Happy Thanksgiving 2023


Wishing You a Very Happy Thanksgiving 2023

Happy Thanksgiving 2023

Can you believe it’s Thanksgiving 2023 already?

It seems like time always flies at the end of the year.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to say “thank you.”

My heart is overflowing with appreciation for all of you who have visited my blog, Delight in God, through the years.

It means a lot to me that you have followed me on my faith journey.

Whether it’s celebrating in God’s blessings, or working through the trials that He allows in our lives, we can know that our Father will lead and guide us – always to a greater good.

I am so thankful we have a loving God who cares about us.

We deserve His wrath, and yet He gave us His Son to pay the price for our sins so that repentant sinners will have eternal life.

Who would demonstrate such incomprehensible love like that for you and me?

Only a Holy Sovereign God, who deserves ALL of our praise.

On this Thanksgiving Day 2023, we give thanks to the One who created all things.

In closing, I wanted to share this encouragement from the psalmist in Psalm 146:

1Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord, my soul!
2I will praise the Lord while I live;
I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.Psalm 146:1-2, (NASB).

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1 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.


Happy Thanksgiving 2019!

Wishing You A Happy Thanksgiving 2019

Happy Thanksgiving 2019

May your day be filled with joy, but even more importantly, gratitude for the One Who gave His own life so that you could have Eternal Life.

Gratitude = Praise

How would you describe gratitude?

Saying thanks

Appreciating all of God’s blessings

A thankful heart is one of the primary identifying characteristics of a believer. It stands in stark contrast to pride, selfishness, and worry. And it helps fortify the believer’s trust in the Lord and reliance of His provision, even in the toughest times. No matter how choppy the seas become, a believer’s heart is buoyed by constant praise and gratefulness to the Lord.1 – John MacArthur, Pastor and Bible Teacher, Grace To You.

Thank You Jesus

A.W Tozer offers another great description of gratitude here.

Gratitude is an offering precious in the sight of God, and it is one that the poorest of us can make and be not poorer, but richer for having made it.2A.W. Tozer, Christian theologian and author.

As we close out another year, I wanted to take this opportunity to say that I am deeply thankful to all of you who have visited my blog posts over the years. I have watched the number of visitors grow over time, more than I could have imagined.

All glory to God forever!

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1 John MacArthur quotation, courtesy of Crosswalk.com. 14 November, 2016. #12. Web. Accessed 12 November, 2019. Retrieved from https://www.crosswalk.com/faith/spiritual-life/inspiring-quotes/30-christian-quotes-about-thankfulness.html

2 A.W.Tozer (1897-1963) quotation, courtesy of Crosswalk.com. n.d. Web. Accessed 14 November, 2019. Retrieved from https://www.crosswalk.com/faith/spiritual-life/inspiring-quotes/30-christian-quotes-about-thankfulness.html


Happy Thanksgiving 2016

Happy Thanksgiving 2016!

Happy Thanksgiving 2016

It’s that wonderful time of year again.

Time to roll out your favorite holiday traditions.

Don’t you just love Thanksgiving?

Get ready because, in this blog post, I’ll share my best all-time tip for having an enjoyable Thanksgiving. I don’t share this with just anyone, either.

But First …

I thought we’d start with some fun questions to get you in the mood.

Here are some very easy questions that are sure to pose some controversy. Let’s not fight over this, okay?  🙂

Roasted, Smoked, or Fried Turkey?

Smoked … all the day long.

Once I tried my husband’s smoked turkey for the first time, we’ve never gone back.

For us, nothing can compare with a smoked turkey. It’s so moist when it comes out of the smoker, there’s no need to brine the bird.

No brine – no kidding.

Seriously, isn’t that big bird going through enough?

If I had to pick a second choice, it would be a fried turkey. We’ve had neighbors share some of their fried turkey with us and it is delicious. However, I’m a smoked girl for life.

All of you turkey roasters out there, I still love you.

Sautéed Green Beans or Green Bean Casserole?

My imaginary evil twin always picks the green bean casserole. On Thanksgiving day, she wins. Sautéed beans are so much better for you, but hey, ya gotta live a little. 

At our house, we even add some Mexican cheese to our green bean casserole.

I know, I know.

Giada De Laurentiis would have a cow over that, but it’s Thanksgiving, for goodness sake.

P.S.  I had to look up how to spell Giada’s last name.

P.P.S.  Giada was born in Italy. I have Italian blood. We might be related.

More Questions, Stick With Me

Creamy Mashed Potatoes or Sweet Potato Casserole?

The answer for us is:

Ding, ding, ding!

Creamy mashed potatoes.

