been a delight over the years to discover and share new Christian music with you.

It’s “new” to me, I should say.

For this reason, I will always remain thankful for the (original) Christian Music Challenge, which I took years ago at the urging of its now retired founder and a friend of mine, Al Menconi.

Christian music has blessed me during the hills and valleys of my own life, and I’m grateful to God for the realization of this gift.

It’s been a wonderful and constant search for me as I seek out Christian artists whose songs have really touched me in some way.

That’s why I’m so happy to share two more songs with you.

Jesus Our Hope In The Storm

our Hope in the storm

There’s no doubt, we will face trials in this life.

Whether it be a health crisis, a family crisis, an upheaval at work. There are countless things that can go wrong.

These storms will distract us, break us, and even make us question God at times.

Even so, we must keep our focus where it belongs – on Jesus and His promises.

This 2004 song from Fernando Ortega really struck a chord with me. Several of my friends are experiencing sleepless nights over some tough challenges, so this song really caught my attention.

It’s called ”Sleepless Night.”

I was at the grocery store the other day and started humming in the aisles. I realized the song I was humming quietly was the chorus from “Sleepless Night.”

Such a hauntingly beautiful, Christian-themed, melody.

Music To Help Soothe Your Mind 

I really love this next song called, “Jesus, King of Angels.”

It’s a sweet lullaby for any age.

Calming words, soothing vocals, and soul-stirring reverence are a pleasant combination.  More reason why I listen to this song again and again.

I hope it encourages you as well.

God bless you, dear friends in Christ.

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