Where Jesus Walked

Where Jesus Walked – a Lifelong Dream

where Jesus walked

*Jerusalem photo credit

What a thrill it would be to see the Holy Land and to walk where Jesus walked!

It’s a lifelong dream of mine.

You may remember that the son of a friend of mine went on that journey three years ago. Not only that, he was baptized in the River Jordan.

My husband and I came very close to making a similar trip ourselves.

But, sadly, it didn’t happen.

You know what they say about best-laid plans.

Circumstances beyond our control made it necessary for us to cancel our trip – almost at the last minute. We were devastated.

God knows best, and for whatever mysterious reason we’ll find out later, it wasn’t the right time for us to go.

Fast forward to today.

My desire to go to the Holy Land remains – stronger than ever.

Watch Where Jesus Walked

Can you imagine what it would be like to walk on the same dusty roads that Jesus walked?

How would it feel to stroll the ancient paths and ponder how that very same landscape where Jesus once walked has changed after thousands of years of history?

I found a video on Vimeo that I think you might like. Normally I don’t share videos over 5 minutes because I realize your time is valuable.

But, this amazing video, just over 17 minutes long is mesmerizing.

I’ve watched it several times.

Many kudos to Biblical Israel Ministries & Tours (BIMT) and their Director, Dr. John Delancey.

The BIMT website offers a lot of information including the countless Israel study tours the group has hosted over the years as well as helpful teaching videos from their time in the Holy Land.  

As you will see below, the video is filmed from the viewpoint of the sandals of our Savior accompanied by beautiful Christian music.

I think it’s wonderful and thought-provoking, and I hope you enjoy.

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*Figure 1: This work, “Jerusalem” is used under the Pixabay License – free for commercial or private use / an artistic derivative created by me of the 2016 photo original. 

*Footsteps of Jesus [streaming video]. (2018). Courtesy of Biblical Israel Ministries & Tours. Retrieved from https://vimeo.com/272046179


In The Footsteps Of Jesus

Where Jesus Walked

Where’s the one place you’ve always wanted to go?

For me, I would love to go to Israel.

I know it would be a joy-filled trip, but also an emotional one.  

Following in His footsteps

The opportunity to walk in the footsteps of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ would be beyond thrilling.

For now, I can only live through the experiences of others and the incredible blessings they receive during their journey to the Holy Land.

A Trip To Remember

My desire to visit Israel ignited again recently when a dear friend told me about her son’s recent trip.

In His footsteps

This wasn’t just any vacation though.

For thirty-three-year-old David Britt Jr., his visit was much more meaningful than sightseeing and present-day immersion in Biblical history.

His “trip of a lifetime” included being baptized in the Jordan River, just as Jesus was.

Please don’t miss the significance.

It was at the age of 33 that Jesus had victory over the cross! He rose from the dead so that we, as repentant sinners, could have eternal life.

David’s baptism is a touching testament to the historical authenticity of God’s infinite grace and mercy.

Baptism in the River Jordan

Reflections Of His Light

One of the reasons I named this blog “Delight in God” is that I appreciate God’s grace in my own life. Like David, I’ve experienced both trials and joy.

When I heard that David wrote a poem about his trip, I couldn’t wait to ask permission to share it with you.

God’s Delight

Here is David’s very moving poem, “Your Delight”. It was written in Tiberias, Israel a couple of weeks ago. Many thanks to David for allowing me to publish it on my blog.

Your Delight

I was weary, and I was lost.
I knew to find salvation at any cost.

So I traveled to the holy land.
Led by the Lord’s gracious hand.

He led me to a group that
would welcome me.
Watching the light that
shined through them
proved this was the key.

They showed me the
fellowship I longed for.
And they led me through the door.

I followed willingly to seek
what I came to find.
And find I did with an
acceptance that was more
than kind.

I walked in the footsteps of
the One I serve.
Discovering a new
emotion with each gentle

I’ve felt things that only a
few will understand.
There’s something truly magical about this land.

I’ve seen great evil and
horrors untold in my life.
And the path I chose has
been filled with
unimaginable strife.

But You Oh God gave Your
only Son
For it is Your will that will
be done.

No matter how hard we
It is our love which fills Your delight.

We willingly give in to You
And Your proclamations of
love we will tell.

Make us into fishermen as
You said
So that no one is truly

But instead singing Your
eternal love.
In the land of paradise
directly above.

By David Britt Jr.  © All rights reserved. 2018.


* Photo from a private collection, courtesy of David Britt, Jr.
** Poem by Britt Jr., David. “Your Delight.” April 12th, 2018. Tiberias, Israel. Used with permission.
