God’s Amazing Creation
Delighting in God’s Amazing Creation
Out of all of the amazing creatures that God created, the crow is usually not the “first” one that comes to my mind.
Let’s face it – in the “beauty” department, the crow just doesn’t measure up to, let’s say, the colorful and talkative parrot.
But, as only our Creator can do, He has equipped the crow with fascinating characteristics and intelligence that can only come from the Most High.
Did you know that crows can hold grudges?
If you pick a fight with a crow, it just may dive-bomb you the next time you cross their path.
From now on, I just plan to smile and wave at them.
God’s Amazing Creation – Carpenter Crows
Did you know that crows can also make tools?
In the experiment highlighted in the video below, a crow actually bends a small twig to reach the desired but, difficult-to-reach, morsel of food!
I don’t think I’ll ever look at a crow the same way again.
A fascinating bird that I barely looked at before, has now gotten my attention.
As Christians, we know that all of the praise for God’s amazing creation go to Him alone.
On the glorious splendor of Your majesty
And on Your wonderful works, I will meditate. – Psalm 145:5, (NASB).1
Admiring the majesty of God’s creation honors Him.
Only God is to be worshiped, for creation exists by His power and for His glory. His existence knows no beginning or end, and He will reign forever. He is the King. Today, exalt Him as He alone deserves. Go for a walk or look out of the window and praise Him as you see His beauty displayed in what He has made. Praise Him as He continues to rule over His creation, holding you in His sovereign hand. – Alistair Begg, Christian pastor and author.2
Are you feeling a little distracted today? Look outside and delight in what God has done!
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1 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.
2 Quotation from Alistair Begg, Christian pastor, author, founder of Truth For Life Teaching Ministry. Web. Accessed 30, May, 2022. Retrieved from https://truthforlife.org/devotionals/alistair-begg/1/1/2022/