Every Living Thing Matters to God

Why Every Living Thing Matters to God

We probably all know at least one person who says they can’t dance.

But, we also know, if they were to accidentally walk through a large spider web – all bets are off.

Trust me, you’ll see some moves you never thought you’d see. LOL!

I can’t resist. Are you up for a laugh?

Here’s a humorous example of a mother and daughter witnessing the spider “dance” from dear old dad.

Arachnophobia aside, spiders are amazing creatures with extraordinary abilities to survive in God’s kingdom.

Spiders prey on many different organisms and employ a wide range of strategies to capture prey. They may trap prey in sticky webs, lasso it with sticky balls, mimic it to avoid detection, or chase and tackle it. Most detect prey mainly by sensing vibrations, but active hunters have acute vision. – as quoted from ThoughtCo.1

Every living thing matters to God

God’s Grand Design – Every Living Thing Matters

Every living thing matters to God.

Even spiders, which some people are deathly afraid of, serve a valuable role in the grand design of the universe.

Through the beauty and complexity of the natural world, we are gifted the ability to see the fingerprints of God on every living thing.

How exciting is that?!

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, being understood by what has been made, so that they are without excuse.Romans 1:20, (NASB).2

the intricacy of a spider’s web

The beauty of a sunrise, the majesty of a mountain peak, and the intricacy of a spider’s web are just a few examples that reflect the attention to detail by our Sovereign Creator. 

Stronger Than Steel

Speaking of spider webs, I had no idea just how strong some of their webs are.

For instance, the Bark Spider “has the toughest silk ever seen — more than twice as tough as any previously described silk, and more than 10 times stronger than Kevlar.” – as quoted on the livescience.com website.3

Jaw drop!

The proteins forming spider silk make that silk one of the strongest materials in the world. Ounce for ounce, spider silk is the strongest. The golden orb-weaver spider’s webs can stop a bee mid-flight at 20mph and can even stop small birds. If humans could create spider silk as thick as a pencil, it could stop a jet airplane mid-flight!The Institute for Creation Research.4

Spider webs can also be huge, like some of those tracked on the island of Madagascar, or even this one at a wastewater treatment plant in Baltimore.

I think I‘ll avoid those places for now, thank you.

Every Living Thing Matters to God – You and Me

Why all this talk about spiders today?

Because the Creator of every living thing also created you and me.

The difference between us and the rest of the natural world is that we are made in God’s image.

Through Jesus Christ, our fallen nature (just take a look at the headlines) is redeemed so we can have eternal life through Him. 

He graciously offers forgiveness and reconciliation to a broken world.

What can we do with that knowledge?

Spread the word!

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1 Quotation courtesy of Hadley, Debbie. “Characteristics of Spiders.” ThoughtCo, Apr. 5, 2023, thoughtco.com/spiders-order-araneae-1968563.

2 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

3 Livescience quotation [2010] Courtesy of livescience.com., “Itsy Bitsy Spider’s Web 10 Times Stronger Than Kevlar ” Web. Accessed 20 February, 2024.

4 Quotation courtesy of The Institute For Creation Research. From “Spider Silk Properties Ideal for Nerve Repairs”, August 10, 2023., Web.  Accessed 22nd February, 2024. Retrieved from Spider Silk Properties.


Use Your Voice

Use Your Voice – The World Needs The Savior

Has anyone ever said to you:

No one cares what you think

You don’t matter

First of all, pity those people.

The truth is: God loves you.

Your value comes from Him and no one can take that away from you.

What a precious thought!!

You’re worth it!

Each of us are created in His image, and God doesn’t make mistakes.

Therefore, you are not a mistake.

He wired you with passions, convictions, and gifts to reflect His heart to a world in need. You’ve got some good work to do, battles to fight, and giants to confront. You have some gifts to steward, moments to enjoy, and wisdom to acquire. You were crafted by God’s own hand.1 – Susie Larson, Christian author.

Isn’t that beautiful?

But, why would a sovereign God create any of us, when all of us fail Him daily?

And, what about those lost people who reject Him entirely?

Why would He create something that causes Him pain? I say ask your parents. Why do parents bring children into the world, knowing that they will cause us pain? Because we are made in God’s image and, like God, we want to to give and to receive love. Parents will endure all kinds of pain because of this love. – John Oaks, Christian author and teacher. 

parental love

Perhaps you’ve heard the expression, “With all your faults, I love you still.”

That represents the essence of what I’m saying here.

God knows our faults full well, yet He forgives.

Through His Son Jesus, we have been granted incomprehensible and immeasurable grace.

Use Your Voice, Tell Your Story

For those people in your life who cut you down with their words or actions, remember, the one Who gave you life is with You through this often difficult life journey.

Try not to let their petty comments bother you.

Our purpose is to glorify Him, no matter what our circumstances and through the good times and the bad.

Use your voice

If you’re breathing, He has handpicked you to help shine His light in your sphere of influence . . . wherever you are and through whatever challenges you’re facing.

It’s not because He needs your help, but because He has uniquely gifted you.

But how can I glorify Him in a nursing home, for example?

Here’s just a couple of suggestions:

Use your voice

Talk about Jesus and share your journey to faith 

Write down your testimony (or get someone to do it for you)

             It can be a part of your legacy for your children and grandchildren

I do feel like, looking at the mess our country is in today . . . time is short.

Fear isn’t our authority, God is.

Christians – we need to get to work wherever God has placed us.

Use your voice, tell your story – whatever it takes.

If God has brought you through, or is bringing you through something difficult, share the Source of your strength.

One day soon, we will see Jesus face to face, and all of our sorrows will be wiped away, never to trigger us again. We’ll only know everlasting joy. We’ll know Jesus like we never imagined possible. What treasured gifts await us! – Susie Larson, Christian author.

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Susie Larson quotations, courtesy of susielarson.com, “You Are A Masterpiece”. Adapted from Susie’s 365 Devotional, Prevail.

John Oakes quotation, courtesy of EvidenceforChristianity.org, Doctrinal questions. “Why did God create us if He knew we would be imperfect and cause Him such pain?” June 3, 2015., para. 4. Retrieved from https://evidenceforchristianity.org/why-did-god-create-us-if-he-knew-we-would-be-imperfect-and-cause-him-such-pain/
