In My Seat

Today, September 11th, 2017, I woke up as usual, but my thoughts focused elsewhere.

Those horrible images of the terrorist attacks in the United States came flooding back.

The tears still come to my eyes.

Has it really been sixteen years?

9/11 attacks

*Photo by Robert on Flickr [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

In My Seat – a film that brings perspective

If you have just 15 minutes today, please watch the following video.

It’s a film about 9/11 from the perspective of American Airlines First Officer, Steve Scheibner. 

Scheibner was scheduled to pilot American Airlines Flight 11, but he was later replaced by a more senior pilot.

Can you even imagine?

Flight 11 was one of the hijacked planes which flew into the World Trade Center.

Scheibner spoke at our church recently. His words were unforgettable.

We Have A Purpose

With so many alarming things going on in our nation, and in the world right now, “In My Seat” puts things into perspective.

As he says in the film, Steve Scheibner lives his life with a “sense of urgency.”

I agree with him wholeheartedly.

Shouldn’t we all be living that same way?

The fact that we are even walking around today is a privilege.

We are created to glorify God.

Sadly, there are people in the world who won’t accept this truth.

They are oblivious.

Or, they are defiantly ignoring the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made on the Cross for all of our sins.

In My Seat

Heavenly Father, on this somber day of remembrance for 9/11,

we are in mourning again for those who lost their lives on that day.

May we never forget that, to You, every life is precious.

May we also never forget that, although we deserve eternal death,

You allowed Your only Son, Jesus Christ, to die in our place for our sins.

Father, give us the urgency to spread the good news of the Gospel.


*Photo by Robert on Flickr, 11 September 2001. North face south tower after plane strike 9/11  [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons. Created 11 September 2001.
