Unfinished Masterpiece

The Unfinished Masterpiece in All of Us

Question: Why do I love writing about God?

I’m glad you asked (wink wink).

Simply, it’s because I’m grateful.

I’m grateful to God for His grace which I experienced first-hand.

Also, His love has put me in such a place of humility that I want to tell the world. 

When I think back about our tragic family accident and how more of us on that vacation could have been killed, I’m reminded that God spared my life here for a reason.

In fact, we’re all here for a purpose – to reach others for Christ and to glorify God with the talents that He has given us.Unfinished masterpiece

Writing is kind of my “thang” (excuse the vernacular, but this is a come-as-you are blog.)

I’m not the best writer in the world, but I do have a passion to share Christian articles, short stories, music, and poems – anything that can bring glory to our Heavenly Father.

With that in mind, I want to share a little narrative poem that I wrote called “Unfinished Masterpiece” awhile back.

Unfinished Masterpiece in the Making

If you think about it, we are all unfinished masterpieces in the making  – created by God.

Unfinished masterpiece in the making

The central character’s name in this narrative poem is Gina.

She’s a successful model with a high dollar contract. 

Not only was she beautiful, Gina also had the makings of a superstar . . . until that one day in September when tragedy struck.

Gina is a believer, but her faith took a tumble after a terrible accident.

This is Gina’s story of God’s grace and providence.


Unfinished Masterpiece

“You can do this!”
the nurse said with a determined smile.
I sat up and pleaded,
“Can’t this wait awhile?”

She said “I know you’re scared, it’s okay to shed some tears.
Together, and with God, we’ll face all of your fears.”
Nurse Lee was my favorite, and I knew she meant well,
But this month of hurt and broken bones was like my own personal hell.

My face covered in bandages would in minutes be revealed.
A career-ending accident, my fate was surely sealed.
As a fashion model, my whole life was the pursuit of fame.
If my face is permanently scarred, they won’t remember my name.

In my dreams, I cried, “God
I know that You’re real.
But being thrown through a windshield ruining my life
was never part of the deal.”

Nurse Lee removed my bandages, one by one and with care.
I looked in the mirror, no words for what I saw there.
A big-jagged scar right near my hairline.
One eye was black and swollen, the other slightly blind.

I vented, “That’s it, then.
It’s all over for me.”
Nurse Lee shook her head,
“No – please don’t give up so easily.”

“Remember what I told you, Gina, these weeks that you’ve been here?
God is not done with you, actually this could be your year.”
“My year for what?” I said, “living in fear?
Saying goodbye to success and everything I’ve held dear?”
She reassured me, “You’re not alone, just call, and I’ll be here.”

“Nothing makes sense, Lee, why’d this happen to me?”
With the kindest of eyes, she replied,
“Don’t you see? God sees our joys and He also sees our pain.
No matter what happens, His love is the same.
Call on Jesus, and I promise that He’ll give you rest.
I know your life seems bad right now, but please know that you’re blessed.”

“You’re strong and determined, in time you can turn this around.”
I was so comforted by her words, I didn’t make a sound.
Her unwavering faith left me in complete awe.
Unconditional trust in God, not her pity, was what I saw.

I felt a glimmer of hope, no longer was I at wit’s end,
Lee wasn’t just my nurse, she was now my friend.
My modeling career is over, but there’s more for me in store
Only God can open a window, after the closing of a door.

I wanted her kind of faith, the same joy she had in her eyes,
The kind that could stand up boldly to all of Satan’s lies.
She’s right. My whole life’s not over, there’s much more I could be,
With God’s help I’ll find out.
I said, “Lee, will you pray for me?”

She gave me a hug, and gladly obliged.
At the end of her prayer, genuine tears she cried.
“I’m going to miss you here, Gina, but we’ll keep in touch.”
I replied from my heart, “I can’t thank you enough.”

“Remember, you are God’s masterpiece, but He’s not finished with you yet.”
My doubts began to fade and I was no longer upset.
My long hospital stay now over, I have a new life to begin.
It’s very slow-going, but my heart is on the mend.

I’ll never forget that day in September,
God sent me an angel of a nurse to remember.
My long, painful journey is to finally get to a Place
Where I’ll get to meet Jesus and personally thank Him for His Grace.

@2022 Gracie Jane. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Augustine quotation, influential early Christian church leader, courtesy of Christian quotes.info.


Hitting the Refresh Button On Our Discouragement

Are you feeling discouraged?

Are the challenges in your life overwhelming at times?

I believe hitting the Refresh button on our troubled souls can help.

We should focus on God’s promises and reflect on the evidence of His grace and blessings in our lives.

The truth of God’s word can help us shut out worldly distractions and discouragement.

The key? We must remember who we are in Christ.

Always, always, always, even when it pours. when it rains it pours

When It Rains

I remember a difficult time in my life several years ago. I had recently become a Christian, and it seemed like a lot of things were going wrong, all at once. The difficulties piled on, one right after the other.

My recovery from a terrible accident felt like it was taking forever. Keeping up with my job responsibilities was difficult. The heavy cast on my damaged leg was a constant reminder of the accident and the effect it had on my family.

I just felt…broken.

Isn’t it interesting how the devil attacks when we’re at our most vulnerable?

One evening my husband and I went to a Wednesday worship service at our church.

The praise music was great. It lifted my spirits to sing out loud with fellow believers.

I stood in line to receive the Lord’s Supper. When it was my turn, the deacon placed the wafer in my outstretched hands and said, “Remember, you are God’s masterpiece.”

I’ve never forgotten his words. It was the right encouragement and the precious reminder that I needed to hear at that moment.

“Remember, you are God’s Masterpiece.”

The Master Designer thought enough of me and my potential to send me into the world.

He thinks enough of you, too.

It’s up to us, along with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to delight in God and shine His light to the whole world.

You are God's Masterpiece