I let my husband make the potatoes. Cooking them keeps him busy so I can go sit down and rest my feet for a moment. I used to have a lot of energy. I save it now for special occasions.

Real Cranberry Sauce or That Red Blob Thing That Comes in a Can?

cranberry sauceIf you ask me, hands down, the real cranberry sauce.

I have Alex Guarnaschelli’s recipe for a yummy cranberry sauce made with real cranberries, cinnamon, a hint of orange zest, and other holiday spices. It is too die for and it makes my kitchen smell good.

I never used to like cranberry sauce growing up, but now this gourmet recipe is something I look forward to on Thanksgiving Day.

If you ask my husband, I hate to say it, he prefers the wobbly red thing that looks like it could eat Manhattan.

A A H H H!

If he wasn’t so cute, it could have been a deal-breaker.

Pecan Pie or Pumpkin Pie?

pecan pie all the way

Pecan pie, all the way.

It’s full of brown sugary goodness that makes you want to scarf it all down in one sitting. Afterwards, if you can stand up, you can go in another room and try to discreetly unbutton the top button of your pants.

C’mon – you know do.  😉

You’ve Been Patiently Waiting

And now, here’s my big tip for Thanksgiving to make it a lot more enjoyable.

Drum roll, please.

Hide the stupid scale.

You know what I’m talking about – that contraption in your bathroom that you step on to get your weight.

It’s Thanksgiving and it’s meant to enjoy. Unless you have medical reasons that prevent you from eating whatever you want – then celebrate this special day with your loved ones and get back on the diet when it’s all over.

That’s an order, then report back to me.

Thank you

On an even more personal note, I just wanted to say thank you for reading my blog this year.

If I had your addresses I would send all of you some chocolate chip cookies.

God is so good and we have so much to be thankful to Him for.

I hope your Thanksgiving is filled with much joy and love.



Happy Thanksgiving, Friends!

Happy Thanksgiving, Friends!

Happy Thanksgiving

I love Thanksgiving. Next to Christmas, it’s my favorite time of the year.

It’s fun to dig out all of my Mom’s old recipes. There’s a memory connected to each one.

Yesterday, I pulled out my trusty 3-ring binder and it’s chock full of pages listing ingredients that make my mouth water.

We kept our Thanksgiving meal pretty traditional when I was growing up. I have fond memories of delicious food, footballs games on television, and board games spread out to challenge everyone. The masterpiece finale was always my Dad’s pecan pie.

The secret ingredient? A big dose of love.

A Few Tweaks to the Thanksgiving Meal

My husband and I both love to cook. In fact, we watch most of the cooking competitions on Food Network so we’ve come up with a few successful tweaks to Thanksgiving recipes.

Uh oh, I said “tweaks.”

Now don’t hate.

I do like pumpkin pie, it’s just not my favorite.

pecan pie

Give me a pecan pie any day. A slice of that pecan deliciousness and I’m on a happy sugar high for hours.

On another note, when you’re around me, please pronounce it  “puh con,” and not “pee can,” or you’ll drive me crazy! We southerners take that kind of thing seriously  😉

I have to confess, I have tweaked my Mom’s green bean casserole recipe. I always thought that green bean casseroles were…uh…very bland.

There, I said it! Sorry, mom.

So, with the best intentions and a nod to the great state of Texas and Tex Mex, I add Mexican cheese to my green bean casserole. I have to say – it rocks!

I hope you have an enjoyable Thanksgiving and I wish you safe travels if you’re away from home.

May your week be filled with love and joy and, most importantly, gratitude to our heavenly Father.

God bless!


Our Great Thanksgiving

I can’t wait to tell you about our great Thanksgiving.

I hope yours was great as well. How is everyone out there?

We ate way too much of course and my pants are fitting just a wee bit tighter.
I’ll start back on that diet tomorrow. 🙂

our great ThanksgivingWe had a fun group at our house for the big day and a LOT of food. My husband smoked the turkey and it was simply delicious. I give him major props because he never disappoints when it comes to smoking the bird.

There was the usual fisticuffs over who would get the dark meat, but we got through it.  🙂

It was a bit of a risk, but every side dish I made was a new recipe. I’ve been watching the Food Network religiously and had printed off yummy recipes from The Pioneer Woman, Alex Guarnaschelli, Katie Lee from The Kitchen, and others.

Everything came out great. I was so happy happy happy.

Who gets an A+ for side dishes this year?

This girl!

Gratitude and Love

After dinner, each one of us took a turn and one-by-one said what we were thankful for about each person at the table. It was a touching and memorable moment. It really was.

I love Thanksgiving!

I hope yours was happy and blessed.

God bless 🙂

 Graphic courtesy of Pixabay.com
