God Thinks You Are Worth It

Just In Case You Didn’t Know, God Thinks You’re Worth It!

He loved you enough to create you from nothing.

He invested much in His plans for your life and I thank God for bringing you here to my page.

no matter how high the mountainNo matter what mountains you have to climb. No matter how badly you might feel about yourself, or how many criticisms you’ve faced from friends, coworkers, or family members – you, my friend, are worth every ounce of God’s love.

What is His plan for you?

His plan for you is to trust Him, pray regularly to Him, read your Bible with a good commentary, attend a Bible-believing church, and share the good news of His salvation through grace with the people in your life.

A Hidden Jewel In Reality TV

For the record, I really can’t stand most sitcom or reality TV shows unless they’re about house-hunting, cooking, or living someplace beautiful like Alaska. All of the bad, agenda-promoting, anti-family programming has me grabbing the TV remote quickly to turn that junk off.

Anybody with me?

But, occasionally, a show comes along that I remember for days afterward. A few nights ago, my husband and I were watching one of those survival shows that was set in Alaska.

God thinks you are worth itThe beauty of the Alaskan landscape was breathtaking as the contestants braved the risky terrain through stormy weather, bear stalkings, and despite the injuries of some of their teammates. Something really caught my eye as I was watching one of the teams swim through the frigid water to get to the finish line.

It was a military man sporting a tattoo that read, “Isaiah 6:8.” I can’t tell you the wonderful feeling I got after seeing that tattoo.

For those of you who don’t know Isaiah 6:8, here’s what it says:

8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation

Send me

Can you say that yet? In this age of disturbing “isms” – liberalism, progressivism, humanism, satanism – can you also say what Isaiah said?

Send me, Lord.

As Christians, there will come a time when we’re going to be verbally attacked, and in some cases physically attacked or imprisoned, as Jesus was. Knowing that this is a possibility in your lifetime here in the United States, can you honestly say despite it all, “Send me, Lord?”

It’s something you should think about.

Loving God More

I’ve experienced some attacks myself. Talk about wreck your day. I’ve been called names and I’ve lost a couple of friends. I’ve received disgusting emails for writing online about my faith in God. It comes with the territory when you’re speaking up for Jesus Christ.

But, even though it hurts sometimes, I always come back to the reminder that God is ultimately in charge. I do love people, but I love God more.

A sin, is a sin, is a sin. Don’t fall for the wishy-washy, anti-biblical, numbed-down preaching of the worldly emergent churches.

If your church is not preaching the infallibility of Scripture – I urge you to leave and find another church. Time appears to be running short.

Be Discerning

Christians weren’t created to sit back, hide our heads in the sand, and say nothing if the righteousness of God is questioned. With gentleness and respect, we are to speak the truth from His Word.

Don’t deny your faith to be popular and don’t deny your faith just to keep a job. We will face trials and we are instructed to be bold and courageous. God knows what we are going through, every second of the day.

We will win some battles and we will lose some, but don’t give up.

Remember, God thinks you’re worth it. He delights in you and He’s on your side.
