Cochren & Company One Day

Cochren & Company One Day

Everybody loving everybody.

Can you imagine?

There will be no more doubts, or fears, or tears.

No more disappointments or rejections.

No more mainstream media or political parties. 

Is that even possible, or is it wishful thinking?

Here’s the answer, and it’s good news for believers.

It will happen one day . . . when we reach Heaven.

Pain, suffering, and death will no longer exist.

That blessed promise is the timely theme of Cochren & Co.’s new single, “One Day” released last week by Gotee Records.

If you watch the video closely, you’ll see a cameo by well-known Christian hip hop recording artist TobyMac, among others making an appearance.

Check it out.

Speaking of Gotee Records, the independent label was co-founded by TobyMac in 1994, and produced many successful artists since.

Who is Cochren & Co.?

Cochren and Company

The talented musicians, headed up by singer/songwriter Michael Cochren, officially began touring as Cochren & Co. in 2014, opening up for headliners such as Newsboys, Crowder, and Jeremy Camp.

Here’s what Michael had to say about the group’s new song, “One Day,” which received more than 14,000 views since it premiered last week on YouTube. Impressive!

I pray this song points you to the hope beyond this world, to the day when all things are finally made right.2Michael Cochren of Cochren and Company. 

In 2018, Cochren and Co. signed with Gotee Records. The group’s song, “Church (Take Me Back)”, debuted as a Top Ten Billboard Christian Airplay Hit Single. 

In case you haven’t heard it yet, please listen closely to the lyrics.

It captures a vital truth that the church is not for perfect people, it’s a “shelter for sinners” in need of Jesus.

On Tour With TobyMac

If you’d like to hear Cochren and Co. in person, I have great news.

Next year, the group is on the lineup for TobyMac’s Hits Deep Tour 2020! 

TobyMac Tour

TobyMac tour photo from my personal collection

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1Cochren & Company photo, courtesy of cochrenmusic instagram post. 6 October, 2018. Accessed 8 October, 2019. Retrieved from

2Cochren, Michael, quotation courtesy of Cochrenmusic instagram post. 27 September, 2019. Accessed 7 October, 2019. Retrieved from


TobyMac’s Latest Tour Shines Bright In Dallas

TobyMac Tour Shines Bright in the Big D

Hands down, my best birthday present ever was getting to see TobyMac in concert…and getting to meet him.

I’m a huge fan and the tour for his latest album, the Grammy-nominated, “This Is Not A Test,” was already on my radar. I could hardly contain my excitement when I found out that my husband’s birthday surprise included a meet-and-greet with the artist himself.

TobyMac selfie

Backstage With TobyMac

Going backstage pre-concert was a thrill that I’ll remember for the rest of my life. I wasn’t the only one on cloud 9. My husband and I were standing in the meet-and-greet line behind a dad and his two young daughters. I asked one of them which song off the album was her favorite and she said, “All of them!”

Toby was gracious to everyone and accommodating of each selfie request. When it was my turn, I got the prized photo above, plus Toby wished me a “Happy Birthday.”


The Verizon Theater in Dallas was packed with concert goers of all ages and the excitement was contagious.

The lineup included some impressive talent, namely, Colton Dixon, Hollyn, and Britt Nicole.

Some brief words about these other artists:

Hollyn sings

Hollyn was amazing and I love her musical collaborations with Toby. She has a powerful voice and I have no doubt she’ll be someone to watch in the world of Christian music.

A song from Colton Dixon

You may remember Colton Dixon as a former American Idol finalist. His driving rhythms had the crowd rocking from the first few seats all the way up to the rafters. I could actually feel his music in my chest.

I’ve seen him in interviews. He’s a sweet guy with a passion for sharing the message of Christ through his God-honoring lyrics. I’m grateful there are artists like Colton whose music appeals to a whole new generation of fans who are searching for meaning in a reckless world.

