A Young Girl’s Crush on Michael Landon

Michael Landon, A Young Girl’s Crush

Little Joe Cartwright

I used to have the biggest crush on (the late) Michael Landon.

Any other fans out there?

I first fell in love with him when he played Little Joe Cartwright on “Bonanza,” my favorite TV western at the time.

I bet you’re humming the theme song right now, huh?

Here you go!

Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

“Bonanza” was a huge hit with viewers. After over a decade of episodes, the show was cancelled in 1973.

A year later, Michael successfully took on the role of Charles Ingalls in the heartwarming TV series, “Little House on the Prairie.” I’ve seen every episode multiple times.

If only modern television shows could be as innocent as those again, right? I still watch “Little House” reruns when there’s nothing else on. Sometime I get a little teary-eyed, depending on the episode. Just ask my husband. 🙂

Me: Sniff sniff

Husband: Are you crying? What’s wrong?

Me: Nothing!

Husband: What are you watching?

Me: “Little House on the Prairie.”

Husband walks away laughing.

Crushing on Michael Landon

I still haven’t forgotten the day I got to shake Michael Landon’s hand.

Be still, my young girl’s heart.

I must have been about eight years old. Every year, for many years, my Dad would take me to the Arkansas State Fair. Michael Landon on set

One year, Michael Landon was headlining. When he stepped out onto the stage, I was completely starstruck. He gave a warm greeting, said a few words, and then sang a song. The man could sing! Who knew?

I was sure he was singing just to me. 😉

After that, Michael saddled up a beautiful black and white horse and began a slow ride around the big arena. Michael was shaking hands with countless numbers of kids hanging over the bottom railings.

I wanted to go down there too, but like I said, I was starstruck.

Then my Dad said, “You want to meet him, don’t you? Go on down there!”

That’s all it took. A little encouragement from my Dad and, the next thing you know, I was bounding down the steps to join the throng of kids. As Michael approached on his horse, I felt my heart skip a beat.

Then it was my turn. Michael grinned at me and shook my hand as he rode by on his horse.

I was off the charts excited. I couldn’t even wash my hands that night.

Despite my childhood dreams, my plan to marry Michael never panned out.

Many years have passed, but I’ll never forget that special day with Dad at the Arkansas State Fair when he said to me, “You want to meet him, don’t you?”

Someday, at the end of my life, I’ll be running towards THE most important person in the world, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I want to meet Him, don’t you?!

Rest in peace Michael Landon

**Photos, courtesy of and in order of appearance: 
Michael Landon in “Bonanza.”
Michael Landon in “Little House on the Prairie.”