Britt Nicole charms the audience

Britt Nicole was a delight. She has more energy than any female recording artist I’ve ever seen on stage. Girl’s got some moves! A highlight was when she walked down into the audience and took selfies with young kids during her songs.

Toby Mac-netizes The Crowd With Unforgettable Hooks and a Dynamic Stage Presence

There was a short curtain glitch before TobyMac and DiverseCity came on. Once the curtain was righted, the crowd erupted in a loud roar as my new friend Toby (emphasis mine) came out on stage waving a huge white banner singing, “Til The Day I Die.”

opening number for TobyMac

You could safely say that every song he sang received a standing ovation from start to finish. We didn’t sit down once  🙂

I love his new album and, of course, I have my favorite songs already. He’s hit it out of the park again with “This Is Not a Test” – electrifying, heart-pumping rhythms that give you the irresistible urge to jump up and dance like no one’s watching.

TobyMac tour

Here are some thoughts on my faves:

Backseat Driver (Feat. Hollyn & Tru) – First off, let me mention, if you didn’t already know, Tru is Toby’s son. The title of this song and the catchy lyrics? Well, pure genius. Aren’t we all backseat drivers to God’s direction at one time or another? We want things our way, otherwise, we want God out of the way. This song emphasizes that our desire should be to let God be God and give control to Him.

Check out this official lyric video for the song, BackSeat Driver.

Aren’t We All Control Freaks At Times?

How many of us want to take over, take the wheel, take God out of the circumstances of our lives? In our moments of self-absorption, we sometimes think that we are actually in control. This is a song about surrendering everything to God and resting in the knowledge that He knows what’s best for us.

Lights Shine Bright (Feat. Hollyn) – Hollyn’s soulful vocals do not disappoint on this song. It begins with a whisper then builds to the unforgettable refrain.

Feel It (Feat. Mr. Talkbox) – this is another favorite. Like most of Toby’s songs, this is a high energy tune with empowering lyrics that embrace the spirit of our faith – that no matter what, Christ is all we need.

Move (Keep Walkin’)– If unanswered prayers have you feeling down, this song serves as a battle cry and important reminder to keep pushing forward because we have the promise of eternal victory through Christ. The lyrics are a battle cry really, with precise rhythms like what you might expect of soldiers marching into battle.

Undeniable – The lyrics to Undeniable are beautiful. Here’s a sample:

You’re the bright and morning star,

but still You speak to my heart.

Undeniable, You are,

You are.

God is on His throne above, Lord of all, and yet He speaks to our hearts and knows our names. His signature is on everything. It’s like a prayer. I love the addition of the youth choir singing at the end of this song.

TobyMac Just Keeps Getting Better and Better

The Hits Deep Tour is scheduled to begin in early February. You can find his latest tour dates on his website,

TobyMac in Dallas

God bless!


Christian Music Challenge – The CMC

Do You Listen To Christian Music?

If not, I want to share something exciting with you.

Christian music is like an anchor during a storm. You can get back your peace and perspective despite the depressing headlines of the day. Just about everyone I talk to is ready to get a break from all of this junk going on in our world.

Listening to Christian MusicYou have a lot of options when you listen to music.

Did you ever take the original Christian Music Challenge developed by Al Menconi? Taking that Challenge many years ago opened up a lot of musical doors for me. I’m talking about great Christian music, in all genres from pop to country to Christian rap. But, more about that later.

Shutting Out The Negative Values of This World

Our increasingly dark world will promote and glamorize anything that goes against our faith in Jesus Christ.

I can’t even turn on the television or read the news without negative headlines or news briefs changing my usually happy disposition to one of instant irritation.

depressing news headlinesThen there are the offensive plot lines that appear every night on television which are also glorified on movie screens across the country. Some parents deny that type of exposure can have a bad influence on their kids and sadly take their underage children to R-rated movies.

Does that make any sense at all? Why aren’t those parents taking the time to check out a movie before they take their kids to it?

There are enough websites out there to let us know if a movie has overtly sexual themes or is laced with obscenities.

I’ve made that mistake myself, although I didn’t have kids with me.

Recently, I started watching the movie “Wild” with Reese Witherspoon. I made the mistake of assuming this movie would be a lighthearted adventure.

Big mistake.

I should have, and will, from now on, check out a thorough movie review website first. Terrible language (including the mocking of Christ) was spewed in the movie, plus gratuitous and graphic nudity.

I turned it off about 15 minutes in, totally disgusted. What a terrible waste of time and money.

Here’s a helpful website that can help parents make better decisions about the movies they plan to take their kids to go see.

hollywood doesn't care about your familiesHollywood Doesn’t Care

Hollywood doesn’t care about your kids or your family. If you’re a parent, relative, or a babysitter, for goodness sake, be aware of what the kids are watching. Don’t be fooled into thinking a movie is okay because the actors promoting it had some safer-viewing movies in the past.

What’s really sad, is that type of “entertainment” (and I use the word loosely) is later honored at a glamorous award ceremony with celebrities applauding each other for making millions of dollars.

I guess this makes me “uncool” for saying this, and I’m fine with that.

I love people, but I love Jesus Christ more.

Discovering Christian Music

For me, taking the Christian Music Challenge was like finding an anchor during a storm. I used to think that Christian music was just hymns and gospel. As beautiful as those genres are, it is comprised of so much more.

There are a lot of Christian rap artists I love to listen to – Toby Mac, for instance. I can listen to his music, crank it up, dance to it even, and not worry that I’m filling my head with the constant drilling-in of lyrics promoting hookups and violence.

Praise God for that!

We have options to offensive entertainment, we just have to take the time to seek it out. You can search youtube, Jesus Freak Hideout, New Release Tuesday, NoiseTrade, and – to name a few places to discover great Christian music.

These days, a Christian mindset is often ridiculed. For what? For wanting to protect children, for wanting to keep our own thoughts on things above?

Your Whole Family Can Commit to Joy

You and your family can rise above the negative, overtly sexual, and violent secular entertainment and instead have a heart and mind focused on finding peace in Jesus Christ.

When the headlines are getting me down, I turn on music that lifts me up and brings me back to joy. God is in control and nothing that’s happening today is without His knowledge.

Don’t worry: this is not about forever tuning out any other type of music. But, you’ll find that your choices become more and more in line with a changed heart.

The real question to think about is: why would you want to waste your time with entertainment that’s against biblical values and may possibly undermine your relationship with the Lord?

don't undermine your relationship with the Lord

My iPod is filled with a lot of music…country, classic rock and so on. But, I now turn to music choices from all genres that are uplifting and don’t dishonor God. I want my mind to be focused on things above, not jumbled and distracted.

I want my entertainment choices to enrich my life, not bring me down. I’d rather have my thoughts go somewhere like this, wouldn’t you?

Christian musicFrom now on, I’m focusing on making better choices.

Bring it on home, TobyMac!


Unforgettable TobyMac On Tour


What a headline!

Okay, it didn’t quite go that way.

I can dream, can’t I?

TobyMac tour

As you may have guessed, a few nights ago, my husband and I went to see TobyMac in concert. 


I’m a huge fan.

Did I say HUGE?

I’ve already forgiven him for not asking me to come up on stage and sing with him.

I mean really, I was right there and available to join his backup band.

Oh well.

I’ll have my people talk to his people.

By the way, do you have “people”?

Yea, me neither.

On Tour With TobyMac

TobyMac was one of the best, most dynamic, fun concerts I’ve ever attended.

I would go see him again in a heartbeat.

Here’s some information regarding his tour schedule in case you’re interested.

He sang all of my favorite songs, including “Lose My Soul.”

Here’s a video so you can hear it too.

You might as well call my iPod, the “TobyMac song catalog.”

When I’m driving, I like to crank up the volume, sing along, and annoy the cars next to me.

Thank you for a GREAT concert, TobyMac

We love you here in Texas!
